My birthday spread


I just did a birthday spread, to see what the next year will bring me. I used the World Spirit deck, and no reversals.


1 - Past influences that are ending or passing out of your life: TWO OF SWORDS

2 - Accomplishments of the past year to reflect on: JUDGEMENT

3 - Issues, tasks, or goals carried forward from last year into the coming year: TEMPERANCE

4 - Where you are right now: SEER OF SWORDS

5 - New influences that will be coming into your life in the near future: HANGED MAN

6 - Challenges you may face in the coming year: THREE OF PENTACLES

7 - Goals that you can achieve in the coming year: WHEEL OF FORTUNE

8 - The overall focus or outlook for the coming year: NINE OF WANDS

9 - Your birthday gift: a blessing you will receive during the year: NINE OF CUPS

I think it looks like a good year ahead, with the Nine of Wands as a warning card.
What do you think?


Happy birthday, Tarotlady!

It does look like a favorable year overall, doesn’t it? :)

I laid the cards out with my Universal Waite to take a look at them. I don’t have the World Spirit deck, though it is on my short wish list, and will probably make its way to me before the year is out or soon thereafter. Every time I look at this deck, I want it again. :)

I’m not sure if you wanted a card-by-card input on this spread, but I thought I’d give it a go. I need the practice! :) I've read that World Spirit deck is mostly RW based, so hopefully the card meanings aren’t too different from one deck to the other.

With the 2 of Swords, it looks like you’ve been trying to keep a balance in your life. It has been difficult, and at times, you’ve been forced to be on the defensive. Those swords have gotten heavy, but you needed them to protect yourself. Since this card is moving out of your life, perhaps whatever these issues were are going to find their own equilibrium. You won’t have to hold them so stiffly in place in the coming year.

Look back at the advances you’ve made in the past year. The Judgment card indicates that a transformation has occurred. Be proud of your achievements, and learn from your failures. You are a different person than you were a year ago. Don’t forget to be continuously learning and growing.

Temperance makes me look at the 2 of Swords. Your balancing act has turned into a combining act. The issues that required a balanced separation in the 2 of Swords, will fare better if fused into one, not to mention make your life easier!

The Seer of Swords (Page in the UW) is you at this moment. You are starting to be very comfortable with you are, and worrying less about what people may think of you. Good!
Trust and be true to yourself. Only you can live your life. Take what you need and leave that which is a hindrance. This card maybe an outgrowth of the Judgment card’s rebirth.

Due to the changes indicted be the Judgment and Seer of Swords cards, you are going to be getting a new perspective on things. Spiritually, you will experience new growth. You may also need to sacrifice something or aspects of yourself in order for this growth to happen. But the Hanged Man indicates that it will be for your greater good.

3 of Pentacles as a challenge made me think that you are going to have to work closely with others in projects throughout the coming year. And some of these “others” may be people that rub you the wrong way. Or perhaps, you tend to like to do things on your own, and are going to have to enter into a spirit of cooperation to successfully complete projects.

The Wheel of Fortune shows that you can expect some surprises. You’ll be setting and achieving goals that you would have never dreamed you were capable of a short time ago. You are going to surprise others with what you can do. You are going to surprise yourself!

The 9 of Wands does stand as a warning, but it also looks like you are coming into a time of a resting watchfulness. You’ve fought some battles and taken some hard hits this past year, but you did emerge as the victor. Now, you will be guarding the line, watchful but not in active battle. It’s time to rest and watch. Be ready to fight if need be, but don’t start a fight where none exists.

And your birthday present?… The 9 of Cups! How delightful, the wish card! :) That has got to be one of the nicest cards one can get in this position.

Here’s hoping you have a wonderful year (with many 9 of Cups)!


4 - Where you are right now: SEER OF SWORDS
You have been resolving some childhood hurts, I feel you have been undergoing a healing learning time and this wil continue.

5 - New influences that will be coming into your life in the near future: HANGED MAN
This card goes back to the first three cards. You have been dealing with uneasy compromises, but have ben able to resolve them and move on. And you learned a lot from that in the past year, lessons which you are bringing forward with you into this year. Your new perspective is going to help you when you face new situations this year. You have learned to pause and consider and not to rush into action. And you will have more lessons around that theme in the coming year. Patience, balance need to be your watchwords.

6 - Challenges you may face in the coming year: THREE OF PENTACLES
You must learn to work more closely with others, it is part of the lessons of this year. Goes back to what I wrote above. If you learn these lessons well, you can accomplish much of real value.

7 - Goals that you can achieve in the coming year: WHEEL OF FORTUNE As I said, the oppostunities are therre, almost throwing themselves at you.

8 - The overall focus or outlook for the coming year: NINE OF WANDS
I don't know that this is a warning exactly. This is a person who has achieved, with effort. And is now resting before the next step. This is a card of drawing your breath, after a big push.
Sometimes it is a card of assessment, counting your losses and gains after a struggle.

9 - Your birthday gift: a blessing you will receive during the year: NINE OF CUPS
9 of cups. What can I say? Enjoy. It will come from others.

It sounds like a strong consolidation year for you, with the application of lessons learned. Good promise of joy and accomplishment, though not without effort.


Thank you, both Riversea and Marion, for your interpretation of my spread!

The reason why I consider the Nine of Wands to be a warning is because I recognise myself in this card: I can be very insecure at times, and then I tend to be very defensive, holding off both situations/changes and people. So looking at it that way, the Nine of Wands could also be a warning not to be too defensive and to simply let things evolve as they come along (Hanged Man)and/or to let people into my life.

Apart from that: yes, I feel like I've learned a lot in the past year and am looking forward to continue on that path. I know there is still a lot of work to be done, but I don't mind that, I've seen the results so far so it's certainly worth it!
Now, when am I going to get my Nine of Cups birthday present?? :D :)


tarotlady said:
I just did a birthday spread, to see what the next year will bring me. I used the World Spirit deck, and no reversals.


1 - Past influences that are ending or passing out of your life: TWO OF SWORDS
(snipped for brevity)


Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I'm not sure I would be much help with interpreting the reading, but the spread is a new one for me (I have so much to learn :eek:). I do have a few questions about the layout, if you don't mind. 1) Is this a spread which is designed specifically for use on, or near, one's birthday? 2) Is this a spread of your own design, or is it a more or less "traditional" one, or gleaned from a book or other source? 3) Was it intentionally designed to look like a birthday cake? :D

Thank you again for sharing...



I got this spread from the forum. A while ago somebody asked for a specific birthday spread in another thread and someone else posted this spread.

It's actually originally from the Tarot Moon website. This is what it says about the spread on the website:
The birthday spread is in the shape of a cake with a candle on top, and is designed to help you evaluate the year that is passing, look at where you are right now, and see what new energies, challenges, and gifts the new year is bringing you.



Thank you, thank you, thank you!! That Tarot Moon site is now in my bookmarks.
