Jumpers in Past/Present/Future spread


Where do the jumpers in that sort of spread belong? The past, present or future?



I don't think they belong in any of the three positions. They should be a category upon themselves - extra advice, a summation, etc. Just go with your instincts.


I think it would be very difficult to decide where they belong in a spread. They could be considered as single card readings. Write them down and see if any patterns emerge.

Mary Greer in her book Tarot for Yourself, offers an exercise in a different context, but says of the cards that fall out of the deck: "These cards indicate where you can find the actions and energies of that suit/element in your life right now." (p. 85). Maybe that's an answer?



contrascarpe said:
I don't think they belong in any of the three positions. They should be a category upon themselves - extra advice, a summation, etc. Just go with your instincts.

This is my take on it too. I just include them as extra info the universe wants the querent to have on the issue.



Howdy lad,

I seldomly have a card "jump" out of a deck while shuffling, on the rare occasions when I do, I generally read it as a separate, additional card to the reading. Here is another (older) thread on this topic which was recently resurrected:



I use the jumpers for an "extra" message from the cards.
Something else the universe wants you to know.
I just turn it up and read it as a bonus or wild card,
to help give more insight to the reading. :)

Red Emma


I suspect the answer to your question is, 'it depends.' When I get a jumper, it's usually the answer all by itself. I can forget the rest of whatever I laid out because they really don't pertain.
