what are little blue lights?


saw them a few years ago in my room
did NOT imagine it lol
werebenign i am sure
just wanted to ask

psychic sue

Spirit lights of course! When you raise your vibration you see lights and colours that can't normally be seen - it's a form of clairvoiyance that I have recently developed, so it's my favourite subject at the moment!

If you want to see them again, say a protection prayer and try meditating with your eyes open - it may take a while, but with commitment and concentration, you will be able to see.

Sue x


I have seen these out of the corner of my eye before, but they ranged in colors for me. As soon as I looked straight on though they disappeared. Are these the same thing?



hi azarial

i wasnt trying to see anything at the time, i was lonely and in some sort of crisis and scared and just appeared overhead in the dark as i lay in bed - slightly flitting around - they stayed for about 30 secs if i remember

another time in the middle of the night my mother said she saw a blue haze/light in my room

i guess that was a protective/healing spirit as well

thanks sue - i will try that meditation

ok skeptics might say its a physical cause like tiredness/vision problems lol
but i don't think so

which reminds me of another incident last year but i will do a separate thread for that


Blue represents Archangel Michael :)

psychic sue

Any twinkling lights you see are probably spirit lights - but obviously get your eyes checked out too. The only colour I am wary of is red - I always think this is negative - I usually send out a thought to leave me be if I see a red light.

Sue x