A dream of this morning


There was a snake on the back porch, there was an elderly man sweeping behind something and the sweeping ran the snake out of it's unseen place there. My Mother came out of the door from inside and stepped upon the neck snake, it turned into a wolf, with her foot upon it's chest. I went to look for my feller. he was there and they spoke of it being a yellow rattlesnake. It had dark markings along each side.
Isn't that just the strangest? What do you see in it? I have no idea what these things mean. Strange.


Dream meanings

Snakes usually depict the life process, according to my dream dictionary. If we think of a person's life from conception to death, we see a flowing moving event. The snake depicts the force or energy behind that movement and purposiveness-the force of life which leads us both to growth and death. That energy lies behind all our functions. So in some dreams the snake expresses our sexuality; in others the rising of that energy up our body to express itself as digestion--the intestinal snake; as the healing or poisonous energy of our emotions and thoughts. A snake in connection with any hole or hiding place is usually representative of sexuality.

Sweeping: clearing away outmoded attitudes, anxieties, or emotions; getting feelings about someone out of one's life.

Wolf: often just represents fear.

Hope this has given you some insight!!

Blessings, M.


Thank you for responding Mondk.
I guess I need to find a dream dictionary.
Does anyone else know anything about wolves, seems like there would be more than fear from such a noble animal.
I was not frightened in the dream. The situation unfolded so fast.


dream symbology.

Most dream dictionaries give snake a sexual meaning, or represents it with sin(adam and eve) something to fear. This meaning is also given for a spider. I do not see how a spider could mean '...orgasm only when terrified or guilty...' to me a spider is something I let live in my home and catches the annoing flies. so If I where to dream of a spider it may mean that there is something that I will have to live with in order to eliminate what is bothering me.
My advise is do not BUY a dream dictonary, write your own.
Keep records of all your dreams, give the dream a title and try to determine the theme. make a note as to the days events, dreams usually address recient events. describe the scene as it happens, not in past tense, this will help relive the dream. Note colors, emotions, any senses hightened, EVERYTHING.
I replied to another dream post, go check it out for advise.
With this you can look back and see the repeated symbols in your dreams and how they are used.


Thank you lunalafey.

Fiona Blackwolf

Often snakes in a dream reflect a transformation. Often a spiritual one. The snake and the wolf could very well represent you going through some sort of change ("shedding your skin"). Your mother may not represent your mother exactly (though it could) but a more "mothering" part of yourself "stepping" on the change.. maybe you are resisting it.

Many times in dreams the figures are various parts of yourself which are sorting an issue out inside your subconscious

You may consider looking up snakes and wolves in the encyclopedia to see if there is a trait that resonates ith your life at that time.( for example.. wolves are pack animals in which the beta wolves are submissive to the Alpha wolf ~pack mother so to speak~) Also you may look up correspondences for the color yellow. Since it is the color of the snake it may tell you something about the KIND of transformation you are going through. (I believe that yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra so that is another area to check correspondances of.)

I hope that helps... Obviously it is one interpretaion and may not be the correct one.


Oh, thank you so much for the revelations and ideas!