books on dream interpretation~ Help please.


I have two friends who are nutty about talking about their dreams and no conversation is ever complete without them asking me to interpret a dream they've just had.
For Chirstmas I bought them each a soft white bath robe a box of ohhh so good smelling sandlewood soaps and I want to get them each a book on dream interpretation.
More of an encyclopedia type book of dream symbols and what they might mean.
I did a search here on Aeclectic, but came up empty.

So can any of you recommend a book you've found that you really like on dream interpretation?
Thank you :)


Dream Interpretation.

Hello Lark,

I have read quite a few books on dreams. Books by Jeremy Taylor, Robert Moss, Jung and others have been very helpful, but they are not "dream dictionaries". If you are looking for something in this category I would suggest:

Dreams your Magic Mirror - Elsie Sechrist.

Mary Summer Rain's Guide to Dream Symbols - Mary Summer Rain.


Thank you Rviewer. :)
I'll check those out.
I'm not happy with anything I've seen on Amazon yet...but those two are new to me.