Numerology; 1



Well, this is partly tarot-centered, partly not... I thought 1 thread for each of the 10 numbers/sefiroth/number cards would be nice, but I don't want to limit this to tarot. Any associations regarding the numbers should be welcome here.


So... starting with 1...

Oneness. Abstraction. Emptiness. Fullness. Eternity. Un-dividedness.
Beyond verbalization. Pureness.



beginnings, potential, newness, independence, conceiving, the seed..


burst of energy. starting something new.

would emptiness and fullness be a quality of one?


jade said:
would emptiness and fullness be a quality of one? [/B]

To me, as "wider" a concept is, i.e., the more it contains, the
less precise it can be, and vice versa.
("this apple" is very precise and very "small". "The universe" is the opposite,
wide and imprecise). Thus, absolute
fullness on the content level implies absolute emptiness on the level of precision.

And 1==The Absolute, for me. Might have
been easier to put it this way in the first place... :)



the beginning

Hi all,

For me 1 is the beginning of an adventure into the suite..

from showing an empty cup that is about to be filled to a single sword (idea) that needs to be put to use.

I love this thread..this is the process that helped me learn tarot..after the numbers..examine the courts then the suites themselves..they don't always mean what we conventionally see.




The beginning... initiation... start of something new... independence... self-sufficiency... individuality... dominance... leadership... strong will... creativity... originality... isolation... loneliness... and even selfishness... :)

Thanks for starting this thread, vijeno. :)


I've always associated the number 1 as the position of honor. You know, like . . . 1st place in a race. . . 1st born son. That type of thing.

Just thought I'd add that. :)



numerology: a small contribution

Ancient Greeks thought that number 1 was the father of all numbers, because:

111111111 * 111111111 = 12345678987654321

This is also true in Tarot: Aces are the "fathers" of their suits.



1..if there is not 1, there will not be 2!

important, beginning,patience,new,strange...

Thats what i think of 1..



one is the start of things for me. Its a mile stone for me as i wasnt suppose to reach my first birthday but i did and im here today. :?)