DruidCraft Study - red veils and other questions


I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct place to ask this question but I had an intriguing Druid Craft reading that I wanted to discuss, particularly regarding the significance of the red veils in the cards.

The reading went like this:

What are my dreams? (meaning career/vocation in life)

I laid three cards for this:

2 Swords
The Fferyllt

I was particuarly interested in this first three cards as they look as though they follow a distinct path and pattern. If you lay out the cards, each figure is wearing a red veil. My accompanying book doesn't say what the significance of the red veil is, the only comparision I could think of was the red veil from the RWS Sun.

The figure in the Two of Swords is blindolded with her swords crossed, paused between two paths. If you look closely, one of the paths, the right hand side one, has some light, the other doesn't. The woman seems calm, in control and as though she wants no distraction as she searches inward for the answer to which path to follow.

This is what I am trying to do right now. I have been pondering, researching and generally flummoxing about where to take myself on my future career path. I want to be a writer - that is my dream yet I have to make money to live (my nightmare) I don't want to reconcile the two ie do work that involves writing because then I won't want to write. I would like to do something creative, to do with the arts etc etc As you can see, I seem to be having to choose between poverty and following my dream or getting some kind of job that gives security and retraining in some career path. I don't want to make this choice and as I was looking at work such as at the Arts Council etc I saw that they supported writers and I was saying to myself but they should be supporting ME not me THEM!! I want to WRITE and nothing else. Yet another part of me says, you don't have a pension and you dont' have a house or security doing that etc See the dilemma?

And yes, I could of course get a job/career and also write but writing should be my CAREER because that is what I love and aspire to do with my life. So I want to make a career out of that and paying the bills should be secondary. Anyway, that's the Two of Swords, with her red veil and I'm wondering if it means creative inspiration, passion etc which lies behind her as she tries to make a rational decision rather than an impassioned one.

Then we move to Strength who also wears a red veil and the Sword of rationality from the first card lies at her feet because she didn't need it - she had the strength of her convictions and most of all, Strength in herself and her abilities to achieve what is in her heart. Strength trusts in herself and in the universe to provide for her. Follow your heart and you will receive is what I see her as saying. Have the strength of your convictions and go for your dream.

Backed up of course by my namesake in the next card Caridwen or Brigid the goddess of poetry and literature. "...who combines the powers of fire and water to create harmony, balance and transformation..." I see her as mixing different elements to create something new and artistic. And the book says it means: "Successful Creative Endevour".

It also goes onto say (p144) "Much of the work of DruidCraft can be seen as an alchemical process of uniting and combining different elements of the self to achieve wholeness, illumination and release of our creative potential".

Is this spread telling me to release my creative potential, to just write and forget everything else, that I have the potential to achieve what I want and publish, to make a career from writing and trust in myself and the process of creating.

Again she wears a red cloak but what does this mean this recurring theme? Does it like I said above, mean creative passion, desire etc or does it have some other meaning?

The other cards were thus:

What is my first step towards achieving them? (my dreams)
The Star
The Star obviously relates again to harmony, wholeness and illumination - self belief, potential etc

Will I be ultimately successful?
Eight of Swords
I took this to mean that the outcome depends entirely on my self, my mental state and self belief.

Princess of Wands
Whose guidance I saw as getting enthused, throwing myself into my writing, stop sitting around vexing and go for it.

Thoughts, ideas and feedback would be much appreciated:)


I'm in study mode rather than interpretation mode ... so I just wanted to toss in my two pents worth of thoughts about the red veils... only I was thinking they were some kind of cloaks, but playing on words... they sort of say the same things. So I really haven't read through your reading part of it, or even your question... I got hung up on those three cards and the symbolism of the red veil.

"Veiled" & cloaked.... even tho' we can see it plainly... it's their hidden intent, passion, desire/fire... something you can wrap yourself up in for comfort if you need to, and carry with you in one way or another.

In two of swords, she uses it to cover her butt... so to speak, as a cover for her vulnerability... she won't be em-bare assed. Then again... it's also something shes put behind her.

In Strength, she lifts it, to show what is in her heart... or that it is in the right place, even if she looks all buff and tough, a bit challenging and no nonsense. In this, she is all wound up in it and it's gotten a bit ragged in places... too much fire and passion about anything tends to leave you a bit ragged after awhile.

In Fferrlyt, it's hanging... in balance... it's what and who she is, she's a woman, it's her sign.. and protection. She puts it behind her, so she can do what she needs to calmly and deliberately measuring just the right amounts, it's just one of those things, part of her, but not her whole identity, her focus is on the alchemy of blending the male and female... so maybe she uses it as a backup, just incase she can't get through doors any other way... (since there is a guy and a snake and egg on the doorway)... that to make it in the world she has to blend in more, get the right blend of passion/emotion/fire, with the purity of cool logic/action????

All this is also woman's blood and the cycles of it too. I'm not sure if this fits in or not... but who knows... PMS or something else.

There, I"m sure that I have created sufficient confusion with this and will go and let you ponder on somemore.

Meantime, I'll look at the rest of your spread and see what else comes to mind.

OK... just finished reading this much better and yeah... I think you have the general geist of it. Tho' I think the boar... could be having to put up with the less pleasant elements of career/job... although it is the symbol of great courage, intellegence and power... it still stinks. So you might have to lay down your writing tools now and again and pick up some sort of job, else you'll get too ragged.

I think this comes in with the Star... she holds two pitchers... one to nourish and keep the flow going into what sustains her emotionally and the other to nourish and sustain what will grow physically as well... so you may have to do this in seperate ways. She can keep her dreams alive, by providing what she needs for them... by two different means.

The top three cards are about maintaining a balance, coming to grips with it... finding a way to make it work for you.

Howscome you asked a "Will I" question?... oh man! 8 Swords... I look at this as a delicate dance between all your options and having to trust your instincts on this to get through, without cutting yourself... since you still haven't taken off the blindfold... what is it you don't want to see or you aren't willing to look at? What else needs to be considered... is there something you are missing? Tho' the blindfold could very well be that you can't see the future and have to have blind faith in your ability to navigate in the unknown. That this is something you can do hog tied (Strength) and blindfolded.

The Princess of Wands is wonderful for guidance... she's turned that veil into her dress... and wears it well... it fits her to perfection... she strides into the world full of confidence and daring... it's a well trod path, tho for her it's her first time to walk it... she has no doubts, no hesitation. So go for it... write your heart out... and if you have to you can put up with the boar (some job you feel is beneath you)... and make it work for you, so you can put all your heart and passion into your writing.