Cowardly Lion spread


I think there is no special need to explain the whole idea of this spread to those who have read Wizard of Oz and remember Dorothy and her friends - Scarecrow, Tin Man... and Cowardly Lion who might be scared by his own tail but became brave and strong to defend his dear friends. :)

This spread is very good for the querent who is shy, afraid of people and of life itself but has a strong desire for 'getting courage'.
(And I think it's good for yourself when you're feeling like this... Frankly, it happens to me not as rarely as I'd like it to happen :))


1 - How does the querent see him(her)self?
2 - How do other people see him(her)?
3 - The way that difference between 1 and 2 does make him/her feel and act.
4 - What is the hidden potential of the querent?
(Qualities that (s)he actually has but does not use (and doesn't even realise) in his(her) everyday life.)
5 - What is this potential usually blocked with ?
(This card is crossing number 4.)
6 - What must (s)he realise to get free from 'cowardness'?
7 - What must (s)he practically do for this purpose?
8 - What would be the result of that process for his(her) whole life?

I've created that spread last night and have done it with the BBCats deck which I usually find ideal in discovering the difference between 'to be' and 'seem to be' :)


This spread is what I've been looking for!!!!!!!!! My brother is very insecure about his abilities to go to college, he thinks he's not smart enough, but most of his fears come from the inside........ I'l try it out as soon as he gets home!!


amaretta said:
I think there is no special need to explain the whole idea of this spread to those who have read Wizard of Oz and remember Dorothy and her friends - Scarecrow, Tin Man... and Cowardly Lion who might be scared by his own tail but became brave and strong to defend his dear friends. :)

This spread is very good for the querent who is shy, afraid of people and of life itself but has a strong desire for 'getting courage'.
(And I think it's good for yourself when you're feeling like this... Frankly, it happens to me not as rarely as I'd like it to happen :))

What an intriguing spread! Thanks so much for sharing it! This has huge potential! I'm going to try it out on myself. GRIN


Thank you so much for your kind words, I'll be happy if you'll find it useful :)