llewellyn tarot reader books..........


Hiya, I think llewellyn have done a great job with this annual publication.
I have already pre-ordered my tarot reader 2007!
What I would like to know is how long they have been making them.
I have the 2005 and 2006 editions but wonder if these were the first- or if there were any earlier editions i have missed ,which i could get back issues of.
Can anybody enlighten me?
Tinkerbell x


Tarot Readers and More

Hi, Tinkerbell.

The Tarot Reader publication began in 2005. If you've got the 2005 and 2006 issues, you've got 'em all!

Do you know about the Llewellyn Journal? Not all of the articles are about Tarot, but many are, and they are written by many of the same people who are writing for the Tarot Readers.

You can see the Journal free, online, at this url:




I know this is a very old thread but I just wanted to voice my disappointment in these books being discontinued. I LOVED them! I've been going through my copies again lately and find them fascinating and easy to read.
Does anyone know why they were disconned?


Lack of sales probably because heaven knows Llewellyn isn't afraid to publish. They are also a hybrid, neither magazine nor book and sometimes that confuses people.
I have them all and every time I purge 'stuff' they stay. And are reread once again.


They're great aren't they?
What a shame. I used to look forward to them coming out every year. I have 2006, 2007 and 2008 which I think was the last one. Plus that one didn't have the calendar in the middle for some reason.
Wish I hadn't missed the 2005 edition though, it's the only one I don't have, at least I THINK only four editions were ever published.


I got all of mine used, either half.com or Amazon.
Seek and ye shall find.