
Tarot Tina

Last night I dreamt I was walking home and it was dark. I realised I was been followed and I got scared. I started to walk faster then I started to run and I could hear the sound of my heels on my shoes on the pavement. I was nearly home and I kept thinking that if I could get as far as the neighbours fence I would be home but the fence was never ending and home seemed a long way off. Then I saw my house and all the lights were on attracting me like a beacon. When I reached home I slammed the door behind me and rested up against it panting and my heart was beating fast in my chest. The alarm clock then went off and I woke up, but I felt out of breath and my heart was beating very fast.


Hi There,
I feel that this dream interprets as..
You may be in a situation which you no longer feel secure in, or no longer feel in control of.
It seems as if your subconscious is telling you events or issues around you may be spirelling out of control, the more you battle on, the further away emotional security seems to get.
I feel its all about issues that have been swept under the carpet and not dealt with, returning. I feel as if there is a situation you don't wish to face up to and you are running from it.
You need to deal with these issues now, before you can move on.
Hope this makes sense,


Hi Tarot Tina.. I concur with Doreen's post above. There is something you are denying. It may be a fear or a circumstance. It can be internal as well as external.