Tannenbaum spread


Arrowhead spread

I was thinking of improoving another spread of somebody else and found that this questions weren't actually what interested me with my problem. So I wrote different questions and added them to the other, substracted, shuffeled back and forth and came to a complete new spread I would like to show you.

The Tannenbaum spread has its name because of its laying figure (looks like a christmas tree - eg German=Tannenbaum) and its about 12 cards and more or less some sort of an obstacle spread but just for one person not a couple.

My questionary is:

1. What is your (biggest) concern in life right now?
2. what does it mean to you at the present?

3. What factor(s) is (are) supporting it in present?
4. What factor(s) is (are) blocking it in present?

5. How will it progress if you do nothing to prevent or support it?
6. What would mean this progress to you for your future life?

7. How can you prevent it?
8. How can you support it?

9. What will be the outcome if you prevent it?
10. What will it mean to you for your future life?

11. What will be the outcome if you support it?
12. What will it mean to you for your future life?

The figure would be:


Please let me know how you like it, how you would improofe it and if its useful for you.



I tested it with a reading and found that I had some problems of interpretation as it is, so I tried to formulate it a bit clearer

My questionary is:

1. What is your (biggest) concern in life right now?
2. What does it mean to you at the present?
3. What is the desired solution for this concern in your life?
4. What factor(s) is (are) supporting the desired solution in present?
5. What factor(s) is (are) blocking the desired solution in present?
6. How will it progress if you do nothing to prevent or support these factors?
7. What would mean this resulting outcome to you for your future life?
8. What can you do to get the desired outcome?
9. What would this desired outcome mean to you in future?

The figure would be:

The figure would be:


It is also a bit condensed to 9 cards and clearer now I hope. More like an arrow head than a Tannenbaum, actually. lol

I tested it and it worked quite nicely, hope for you, too. :D

Let me know which one you like better.
