Animal Messages


RedWood said:
I am the trout...says I should only eat that...ugh I dont think I can...I have not had any experiences with animals giving me messages...maybe i should pay attention better...

sometimes the messages of a totem animal aren't literal but symbolic. eating only fish may not mean only eat fish. i looked it up in my animal medicine books and the closest i could come to was salmon. both are fish so...

salmon: wisdom/inner knowing: the sacred keeper of wisdom and inner knowing who dispite strong currents will always return to the place of its creation. coming full circle, salmon medicine ppl finish what they begin, bringing life's events and cycles to closure. it means to trust your gut feelings and intuition.the wisdom is inside of you and when you honor it you won't go wrong.

i know this may sound like i'm stretching it but "eat more fish" could mean in totem animal language "trust your gut instincts" b/c where do fish end up when you eat them? in your gut. since fish is inner wisdom if you eat more fish/wisdom you may come to trust your intuition.

anyhow, just my opinion to take or leave. :)

the hermit

truthsayer said:

sometimes the messages of a totem animal aren't literal but symbolic. eating only fish may not mean only eat fish. i looked it up in my animal medicine books and the closest i could come to was salmon. both are fish so...

salmon: wisdom/inner knowing: the sacred keeper of wisdom and inner knowing who dispite strong currents will always return to the place of its creation. coming full circle, salmon medicine ppl finish what they begin, bringing life's events and cycles to closure. it means to trust your gut feelings and intuition.the wisdom is inside of you and when you honor it you won't go wrong.

i know this may sound like i'm stretching it but "eat more fish" could mean in totem animal language "trust your gut instincts" b/c where do fish end up when you eat them? in your gut. since fish is inner wisdom if you eat more fish/wisdom you may come to trust your intuition.

anyhow, just my opinion to take or leave. :)
I don't think you've stretched anything truthsayer... except perhaps our horizons!
You've made an excellent suggested interpretation that I think is right on target.
Most messages I receive from animal guides are symbolic and unspoken.
The same love of symbology drew me to tarot.


thank-you, hermit! i'm glad that one abstract point i made made sense to someone! :)


Hey! I'm a seal!

Here's what is says:
"The seal is a walker between the world of the land and that of the sea. She is historically granted with shapeshifting ability, particularly within a special relationship with people. The legend of the silkie attests to this - the silkie is half human, half seal, and can also be seen as a metaphor for man at a more ancient place in time.

The seal is calling you to listen to the power of the sea, of your emotions and of the unknown. Do not be satisfied with being a landlubber, an uninitiate of timeless mystery."

It's actually fairly accurate for me.

I had never considered a seal. I always associate myself with crows, magpies or ravens. I like these birds.

the hermit

truthsayer said:
thank-you, hermit! i'm glad that one abstract point i made made sense to someone! :)

I know it's a scary thought, but you often make sense to me :D


thanks for the generator link

It said my totem animal was the owl. Here's the description. Kind of nice, huh?

Owl - The owl is of course possessed of unsurpassable wisdom. She is in your life because she has espied a kindred spirit. You will find her a loyal friend who will give you a peaceful perspective far from the hectic business of ordinary life.

The owl is also an adept in magic and nature's lore. She will encourage you to learn more about the dark underbelly of life, perhaps to learn about herbal medicines, certainly to walk alone through the woods at night, and to conquer any residues of fear you may have.

She will come to you in your dreams and help you to master the skies of other worlds. You will find that you see more and more of the secret connections that weave through the many worlds



this may sound kind of weird, but when i see an animal, i ask it what it is trying to tell me. (in a psychic way). what's weirder is that i usually get an answer. lol.

while cards, books and sites are useful, i also believe that it is important to spend some time thinking about what a particular animal means to you. what words does it bring to mind.


Thank you truthsayer...That did make sense!!



My totem animal came up to be the heron -- which I have considered to be my totem for a long time anyway. Whoever said internet divination was inaccurate?

-- Kyrielle


Goddess Leah said:
On my way home today, I saw a bull. What could it mean?
You were driving past a pasture?