Which method is he really using?

Al Si'ra

Hi!! I do not know where to put this exactly; so i have decided to ask about it right here on this board!

I get tarot readings from friends; but i have some person; some man who uses a different technique in umm let's say fortune telling-but he names it as also readings..So i will name it as reading too..

I have seen this person twice..and got a readng from him twice..What he does is; he asks for your mother's name and your name and the person's name if it is a love related question..Then he begins to mumble somethings as if he is praying-he listens to something-as if he is hearing things..and he claims that he does speak with "beings"..while doing this he kinda turns inward and does not want to be get disturbed..He does not use any divinatory tool except prayer-beads..he does sth as if he is counting the beads..really strange..and then he explains the situation to you..He also speaks of future but mainly the present time..
He feels really uncomfy when somebody asks about the same question twice..WHY IS THAT??And he says..i don't really speak about the same issues over and over again..unless some important event happens..So if i told you that there is no seperation between the partners don't ask about it twice..strange

Yesterday i went to see him..it's been 6 months after my last visit..And he said something like "what i do is to; tune into people's energy and see what they really feel or about to do"..

He has been very accurate on some points but mainly the final result..

What is strange is..i was thinkng of marriage just yesterday in 1-2 yrs..and he spoke me about how i would get married to my bf in 2 years or so..that he considers going abroad and actually that he is obssesed with this idea and he does not want to attempt anything with me here..the abroad issue is true-though i do not think i am part of his plans .. and i told him well how? we broke up..and he insisted that there is no breakup that we were meant to be..that even if we could break up fate would bring us together-that fate has strange ways..

I was like "what happened to the not-set-in-stone principle"...but then he told my friend..that readings are not set in stone..that none of those people she had encountered has to be in her life it is her choice..but added that my situation was a bit different..i mean how could it be??

What i am thinking is he does somehow tune into my energy and even read some of my thoughts and predicts the events based on my current energy patterns.. He does not really see initial events which bring you the final result..and he can be totally off-but he has never missed the final result..that is also strange..

I would love to trust that guy as he has told my dream life would come true..but as i said maybe he just reads my energy and tells of my dreams to me.. which would be really scary.. he never misses parts about the past as well..we have discussed the issue for hours with my friend who is also into spirituality..I would love to have your comments as well..good or bad..i am really intrigued by this guy..and his methods..

The most intriguing part is where he says that most of the things can be prevented from happening that it is not destiny but some are just the work of fate..that thay can't be really changed..as in the situation with my ex.. and the other part is-who is he talking to?? spirit guides..? he says that he has power over some beings and even some little beings-they share knowledge with him..i was like OMG-even that is true-how on earth they would know what will happen i mean they are not superior or anything??

Any comments??


Dancing Bear

I am no expert here but i also tap into peoples energy, it is the only way i can describe it and i get messages also for them i am fine tuning my abilities and use runes, tarot or the palm between me and the querent only because I know it spooks people out as i pretty much can get the exact same reading without them..I do like to use touch like the palm. but can do a reading without touch and i guess this is why he askes for names it allows him to tune in without touch and he probably doesnt have the energy residue like i do after a reading.
I do not know where i get my messages from i have visions of people and they are doing things, showing me things, sometimes i find it hard to decipher what is being shown other times it just rolls off of my toungue.. I guess these people i see are spirit. But yes i also tune in or i like to call it tap into others energy, i become them so to speak. once i can get to this state a flood of information can come and i rattles off at will.. I understand this man not wanting to cover the same subject twice, because i do not receive anything at all, this is how i know they have approached the question before, i just get flashes of things i remeber seeing before and i can tell them no more than already before.. Its like the spirits are bored already with the question, and yes i understand his concept that there are things that are meant to be.. Like couples, moving to a certain home etc... The visions or information is firm and unbending there seems to be no alternative route.. It is rare that i am off with accuracy once i can get to this state...As i said before though i am still refining this ability.. i am still getting stuck with some messages. I think i need a book on Symbols and metaphores...It can take me days to rid myself of the person i have read for sometimes so i do not do many of these readings, i like to look after myself.. and am trying to develop a protection prayer that allows me to use the abilities as well as being protected..
I would not say i have power over any being at all when doing this type of reading, i beleive i am just tuning into someones energy and their spirtual ancestors, alive as well as passed on.

This is one part of him that makes me suspect of him saying he has control over some beings and that is how he gets his information.. To me this is not a good thing to say to someone if it were a lie,, and definately not a good thing it it were true.. I do not beleive that spirit would allow a human to be in control anyways . so i think that bit is part of the show..

Yes he would freak me out a bit also and i would also be suspect, but if you have had a good track record with him maybe it might be a good idea just to live for the moment and see what the future brings by allowing the time will tell factor take its role.

Luck to you and yours.

Dancing bear :love:



He feels really uncomfy when somebody asks about the same question twice..WHY IS THAT??And he says..i don't really speak about the same issues over and over again..unless some important event happens..So if i told you that there is no seperation between the partners don't ask about it twice..strange

What you felt as him feeling uncomfy may have been him (or it's) not liking their authority being questioned. You see some can become so sensitive that even asking a question twice to them feels like a challenge. :)

I believe that the degree a person is willing (or needing) to be in control of others can reflect both their own level of free will/awareness and the amount they themselves are being controlled. In more severe cases, they are being controlled by disincarnates. In my experience, the disincarnate always strokes the ego of the host telling them things like they are the “chosen” and gives them every impression that the host is in control. This is not without a price as the entity gains attachment and free will acceptance of the host that can become quite strong with time and a little tricky to dissolve. It is often true that they can read energy but in my opinion it is of a “lower” nature and usually steers us in the direction of confusion and disempowerment.

Sometimes both actively and knowingly :)

Below is a quote from me made elsewhere that I felt was related.


Joined: 14 Sep 2005
Posts: 32
Location: Washington State
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:05 am Post subject: Living and the Dead.

Thank you for sharing that experience. I fully agree that what you are describing is a force such as I do not recommend associating with. There are many forces in this world and not all of them share the same value of being. To me, there is a real difference between getting in touch with your inner-self and getting in touch with disincarnates. In one you deal with the land of the living and of life and light. In the other you deal with the realm of the dead and those who wish to use or drain the life of the living. I know that it can often look similar when a person seems to go inside themselves for answers that seem to sound psychic. But really more often than not it is either coming from a personal connection to the source or it is coming from some disincarnate personified person/being. I do not believe these two things are the same thing and I do not believe they lead to the same results.

Al Si'ra

Hi Dancing Bear..thank you for the indepth explanation..you say that you also get visions and feelings..this guy i believe is also getting some feelings as well..since sometimes he really finds it hard to explain what he feels..and yes..he also says that the spirits do not like to be questioned about the same issue and they don't speak about it again..something like that..
I think he does this comfortably without ever giving me the impression of being drained out..he can tune into our energies in an instant at most in 5 mins. and feels fine after the session and goes on with daily work..He also say prayers before and after the session..as if he says some sort of thank you..
But Dancing Bear this is a wonderful gift thanx for sharing your experiences:)
And i see how somethings can be changed and somethings do not look that way "firm and unbending"-very well explained..for example he has seen some sort of mentally troubled guy for my friend for her future (and it is true that my friend has this tendency to fall for psychos) but also told her that this could be preventended from happening as it depends on her choices..and now he did not see that troubled person for her as she is involved with some other person-he now has seen that this guy is in her future if she chooses to..we are keeping track of him and i will sure let you know..

Hi RViewer!!

Very interesting comments!! Ok what is exactly a disincarnate..?? I think he does speak with disincarnates-i mean beings who never incarnated on earth-i am pretty sure about it..though he is aware of the dangers of these beings and he strongly says that using Ouija and other similar stuff can be really dangerous if one's energy is not strong enough..He says that they co-operate..i mean he does not speak about this unless asked but i was really curious so i asked lol and he doesn't really say who he is talking to..The strange thing is..the readings-the ones i got so far were really positive and encouraging..and made me feel positive and encouraged me to have faith in my dreams..though i also know that disincarnates (little people as some call) can lead to very very negative experiences..as well..for example he also told us that if we did intent to use Ouija the answers we would get could be very well leading us to astray-and more,those beings could make fun of us..and i had such experiences..it is true.. and we asked why they weren't making fun of him and providing him accurate answers and he said well i know how to co-operate with them..

very strange..i also think that those beings do gather information from our spirit guides as well but i don't assume that he directly talks with our spirit guides-he uses those beings as the mediatior..is that possibble?

By the way the strange thing is he is totally aware of the protection techniques such as casting a circle etc. and he is aware of how to cast spells and unbind them and never interferes with the free will of people-so he never casts spells but sees if there is one-and if yes-he breaks them..



I didin't like how he says he has power over some beings...if spirit comes to him then they do it of their own free will --no living person has power over spirit and never can have. xxx Mary

Al Si'ra

By "power" i think he tries to say that the spirits do not mock him or lead him in the wrong direction..'cause he says that this could very well happen if inexperienced people try to mess with spirits..

but then again-why do they mock us not him?.. lol too many questions!


Brock Johnson

I'm not saying it is, but it sounds like a scam to me. I think a great deal of "psychics" and "tarot readers" are fake. Obviously if you are on here you aren't, but I'm talking about the people who guess the meaning of the cards randomly. If you think about it, the tarot is kind of vague and we somehow find a way that it connects to us.

Most people that read energy don't need the use of beads or words to help them. If they are experienced, they should be able to see and read on their own. If people were to continue with tarot, they would be able to get up to point of seeing the past, present, future and also reading energies. It's easy to do but takes a lot of small steps to do it this day in age.


Al Si'ra

I think a great deal of "psychics" and "tarot readers" are fake.

Well; yes unfortunately..i have to agree with you here on this point..I have seen many many actually %98 of readers to be fake..and i have seen the other %1 here on AT..the other %1 around me once in a while..so true..this intrigues me because of this fact..i wonder if he is in %1.

Most people that read energy don't need the use of beads or words to help them. If they are experienced, they should be able to see and read on their own.

I agree up to some point..while it is true that one shouldn't need any mediator or tool to connect them to the spirit if they are experienced; it is highly unlikely to see that much experienced people around..But there are many who connects to the spirit with the help of a tool and i believe that they are pretty reliable..i mean wouldn't it be a personal choice or personal method..most of us here connect to the spirit with the help of cards..and maybe after some time we will not need the cards but who knows maybe we will..So i don't really see this as a criteria..And this guy; i am not sure why he is using the beads-but probably it does help him focus in a very short time..i am not sure it's his method.. Personally i am really curious if he turns out to be a scam or not..well i got a reading from him in the past and it was %80 true..and this is a high accuracy..i will sure let you know in 15 days..'cause he gave my friend such a time period for an event to happen..we'll see..
But personally i still think that most of us fail in timeframes as spirits cannot really define the timeframe..


Al Si'ra

Hi Michael i checked the link and you are right it is clairsentience..i assume actually it is more like the second one..
