Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Three


Wheels of Life

Kahlie said:
Well, my first dream centered around my brother. The PC was in the background and it was doing something for me. My brother had hurted my Tarot of Dreams Card and I was furious. I pulled his hair a bit and suddenly my whole hand was filled with hair and he had a big bald spot on his forehead.
I was horrified. My sister then walked in - I moved my brother out so I could tell him what had happened.
He told me not to worry and just combed his remaining hair over his forehead.
Do you know which card(s) was/were damaged? This could be significant.

Yes, from this dream and the succeeding story, it does sound like your brother is dealing with pain by attempting to deny it. This is of course quite common in the grief process, for either gender. It is also common for outsiders such as your lover's family to try to minimize death and grief, because both are frightening. I am sorry you are going through these trials with your grandmother's passing - it should be a time of joy and thanks!
Kahlie said:
We where looking at a Chinese Food Stand with several other things. I was looking for sugar snaps (sesame seeds in honey), but I could only find the peanut one's. Strangely enough I saw a big sign of "KFC: Passionfruit Milkshakes" in the middle of the stand.
I then saw something that said: "In the Zamussi or Zanussi methology the Third Chakra relates to <color - unsure what it was a type of pale purple I think> and zinc. It helps allieviate backpain and choking'.
Then I woke up.
There is a real quest for spiritual nurture here! The association of the Third Chakra with pale purple and choking, which would conventionally be seen at the Fifth Chakra, is actually not so surprising. Very often the chakras are expressed in dualities, and the following pairs are most typical: Crown-Root, Brow-Sacral, Throat-Solar Plexus. Difficulties in both are often interdependent. For example, in the Throat-Solar Plexus dynamic, blocks in creativity will affect the expression of healthy egoic energy, or an overbearing or tentative ego will stifle the expression of creativity.
Kahlie said:
I am going to hold my hematite near me and hope it grounds me some more. I'm also going to look into that Chakra thing... It's so strange... Edited to Add: I can't find that - but I for some reason did suddenly started searching Samsara Chakra... don't know where the word came from...
As you have undoubtedly researched, samsara is a word for the journey, and by implication can refer to dualistic reality itself. In dualistic terms, nirvana could be thought of as the opposite of samsara. In unitive understanding, both nirvana and samara are found to be one and the same.

A chakra is a wheel, originally associated with the sun itself. If you put samara and chakra together, one could loosely translate this as "Wheel of Life". Chakras are themselves called "wheels of life", but by associating samsara directly with them you emphasize the cosmic aspect of those wheels.


This Place Riqs!

September 19, 2006

From an earlier dream all that I remember is that I am involved in some kind of horse and sword battle. When I wake briefly I suspect this refers to the egoic turmoil over the decision to buy a riq. Shower analysis this morning helpfully supplied that the conflict was between Celts and Romans, who would represent the forces of creative and dynamic lunar anarchy versus hierarchical and conservative solar control.

In a later dream I am watching my blonde wife, Geri, dressed in a swirl of purple and mauve middle-eastern clothing, singing and playing the riq in the centre of the living room. Smoke begins to issue from the empty light socket in the ceiling above her. I go upstairs to the loft and discover that there is a small fire burning on the centre of our bed. The smoke is thick but easy to breathe, with a pleasant and refreshing scent. I rescue our baby from his crib in the upper room and take him downstairs and outside.

At this point I notice smoke coming from various parts of the house, and even from the fire hydrant on the other side of the street. I leave the baby with an onlooker and return inside. Geri is still singing and playing, and so I take a seat. My father insists that I should do something about the fire. I briefly consider it but say that the firemen have it under control. The dream ends.


Notes on the Dream "This Place Riqs!"

As soon as I wake up I ask who Geri is. "Halliwell". I have a vague recollection of Geri Halliwell from a pop girls group, and in shower analysis it is suggested that I check out her charitable work. Then it occurs to me that she was probably in the group that sung "Walk Like an Egyptian", and things begin to make sense.

But Wikipedia research shows that in fact it was another "girl group", The Bangles, that sung "Walk Like an Egyptian", whereas Geri was Ginger Spice, alias Sexy Spice from The Spice Girls. As far as the dream imagery goes, I think that I was intended to connect Geri to the Egyptian song in any event. Although it was the Spice Girls who deliberately identified themselves with girl power, the earlier Bangles can be seen as part of the same movement.

But Geri was used in the dream as an iconic blonde performer whom I would eventually realize was an expression of my inner Pallas Athena. In fact I sensed right away that the presence of Geri was through one of the entities playing a symbolic role, rather than being representative of Geri herself. This makes a great deal of sense, since not only have I previously identified Pallas as the bodhrán player, but my reaction to her as being my wife, neither attracted nor repulsed but neutral, reflects the inherent relationship with Pallas, who is not seen as the other, but a bridging extension between the ego and the numinous.

I also note that whereas the drum head of the bodhrán is made from the skin of a wild male goat, with obvious connections to Pan, Capricorn and the Devil; the Egyptian riq has a fish skin head, a very Piscean image, connecting well with the image of the Nile. Until the construction of the Aswan Dam the Nile was one of the most dramatically mutable rivers in the world, with a predictable annual flood of between 15 and 21 metres, associated with the severity of the monsoons in Ethiopia, themselves influenced by the primary and secondary sunspot cycles as described here. Each year the flood was cause for a new year's celebration, and the extent of the flood - dropping rich fertile soils on the submerged fields - determined the productivity of the upcoming crops (the Egyptian year was in fact divided into three phases: Flood, Growth and Harvest).

Like the Nile, Pallas and her instruments represent both the division and the connection between the Western and Eastern kingdoms, between left and right brains, sunset and sunrise, Swords/Staffs and Cups/Pentacles. Note that she plays and sings at "the centre of the living room", at that a fire burns in "the centre of our [marriage] bed". From this fire a smoldering smoke fills the air above, descending to Geri through the light socket in the ceiling, as if being invoked by her creative activity. This is a non-toxic scent, "pleasant and refreshing", a variation on the theme of "the scent of a woman" from the previous dream.

More specifically, this smoke is an incense, an embodiment of the element of air, drawn down from the sacred fire of union at the loft of the psyche, the Crown Chakra, by the resonance of the jingles on the Piscean drum. This smoke infuses the water of the sacral, so that even the fire hydrants flow forth with incense. Thus we experience "smoke on the water, fire in the sky" as "the spirit [wind] of God hovers over the waters".

The baby, who is in no danger, represents the creative product of our union. He manifests fully, birthed down and out at the Root, and offered up to the outer world. But the creative work continues, over the protests of the Saturnine Father. For I am convinced that the purpose of the firemen is not to extinguish the fire, but to contain and nurture it, for they are warders of the transformative flame of creative energy.

One expression of this in consensual reality is that, contrary to the fears of the Saturnine conservative within, it is likely that I will eventually play the riq too at church, as now I regularly play the bodhrán. A couple of days ago, Lynn and I joked about the possible conservative reaction to the presence of an exotic tambourine: "Eew! What a riq!" "This place riqs!"

Oh yes, from Wikipedia, here is a description of Geri's charitable work:
In 1999, after having left the Spice Girls, Geri Halliwell became a representative for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). As a goodwill ambassador, Halliwell toured the Philippines on a fact-finding trip. Halliwell visited with staff and clients of family planning clinics, women’s groups in slum areas, and college students.


The Irrevocable Descent

September 20, 2006

I remember a repetition of the same dream throughout the night. A woman ascends to the top of the house, the loft, and after a short rest she descends. No matter if there is a blockage or upcoming traffic on the stairs, she will go down. If need be, a trapdoor will appear with a ladder and she will go down even faster than she came up.

Within the context of this cycle of dreams this experience has a simple yet powerful message. Once Shakti has ascended to the Crown, she is so empowered by Shiva that there is almost nothing that can delay her return to the Heart and Root. Even blockages and interference will be circumvented, for she now has the power to transcend the very structure of the psyche. In "shower analysis" in my hot shower this morning I so felt this truth of this that I was filled with goosebumps, and these return every time I think about it, and now as I am typing.

I feel I have also come to a personal revelation of the contradictory accounts that I have read, that some say that the union of Shiva and Shakti occurs in the Crown, and some say in the Heart. I know now that both are true, and in fact this union is intended to occur at every level of the chakral system. My union with Sophie the Inner Beloved, who I perceive as an avatar of Shakti, occurred at the Inner Eye. The union with Eirian the Creative Beloved, a second avatar, occurred at the Throat. The upcoming union with Lady Death may be at Crown or Heart, I do not know this yet. The egoic self is himself yet another avatar, no more or less.

All these expressions of personality are vital and useful forms but these too will be seen as transitory. Therefore it is likely that I will see form as more flexible and variable than in my past experience. Definition and discrimination between them will be a matter of convenience - not necessity - within the integrative and communicative process. Yet the fascinating dance of form will continue until change is no more.

I do marvel that this sequence of archetypal dreams continues in an unprecedented flow, each one building on and enriching the next towards some undefined climax. I suppose that this is due in part to the downward infusion of Crown energy. My role in this as the egoic self is simple enough, although challenging at times - especially when I have a frustrating and tiring day, as I did yesterday. But I feel that the stakes are too high now to think of quitting.

Most important of all I must keep the chakral channels open with my creative exercises in voice and bodhrán each day (including those floor crunches to keep the lower chakras strong) - with special attention to the Root so that the counterbalancing upward energy flows freely into the system. I am not doing any chakral work in the conscious sense (e.g. visual meditation on a particular chakra), but allowing the body as much as possible to express itself freely and wholly. Secondarily, I must record my dreams faithfully, and analyse them as time allows. This cost seems little enough in the scheme of things, since most of the work is being done outside of egoic consciousness.


There certainly does seem to be a pronounced emphasis on the chakras, energy flow and how it is affecting and being affected by you. The woman ascending and descending is a lovely metaphore for this purposefull energy flow.


I think these dreams are spirit guided since I specifically asked for help before going to sleep.

Lately, things have been stifled, stagnant and generally blocked as far as any spiritual developement goes so to remember any dream would appear to be significant. I usually remember virtually all my dreams but lately it has been quite different.

1st dream I remember getting out of a car at night and walking up a country lane a few steps but everywhere is covered in snow, the rolling hills, the brambles and undergrowth, the hedges and stones are all covered in a thick blanket of snow. I smile, because I love the snow but somehow it seems out of place.

I then find myself walking down a pavement at the rear of a new industrial unit. There is a road to my left, some shrubs planted to my right then a ramp going up to a door into the unit. A few people are walking down the street and don't seem too bothered about the fact that I am completely naked. I realise that I am pregnant and naked, I cover my breasts and see a large wheelie bin which I feel would be appropriate to hide behind whilst I get dressed (so the fact that a big, pregnant 40+ woman is walking naked down the street in broad daylight, pulling an empty wheelie bin hasn't struck me as odd! All I want to do is get dressed though - arn't dreams fun?)

2nd dream I am outside my home and everyone else in the street is there. It is night time but all the children are playing and my sons are as they were 8 years or so ago. I know there is something wrong but don't know what it is. I look up and see what looks like vapour trails coming slowly to earth. Like meteorites or comets slowly raining down and leaving smokey trails behind them. One falls right beside me and is a lump of ice about the size of a tennis ball. Then I see a child playing with another one the size of a washing up bowl and I look around to see everyone just going about as normal. I can't understand why they don't see the danger or bring their children in.

I decide to brave the possible hits from these massive hail stones and bring my eldest son home. I run up the street carrying a heavy bag, dodging the chunks of ice as they land around me and looking up to see where the next one will land since they are travelling quite slowly until the last few meters of the ground when they just fall as normal. My son is playing at a neighbours house with their children, they don't see a problem and think I am crazy.

Suddenly it is light and the hail has stopped, they are melting on the ground all around then everyone goes indoors! Everyone is fine and nobody is hurt. I then walk on to a shop that sells hardware (we own a hardware shop in waking life) and think that it belongs to us but then realise that the lady standing to my left is the real owner. I pick up a set of brooms then put them back, thinking I will get them at our shop. The shopkeeper (early 50s, dark hair pulled back into a pony tail, flower print dress with apron over the top, sensible shoes etc) then shows me some other items including an odd looking tea pot (square, beaten copper yet made out of ceramic!) for £23.99 and a fire grate!!! I then leave the shop and wake up.

The ice, snow, hail theme seems to be very prominent and would tie in with certain stagnant emotional stuff thats been going on but I'm not sure thats the entire picture.


A Man of Wealth and Taste

September 21, 2006

I am in a large darkened place, and due to the dark I cannot see the walls, if there are any. A man stands before me, illuminated just enough that I can see his features. He wears a black jacket and pants, with a black T-Shirt underneath. He has black hair, a Mediterranean complexion, and his face is very smooth, almost featureless. I am neither attracted nor repulsed by his appearance. He stands there relaxed, at rest and unmoving.

An ethereal and musical voice, angelic and non-gendered, says "He regulates the flow of Kundalini Shakti."

"Yes", I think or say, "The devil, the bodhrán. He is at the Root." I contemplate him for a while longer, then wake.

This is by no means the first time I have encountered this archetype as a visible presence. Most recently it was as the dragon in "Encounters in the Castle" and as my father in "This Place Riqs". But like any of the archetypes, Satan's presence is implicit in all that we do. He is the personification of the downward attraction towards manifestation, the gravity that draws the one to the many and contains energy in form. In astrology this archetype is expressed in Saturn, the opposite pole to Jupiter. In the Tarot he is both Emperor and Devil.

More fundamentally, Satan is another name for the immanent Love that draws us into incarnation. He can be the ultimate black hole of crushing gravity, his inviolate laws seeming to allow no possibility of ascent. For this reason his face is smooth and round, for his immeasurable mass has condensed him as it would any planet.

But he has also drawn us into our bodies and all the blessings of material presence, and he grounds us in our home, this Earth. Without his downward pull, Kundalini Shakti would meet Shiva her consort and continue her ascent. What else could stop her? Celestial Love is a formidable force indeed. Duality is inexorably drawn back towards completion in Unity, and it is only their earthly passion that brings Shiva and Shakti back towards egoic consciousness. Thus we exist as the Hanged Ones, between the poles of attachment and detachment, immanence and transcendence, material and celestial love.

It is our Great Work to make the most of this balance, neither straying too long towards either the earthly or the heavenly, although journeys of both descent and ascent are necessary cycles within a life lived well. It is so tempting to fixate on one or the other, and perhaps even to delude ourselves into thinking that one or the other pole is redundant or non-existent. Thus we demonize or trivialize the energy that we do not understand, even though both forces are inherent to dualistic life. Evil may be found equally at either extreme, the heavenly or the earthly, the light or the dark. Thus many things of great wrong are done in the name of righteousness.

It is not the upper and lower poles of life that give it meaning, or that develop a morality that is any more than a social convention, but the remembrance and rediscovery of the unitive consciousness that transcends, includes, and celebrates duality. This is the ethereal voice, the High Self, who defines the devil's role.

So I learn the blessing of Satan, that at every moment Kundalini Shakti moves in reference to his grounding energy, constantly guiding her ascent, keeping her balance sure, her body contained and her soul fully present in the now. Her muscles flex, develop and are given definition by his inherent gravity, and when she at last rests at the top of her ascent in the arms of her spirit lover, it is their earthly love - of which compassionate love or Karuna is one aspect - that draws them together, and down.


Sophie-David said:
It is our Great Work to make the most of this balance, neither straying too long towards either the earthly or the heavenly, although journeys of both descent and ascent are necessary cycles within a life lived well. It is so tempting to fixate on one or the other, and perhaps even to delude ourselves into thinking that one or the other pole is redundant or non-existent. Thus we demonize or trivialize the energy that we do not understand, even though both forces are inherent to dualistic life. Evil may be found equally at either extreme, the heavenly or the earthly, the light or the dark. Thus many things of great wrong are done in the name of righteousness.

It is not the upper and lower poles of life that give it meaning, or that develop a morality that is any more than a social convention, but the remembrance and rediscovery of the unitive consciousness that transcends, includes, and celebrates duality. This is the ethereal voice, the High Self, who defines the devil's role.

Divine balance, its a message I have been receiving repeatedly and thought I understood until this.

Thankyou David


Of Snow and Ice

Milfoil said:
I think these dreams are spirit guided since I specifically asked for help before going to sleep.
Always a dangerous thing to do! ;)
Milfoil said:
Lately, things have been stifled, stagnant and generally blocked as far as any spiritual developement goes so to remember any dream would appear to be significant. I usually remember virtually all my dreams but lately it has been quite different.

1st dream I remember getting out of a car at night and walking up a country lane a few steps but everywhere is covered in snow, the rolling hills, the brambles and undergrowth, the hedges and stones are all covered in a thick blanket of snow. I smile, because I love the snow but somehow it seems out of place.
Snow is an intriguing substance to find in a dream. It may indicate frozen emotion that is unable to flow, mutate and grow with the energy of Cups. But it can also convey the essence of love made fully incarnate in form, the process of creativity resulting in a pure and crystalline manifestation of grace. This snow does not seem to be hindering you or weighing you down, so I would see this as a helpful manifestation.
Milfoil said:
I then find myself walking down a pavement at the rear of a new industrial unit. There is a road to my left, some shrubs planted to my right then a ramp going up to a door into the unit. A few people are walking down the street and don't seem too bothered about the fact that I am completely naked. I realise that I am pregnant and naked, I cover my breasts and see a large wheelie bin which I feel would be appropriate to hide behind whilst I get dressed (so the fact that a big, pregnant 40+ woman is walking naked down the street in broad daylight, pulling an empty wheelie bin hasn't struck me as odd! All I want to do is get dressed though - arn't dreams fun?)
Yes, it is almost always only the naked person that notices they are naked, everyone else is oblivious! The nakedness generally indicates a feeling of vulnerability and embarassment. It is of course inherent to the creative process, which is denoted by your pregnancy. The world in general does not understand the nakedness involved in the creative process, and so they do not see it.

Industry in this dream seems to be a positive indicator of making things, of manifesting. I am not sure how much direction plays a role in your dream, but as a general rule, when you take the left hand path you are being led by the intuitive right brain, and when you choose the right hand path you are ruled by the analytical left brain. This is because motor control and sensory input crossover as they exit and enter the cranium. It can be very useful in discovering the dream ego's motivation to observe which side she or he favours.

Milfoil said:
2nd dream I am outside my home and everyone else in the street is there. It is night time but all the children are playing and my sons are as they were 8 years or so ago. I know there is something wrong but don't know what it is. I look up and see what looks like vapour trails coming slowly to earth. Like meteorites or comets slowly raining down and leaving smokey trails behind them. One falls right beside me and is a lump of ice about the size of a tennis ball. Then I see a child playing with another one the size of a washing up bowl and I look around to see everyone just going about as normal. I can't understand why they don't see the danger or bring their children in.

I decide to brave the possible hits from these massive hail stones and bring my eldest son home. I run up the street carrying a heavy bag, dodging the chunks of ice as they land around me and looking up to see where the next one will land since they are travelling quite slowly until the last few meters of the ground when they just fall as normal. My son is playing at a neighbours house with their children, they don't see a problem and think I am crazy.

Suddenly it is light and the hail has stopped, they are melting on the ground all around then everyone goes indoors! Everyone is fine and nobody is hurt.
This dream of the falling ice that the children want to play with reminds me of your tiger dream. Only you see the danger, but the community thinks it is normal (of course this is the same community that was oblivious to your nakeness, so what do they know! ;)). Things are often not what they seem. Your heavy bag seem to be some kind of material concern: it is really of no use to you since it is slowing you down.

It seems to me that these two dreams are different takes on how emotion may be expressed. In the first the water forms into snow in an orderly and beautiful way, and there seems to be a connection between this and your pregnancy. In the second dream the water has become icy missiles that seem to disconnect you from the consciousness of the community, isolating you with your worries. Whether your concerns are well founded or not, emotional attachment and compassion is part of what makes us fully human, and nothing to be ashamed of. Creative expression of these emotions does tend to make us feel embarrassed, but in the long run it is so helpful to everyone.

Milfoil said:
I then walk on to a shop that sells hardware (we own a hardware shop in waking life) and think that it belongs to us but then realise that the lady standing to my left is the real owner. I pick up a set of brooms then put them back, thinking I will get them at our shop. The shopkeeper (early 50s, dark hair pulled back into a pony tail, flower print dress with apron over the top, sensible shoes etc) then shows me some other items including an odd looking tea pot (square, beaten copper yet made out of ceramic!) for £23.99 and a fire grate!!! I then leave the shop and wake up.
What an intriguing dream segment! There is more discussion of manifestation here, the hardware that we produce as a society. You have entered a shop that is alien to you, showing things that are stimulating and different from what you would normally consider as creative and useful. I am reminded of your recent dream visit to the shop of trinkets.

But in this case you seem a little more comfortable, and even intrigued. There is a teapot that seems to defy rationality. I notice that the "real owner" is on you left, expressing a visitor from the domain of the right brain. The real owner of our creative product is always the right brain, the left brain is only there to give focus and direction.

In fact, while the left brain has to begin the learning process, only the right brain can bring it to perfection. Remember how you learned to drive. It was so complicated, so many things to process and to do at once, almost impossible! It felt very unsafe because you were only barely in control. It was only as the right brain absorbed the routine that you mastered the process, so that now it seems that you arrive somewhere by magic, since the left brain is only barely aware of the process, just giving general directions now and then.

We can look at these dreams from this perspective, that in the earlier dream with the snow and the pregnancy, you were doing what came naturally, with little "conscious" - i.e. left-brained - thought. The result was beautiful and productive.

But in the hail storm there was a lot of analysis and confusion. The left brain tried to take over the creative process and failed, encumbered by useless baggage. The children viewed the same events but saw them as an opportunity for right brain play.

In the last part of the second dream, in the shop, you find yourself diverted from the utilitarian brooms and relating to a very unusual creative object. Your interests and desires are changing, leading you towards an inspiring gestation.


Thankyou David, yet again your insight is well placed.

Balance and creativity seem to be the key words for me right now.

Last night I met (possibly) another guide in the form of a spider. I was in a smart hotel with lots of other people at a function. In the corner of the room by the bar were a set of shelves and on one shelf was a bowl of fruit in which was a large black/brown spider with long angular legs and a long body. The striking thing about this spider was that it appeared to have a gold or polished brass 'n' shaped feature wrapped right around the rear of its abdomen making it look more like a jewel than a live animal yet it was alive and moving when it jumped onto the guy next to me, sat on his nose as he continued to try to drink his cocktail with it still there!

A woman who works in the hotel then comes walking through the crowd casually swinging a flaming ladle of alchohol (as you would use with a flambe dish). As she swings this big ladle of fire behind her she catches it on other people, setting them alight then drops it to the ground as though there is no problem with the damage it is doing. I rush over, pick it up and put it on a multi-tiered stand. She insists that I place it to the front so that the temperature does not exceed 33 degrees. The ladle is full of alchohol and when it tips over as I place it in the stand the flames leap up to the ceiling. I tell her that I have done as she said but she is in my face and very angry. I just walk away thinking that she's a bit mad. The fire dies down quickly.

On getting to work this morning, there is an enormous spider just sitting there above my monitors. Its big for UK standards, measuring about 3 inches across from leg to leg as it sits there. I'm sure this is more than mere coincidence so I look up the meaning of spiders in dreams and as totem/guides etc. Of course, creativity, balance are the key features so I think I need to listen and accept this spiders wisdom.

There was more to the dream but I can't remember it all now. The fire seems to relate to problems at work right now, unreasonable customers who seem to be pushing me to loose my temper and over react. Its taking all my reserve to stay calm, not react and try to be peacefull instead of doing what comes naturally which is to retaliate.

Perhaps the spider is also a message to take control not by angry, retaliatory means but showing that even the smallest of measures can produce a significant effect (you should have seen my secretary jump when she saw the big spider in the office this morning HAHAHA - I didn't know she could move THAT fast!!)