Puppy (pet) spread


I was playing with my puppy today and got the idea to try a spread of my own (my very first!). Here is what I came up with. Gentle critism is greatly appreciated since I've never done this before. This spread is for the relationship between you and your pet. (I used puppy since that is the pet I have).


1. The ears. Current situation with your pet
2. The head. How my pet feels about me
3. Chest. How I feel about my pet
4. Front leg. Things I need to learn about my pet
5. Main body. Things my pet needs to learn
6. Back haunches. Setbacks / negative things with my pet
7. Back legs. Positive things about my pet
8. Back end. Things that can improve our relationship
9. Tail. The outcome / How to have a happy relationship with my pet.

I thought it was kind of interesting when I did this spread regarding me and Vinnie (my mini schnauzer puppy... hence the short 'tail' in my spread :)


thats a really good spread :)


Thanks :) I was really nervous about posting the spread, where it's my first time trying to make one. But I know the only way to learn is to post and talk to others. I'm quickly learning that I can get some friendly, helpful feedback here.


I'll have to give this a try! Hmmm is there one for puppy breath... ohhh I love puppy breath lol



this seams to be the right spread at the right time. My sister has a "new" dog and he is verry fearly about everything. I will give this one a try and give you than a feedback, how it was working...

Thanks for sharing your spread.


Great spread!

I'm from IL too ;-)