what do u think about this spread?


Its a relationship spread.

1. past
2. current situation
3. obstacles or difficulties he might bring to the relationship
4. oblstacles or difficulties she might bring to the relationship
5. what he should do to make it work
6. what she should do to make it work
7. near future
8. long term future
9. Advice/Outcome



I like that there is two-sided advice


I really appreciated the "near future" and then "long term" cards added to this spread because it gave a nice overview of what to expect in a relationship. I also enjoyed (which I've seen in several different spreads) "difficulties he could bring" and "difficulties she could bring" because those mixed with the "near future" and "long term" cards made a decent layout overall. Good job. :)


I like this spread. Simple but effective questioning..


Just tried this spread. My results are very relevant and seem accurate. Good job. Nice easy spread that cuts the crap.