looking for a diana spread


This is an odd request may-be, but I'm looking for a spread on the Goddess Diana. Some-thing like what she means to me, or how I relate to her. I might only do this spread once, I might not need to do it more than that. May-be this is too specific, but I thought I'd ask any-way. Thanks.


Possible title: 4 Phase Cycle of Goddess Diana

1 3 5 7 9

The cards are drawn in order, one through nine.
As they are laid on the table, however, the cards
1 3 5 7 9 are laid face down, and 2 4 6 8 face up.

Picking one at a time from any of the face down cards,
they are then paired to one of the face up corner cards.

There's no right or wrong, just a spontaneous association.
When all four corner cards have been paired in this way,
the last card remaining (still face down) is turned face up,
and placed in the center of the spread. It is the main card.

The position meanings of the 4 Corners is your own choice.
The significance of the pairs, and how they relate to the one
central card is what the reading itself will then determine. :heart:


Okay, I think I understand this. Thank you so much, I honestly didn't think I'd get a reply! Thanks.