Creating your own Oracle


Elven said:
I have a picture of Chronatas Dreamstones and the box I made for them (the bag they come in is stars and moons) - the Oracle is beautiful!!! and they work so well!!!
I hope this link works, but these are Alpha Stones I make - I use them in conjunction with other types of Tarot and Oracle readings :)

WOW! Elven these are beautiful!!!!
I wish i could make things like that...maybe i can. All i gotta do is try...i've always wanted my own set of 'symbols' ;)

Liralen said:
Sounds like a good idea to me. The more people, the more ideas.

I've looked through some of the threads on ESP-cards, but haven't found anything about using them as an oracle.

Done! Here is out thread:



Elven said:
I love making Oracle sets!! and all the little bits that go with them :) Unfortunately, I am slow at this and it sort of ends up going in fits and starts, but its an experience in itself.

I have a picture of Chronatas Dreamstones and the box I made for them (the bag they come in is stars and moons) - the Oracle is beautiful!!! and they work so well!!!

I hope this link works, but these are Alpha Stones I make - I use them in conjunction with other types of Tarot and Oracle readings :)

I love the idea of Alpha Stones! Is it one stone for each letter of the alphabet? And how do you use it? How do you know how many stones to draw?


Wow LittleBuddha! Those are awsome! The graphic punch is incredible! Elven, your dream stones are beautiful too! Are they Sculpty?

Great thread guys! Makes me want to start another project! tee hee....

Love and Light,



Hi guys, thanks for opening a great thread. It never ceases to amaze me how many interesting conversations are going on in every corner of this forum. What fun!

It seems that the mood to create our own oracles is in the air. Everybody's doing it, eh?

I'm not sure if I'm making an oracle or not. Maybe you guys can tell me. I started printing out little cards with pictures of paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe. I'm obsessed with her work and have many books of her paintings. So now I have about 70 cards and contrascarpe looked at them and said they're an oracle deck. I was just going to look at them, you know, like looking at an art book, but he saw an oracle. And then he started reading with them:

and I'm truly amazed at the result. It seems so deep. Obviously, as an oracle it is 100% intuitive. Sometimes when you look at one of her more abstract paintings, you can't even tell what image inspired it. So you really do fall back on intuition. Do I need to assign divinatory meanings? I think not. I think there won't be a book. Maybe just a series of essays about what it's like to look into these images when a Querent has asked you for a reading...


My all these thing you've different and interesting!
This is turning to be a very creative thread.

I'm alreayd thinking about what kind of oracle i'll create...i think they'll be runes-like. I have a set of runes, but i don't really like them...for divination, i mean. We don't connect. Maybe if i had my own, unique set, it'd be different.

And it's different from a deck ;)


Little Baron


Those O'Keefe cards look fabulous!



Oracle Trappola

Last year I purchased an Engraving book published in 1826 which shows wonderful 47 playing cards (5 missing). So I scanned 47 cards and colored them by photoshop. And by applying the Divinatory Meanings I found in "The Book of Fate"(a chapbook printed in 1814) to 47 cards, I could make up an "Oracle Trappola". For an example --

I believe it's a way of making oracle cards.


Hi LB, thanks for the praise, I luuuuvvvvvvvv praise. I can't believe how beautifully the cards came out as cards. Of course they are gorgeous, they are the paintings of my favorite artist. But they also look so nifty as cards.

Are you going to make more Dragon cards - I'm a big Bruce Lee fan and want more!


Wow, roppo, that Trappola Oracle is beautiful! You've done an exquisite job coloring the drawings, I love the balance between strong graphic colors and softer areas, the buff background and white swords. Please show us more...

And while we're at it, I wonder how you chose to assign divinatory meanings to each card. Did you follow numerology and elemental associations? Or personal meaning? Or both? Or something else?

And where did you find the 1826 pictures?