Not sure I've got the message right.


I seem to be going through a very intense period of renewal and soul searching.

Oddly enough I was told that May would be significant for me both by someone in an online circle and by Mia Dolan. I just thought "wait and see", skeptic that I am but its true. Yesterday I got in my car and the milage thingy read 33822!

33 =
33 represents Christ Consciousness - universal nurturing, social consciousness raised to a world class, global responsibility, master teacher and healer. 33 is a higher octave of 6 - the flower of life - Creation - Qabbalah.

8 =
Spiritually eight is the goal of the initiate, having gone through the seven stages. Eight is Infinity - Paradise regained.

22 =
22 represents practical idealism - practical genius, creator of the future, power on all levels, master of the material, philanthropy, universality, international direction, and service to mankind.


I take this to mean that now is the time to use practical ways to further my spiritual journey. (in a nutshell)

The thing is, recently my dreams have been quite intense, some really enlightening and deep stuff but I'm not sure that I have correctly interpreted last nights dream.

I have gone to a friends garage, a big workshop where they repair & service buses, wagons etc (not a real garage btw I don't know anyone like this). I have gone there to help them by tidying up, cleaning etc. I take a broom and start sweeping the dust towards a really big drain in the floor but I knock the drain cover which falls through the floor showing all the rubbish and old oil in a cellar below. I dare not go down to retrieve it because I won't get back out again. Then the hole opens up and people walk out, two of which are a man and a woman dressed in blue pvc overalls. We discuss the problem with the drain but thats all.

I can understand most of the concepts of this dream, sweeping away the rubbish, uncovering hidden, subconcious rubbish etc but what I don't understand is does this refer to my life or someone elses?

The reason I ask is that I went to sleep asking to be shown how to use my dreams to help people! I've gone through a lot of subconcious clearing lately and I don't think I have THAT much rubbish down there personally but perhaps my fear of not getting back out again is the point?

I don't know - any ideas??




:) Just my brief thoughts before heading off to my own dreams.

I think it relates directly to your question. When helping people with their problems it is important not to go down into their hole with extend the hand and it is their choice to accept it make an effort to climb upward. When they do this you are in a position to help with their is a colour of healing and communication.


Hi there... in my ideas your are really 100% right Mooncat2. That is a most important statement.


I agree with Mooncat2.

As far as the numerology is concerned, 8 has an "as above so below" connotation and is about great success/great failure. Because of this and because of its shape, it can in this case be thought of as a propeller, turning in the centre, with "wings" on either side - 22 and 33, both Master numbers. 22 is the Master Builder and 33 is the Master of Healing Love. 22 is about balance, high ideals, organisation and using these to bring about the greater good. 33 is about unconditional love and working according to spiritual truths. So what happens when you spin a propeller? If you do it properly, you take off!


Thankyou both.

I'm in agreement with you but sometimes its like I can't see the wood for the trees.

The whole dream was about helping someone else so I knew deep down that it wasn't about me. I have been trying to use lucid dreaming to overcome fears which has worked remakably well for me personally but in this case it was different.

The man and woman in the blue overals I have met in my dreams before - I think they are guides but not sure, hence they stood out from the others and had pvc overals on. I'm glad you picked up on the colour associations too.

Thanks for the confirmation and the helpful insights.




Netzach said:
I agree with Mooncat2.

As far as the numerology is concerned, 8 has an "as above so below" connotation and is about great success/great failure. Because of this and because of its shape, it can in this case be thought of as a propeller, turning in the centre, with "wings" on either side - 22 and 33, both Master numbers. 22 is the Master Builder and 33 is the Master of Healing Love. 22 is about balance, high ideals, organisation and using these to bring about the greater good. 33 is about unconditional love and working according to spiritual truths. So what happens when you spin a propeller? If you do it properly, you take off!

Amazing - thankyou Netzach.

I am VERY new to numerology and only started looking into it a couple of weeks ago so forgive me for being a bit of a novice where thats concerned.

I had never thought about the 8 that way, very poignient and your assessment of the other two numbers is spot on the mark. Balance & unconditional love esp have been the key areas I have been working on within myself these last few weeks.

I umm'd and ahhh'd about posting this, now I am so very glad I did.

Thankyou all for your help.
