Healing With The Faeries Discussion


Letting Go
Affirmation: I am willing to surrender this situation to my Creator right now. When I let go, everything turns out perfectly

This says that the problems you are having, you may actually be making things worse by thinking about it or trying to do something about the problem. This means tha tyou are spending a lot of time worrying about the problem, and thus, since worries are negative thoughts, may acutally make the problem worse and result in a negative manifestation. Not only that, you are spending a lot of time, attention and energy on something that is negative, where you could be using that time, attention and energy on something more positive and constructive. Not only that, the negative thoughts you are havign, may actually be very destructive.

This card is saying that you find yourself with a problem that apparently cannot be solved. You need to let go of the problem, in a way that you are handing the problem to the Creator for the problem to be solved by the Higher Powers. In a sense, this could be a prayer for help or intervention, once you have done so, your prayers will be answered in one way or another, that will mean that everyone involved in the situation would benefit.

By doing this you are able to focus your attention to something positive. Or, you would be able to shift your attention to workin on your true heart's desires. If any action is needed by you to sovle the problem, you will receive an unmistakable message or sign.




Environmental Awareness
Affirmation: It feels good to nurture my planet with loving care

This is about what you can do to help the environment. It can be recycling, instead of throwing things that can be recycled, such as glass bottles, cans and tins and paper, you can make a concerted effort to keep them separate from your normal rubbish. You may have special bins, or anything along those lines, that you can out out along with your rubbish bin for curb side collection on the appointed collection days. There may be a drop off point for these recyclable materials near where you live.

It can be changing th products you use, or at least not using them as often. Such as, household clearning products that can be potentially dangerous to the environment, perhaps there is a more natural and more environmentally friendly are quite simple and less expensive. By doing it this way, not only will you be saving the environment you would be saving money as well. It may be a simple case of reading something like Useful Household Hints book, or sometimes there may actually have a column in a magazine where readers write in with their useful hings. Sometimes if you buy something for a particular use, they also mention ont eh label on the packet or bottle what other uses there are for this. For example, eucalyptus oil, can be used for an air freshener (you can buy it in an aerosol). you can use it to get rid of stains, grease and grime, plus it has antibacterial properties.

Perhaps there is a way that you can conserve water. Perhaps you can use your car less, for example, instead of driving to the local shops, you can walk or ride your bike instead, not only that you will be getting exercise as well. Perhaps you can car pool with someone who lives near by, and you are going to the same place, whether that is in relation to a job or activities that your children or yourself may be involved in.

It could be a simple matter of picking up litter that you may see when you are out walking. You can teach others what they ar edoing that can be potentially harmful to the environment and ways that they can change their habits. You may even want to join an environmental awareness or protection group, so you can campaign against certain things and make other people aware of what things that are going on, like Greenpeace, for example. Perhaps you can make a petition for something that is going on in your local area, such as developmental projects that may put at risk such as a wildlife area, or even a park. It may be even to stop development on a coastal area, such as Ningaloo Reef, on the north coast of Western Australia, for example.




Positive Expectations
Affirmation: I am safe, confident, and secure. I feel joyful about my future

This says that your true heart's desires are in the process of being manifested but it may be taking longer than expected. To make sure that your true heart's desires do manifest it is important that you remain to have positive thoughts about this, in other words maintain your hope and faith. The card itself is a dark card, which indicates that there is a sense of uncertainty.

In other words you have negative thoughts, such as self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurites and other self-sabotaging thoughts. By having these negative thoughts would mean that the positive manifestation of your true heart's desire may be delayed for even longer or hindered. In some instances, these negative thoughts can lead to a negative manifestation.

This card says that your true heart's desires have begun to positively manifest because of your positive thoughts. To make sure that they continue to positively manifest you will need to maintain your positive thoughts. Afterall, it would be a pity to nullify or cancel out the positive manifestation by your negative thougths, such as self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts. I think tha tthis may also be that there is need for patience and a certain believe that you are on the right path.




Affirmation: My sexual self is attractive, healthy, and able to experience great pleasure

This indicates that sexuality plays an important part on your physical, emotional and spiritual parts of yourself. This card signifies that there may be certain areas that need to be addressed and healed for you to think positively about your sexuality and any sexual experiences in the past in which may have been negative such as abuse. You may need to seek out some professional help such as a counselor or therapist.

In some ways I would say that there are certain things that you can do to make you feel better about your sexuality. Perhaps in some way you feel unattractive, and in some way you feel that no one would be interested in your or maybe you think that you are ashamed of your body. So although it is a matter of changing a view of yourself so that you can embrace, appreciate and use your sexuality. Sometimes you may have difficulty in getting pleasure and feeling fulfilled due to self-consciousness. Increasing your self-esteem and self-confidence would make you feel better and happier about yourself and your body. Maybe you need to do is sit down and list your good qualities, doesn't have to be physical attributes, it could be something along the lines that you are generous, caring, with a good sense of humour, for example. Then perhops you can think of ways that you can accentuate them, bring them out in the best light, and in a way of saying it, if you've got it then flaunt it. Perhaps there are ways you can pamper yourself, or do something that may chnage your image in some way, such as buy some new clothes and get a new hair style, other things can be to have a facial, a pedicure, a manicure, a massage and have a soak in a nice warm bath. Perhaps you can stand in front of a mirror, take a good look and notice things that you may have not noticed such as your great smile or your eyes, for example.




Problem Resolved
Affirmation: I ask that all effects of mistakes and misunderstandings be undone, both in the past and present

This says that you have had something that has been bothering you lately, it says that a solution has been worked on by the angels and Heaven. Don't concern yourself with the details of h ow this problem will be resolved. It could be something like a new opportunity, a job offer, meeting someone who will help you, such as being a teacher or mentor, could be someone who would have a business proposal, or someone who could be a confidante, a companion or even a romantic partner. In other words, your prayers have been answered and the solution will come to you when the time is right.

There is no need for you to worry about the problem any more, rest assured that it is in capable hands. Don't try to solve the problem yourself, whatever work that has been done by the angels and Heaven will be undone, or at least the solution would take longer than wounld have been initially dome to you if you put your mind to rest, if you were to try to solve the problem yourself. In the process, maintain your hope and faith and have gratitude for the assistance you will receive. Also, by the vact that you have spent eim thinking, planning, scheming and trying to do something yourself to solve the problem you could have used that time for something more constructive. It is a time when you should spend time being kind to yourself, do things that are a priority to you, do things that will help you to lift your spirits and spend time in meditation and other techniques used to quieten your mind. If you have quietened your mind you are more than likely to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, any ideas, concepts, dreams and visions you may have, as well as things that people say to you, song lyricsx and visual signs in your physical environment.

