About Evil Eye


"Atually :)`


I do believe i've done a form of scrying. In my family's culture..and I guess most likely in other cultures as well, we have this thing called the Evil Eye. This is when someone is affected by another person's "heavy" gaze. Mostly associated with something a person sees that finds attractive or very unattractive. To cure the Evil Eye the remedy is to take a fresh egg and "sweep" it over the affected person, usually along with a prayer. After the sweeping the egg is cracked open and placed in a glass of water, the center of the egg will reveal what was the cause of the Evil Eye. It's amazing how clear sometimes these images can be seen. Similar to the egg is burning of a ... hm, volcano rock... i don't know if it's lava rock or the obsidian, i'll have to check with my grandma. This is used most common to 'cure' someone of a scare. The rock is also swept along with a certain herb ( I haven't done this in a looong while so i'll have to check with my grandma on the type of herb) then it's burned and cracked. When it is cracked it will reveal what scared the person (usually the person is a child) and so the fear or scare is released after you've read the rock. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? " - Myself :)

Morewenna in the previous thread on Opinions on Scrying you asked me if I could give you examples of the images on the eggs. I'll tell you right now my mother has a very 'heavy' gaze. She does it without intention and our family has gotten to where if she mentions she likes something on someone or they way someone looks, we'll ask her to touch it. Part of the Evil Eye has to do with envy or yearning, another part has to do with admiring or the opposite. There is a story in my family about my mother's gaze. My grandmother sets it as an example whenever this subject arises. When my cousin was born, he was born with a beautiful pair of eyes. I want to say they're honey colored. They have flecks of green and brown in them and they change color constantly, depending on the whether he's in light or shadow. My mother absolutely fell in love with his eyes, but didn't mention it to anyone. Soon my cousin fell ill with a fever and we didn't know the cause. His eyes were bloodshot and his eyelids were purplish and it looked like the fever was affecting his eyes most of all. To the point where they had to gauze them and put try to put some of those first aid cooling patches because there was a fear that his eyes would be damaged because of the heat of the fever! Well my grandma started to meditate because no one could come up with a reason as to why he got so sick so suddenly. She realized it was my mother. So quickly she dragged her to the hospital along with a fresh hen's egg. She had my mother touch my cousin and ask her to say what she had thought of his eyes. My mother started touching him and complimenting the color of his eyes, and saying how pretty they were while my grandma swept him with the egg and said a prayer. After a bit she cracked the egg open and dropped it into a glass of water. The egg had been cooking! The whites of the egg were milky adn the yoke had been affected too. When she saw the yoke there was a face 'singed' or 'cooked' into it. It was my mothers face. Within the hour the fever was broken and my cousin was good as new. This after he had been in the hospital and the doctor's couldn't figure out what was wrong.

My grandma is -very- good at reading eggs. Sometimes just a sweeping will suffice, but other times, the egg just tells you what the cause of the harm is and so then you have to do something to remedy that harm. Same as with the cracked rock. My grandmother doesn't call it magick though, more like 'household healing'. ;) I guess it's her way of rationalizing her amazing natural talents with her deeply fortified religious upbringing.

You also mentioned that you have a bluee glass eye to deflect such things... this is true in our culture too. Tradition speaks that the best way to deflect evil eye is to wear a charm (preferably around your neck) made of a deer's eye. Nowadays we have wooden "deer's eye" and we mostly place these on babies (very ideal situation would be for the very first year of their lives). Babies that wear these will grow up with a more natural ...immunity... to the Evil Eye as they grow. Adults can wear them too of course :)

These "household healings" have been passed down from mother to daughter in my family for generations, that I know for sure it has been at least four. I love geneology and so finding this stuff up is like a treasure hunt for me. ;) There is an exception in my generation though because my mother doesn't completely agree with it (she is -very- religious) and though she doesn't practice it, she isn't against it or complains when people tell her to touch something. It has been silently understood by all, including her. Neither has she opposed to my grandmother teaching my sister and I these things. She considers it as passing on a legacy which is very important for her... I picked up the love of geneology from her.

Houshold Healer - Tongodiva

Al Si'ra


In my culture too that heavy gaze is sth most of the population believes in..and to get protected we wear (those who believe in it) blue glass eye..I have it as a bracelet.. and i don't take it off.. :)I can't say i get affected by the heavy gaze..I feel as if i am protected of such energies..natural immunity i call it but i wear it anyway..But i do know people who heavly get affected of the energies..People who have it don't do this on purpose and most of them are not really aware of what they are doing to others..But i believe that it could be turned into a gift..These people-personally i believe that- have the gift of having this strong energy..They just don't know how to use it in a creative way..They just don't know the way of directing their energies in a useful way so the energy can really destroy as well as create and misdirected energy can effect people in such ways you've explained.I also had the heavy gaze..as a child it was one my favourite games to look at people's feet and make them stumble or fall or i'd look at the surfers and make them fall too..what a sick hobby LOL..then i realized that whatever i envied for example a pen or sth (as a student again)- it would immediately break into pieces...Then i realized that it was because of this energy..so i kinda began to control it..and now i don't make people fall or i don't break their pen..or make them sick lol...
But i wonder why i am immune to all this..and why one of my best friend is very open to the heavy gaze..I mean once she has fainted and later on we learned that some women were talking about her in a very negative way..They were really jealous of her success and beauty..


What a wonderfuly told story Tongodiva!! Thankyou for sharing it!! :)

The only time I have seen a shaman use eggs for divination was in Ecuador. It was amazing!!! He was a very old man who lived in a remote village and had been doing this type of healing and 'seeing' since he was a boy. He would also use a fresh hens egg - which were in his yard - and chant while passing the egg over above the body. After cracking the egg into his glass, he would detect ailments and give the person messages about the body - he saw them in the entire egg though!!! The only area he had trouble with was diagnosing himself :( When I visited - he had a problem with his lower back area (I think - it was a long time ago - Im relying on a bad memory here ;)) which he was having trouble with. Another woman who was there was a gifted healer and stayed to work with him to see if she could help. As far as I know everything worked out fine.

Just had to share!! :)

Many Blessings
Elven x


Yes and Yes!

I can soooo realate to you Al Si'ra *giggle* growing up I pulled some of the same stuff you did, though I didn't really intend on people stumbling. I would always have them turn to look at me. And broken pens/pencils/earrings were always somewhat of a letdown because I had liked them so much and I wanted to try them. I hadnt realized it was me causing it. I'm a carbon copy of my mother, with most of her talents, only less potent, and some of my own talents as well *wink*. Yes I have learned to avert or control my heavy gaze but I hadn't really thought of ways to use it in a positive way. That is much to think about!

Elven - Too True! Most latin countries have the egg remedy for the evil eye. It is a great way to tell about bodily ailments as you have stated. Once I had a terrible stomach ache and my grandma put some oil on my stomach ( I'm not sure if it was a special type of oil or just regular oil, or rendered fat even). She got a fresh egg and cracked it on top of my stomach. Gently she moved the egg around my stomach until the egg literally Burst over the lower right part of my stomach. She then massaged me there and I felt completely better by the end of it. My grandmother does use the whole egg in the water to detect things like that of your shaman. I have not practiced it more than a few times under her guidance so I can't even compare to her skill.

Sidetracking a little bit, my mother does some of this from time to time. Heh, actually my mother doesn't think this is magick, more like herbal healing, so she is very good at reading Eyes themselves. She will look into your eyes and see the condition of the iris and pupil, count all the little spots and note the position of them and from there she will tell you what is wrong or out of balance in your body, then she will tell you about a tea or something to take. She is an excellent source of botanical iformation. :p


Hi all,

this is really fascinating!

I have to say, Germany is not a very spiritual country nowadays. I come from a region called Odenwald, which means Odin's Forest, so I have a good connection with nature spirits. And my Grandmother knew a fair deal of herb lore - but this is it, family-wise. We are a clan of merchants ;-) and if I didn't look so much like my Dad and sister physically I'd be convinced of being a changeling...

Anyway, I will put a chapter on the Evil Eye and heavy gaze into my BoS and also reaearch the egg divination a little more. Since the egg is such an important and arcane symbol, I can see why it was chosen!

Thanks for opening my eyes (to stay within the image *g*) to this!



Greetings everyone,

Below is just some of the points taken from one of my singapore's paranormal forum.

Hope it helps.

Evil Eye and everything you need to know about it.

The eyes are often referred to as 'a gateway to the soul'. It is understandable then why the evil eye is one of the oldest and most culturally prevalent magical beliefs in the world.

What exactly is the evil eye?
Simply put, it is the belief that a person can bring misfortune to another human or animal by giving them a jealous stare or envious glance. The results of the evil eye may manifest themselves in numerous forms: a sudden illness, business taking a turn for the worse, a lover or spouse leaves, an animal may go lame, to name only a few.

How does it work?
This isn't so easy to understand. It is believed that most people who hold the power to cast the evil eye are completely unaware they have such power. Since it is caused involuntarily, no one can be certain from who or where the evil came. This makes the evil eye one of the most feared of all magical powers.

How do I combat it?
There are several folk methods that are used in other parts of the World that have become a part of the Hoodoo tradition.

This is a quick method to rid oneself of the evil eye. When you feel someone is secretly wishing you bad luck, spit in their direction three times.

Step Aside
If someone is staring at you and you become uncomfortable, move or step aside. It is believed you are literally getting out of harm's way and letting the negativity pass you by.

For more info, read these...






Dancing Bear

What a fasinating read!! I was totally engrossed.
Love to hear of more experiences.
Dancing Bear :)


BUT !! Never forget that any kind of ill-wishing will, sooner or later, turn back on you.When you do that, you leave yourself open ...and you cant ask for protection while you are trying to "attack" smebody else !! (IF you believe in all that ...)



Evil eye can't really be helped, and it's hard to control it when you're angry or something like that...not that you wish evil will or anything. My mom never wishes ill on those she casts the evil eye on, on the contrary she admires them. So it's a kind of volatile thing. :p



There's evidence of the "evil eye" in a lot of spiritual practices... The art of "crossing someone" through the use of root magic (street magic, or Hoodoo ala The Skeleton Key movie, which brought it into the public eye) is quite common too. Just by searching for Hoodoo online, you'll find a lot of resources...