Potential Lover Spread


I really like this spread so I thought i should share it! Normally I don't invent spreads, but my sister came to me asking about a lovely guy she had met briefly and exchanged numbers with. I created this spread for her to find out everything she wanted to know about him.

I've used it a few times and found it to be really accurate and insightful (and brutally honest!) Its good to use on someone who you think you may have a romantic future with or someone who you WANT to have a romantic future with!


(I can't show it very well here, but it makes a nice heart shaped spread)

1: Who is he/she?
2: What is a helpful influence bringing us together?
3: What is an obstacle keeping us apart?
4: How does he/she feel about me?
5: What would we be like as a couple?
6: What does the near future hold for us?
7: What does the distant future hold for us?
8: Advice for best possible outcome
9: Advice for best possible outcome
10:Ultimate outcome of situation

I used two advice cards because its a personal preference - I often find that one advice card isn't enough. If you prefer, maybe substitute Question 8 or 9 for another question you want to know!

Try it out if you like and let me know how it goes.



The reading I did for my sister was as follows:

1: Who is he/she? THE WORLD
- I think this relates to the fact that hes a traveller. He had just moved here from Canada.
2: What is a helpful influence bringing us together? KING OF SWORDS
- Not sure about this one. Perhaps open and clear communication between them.
3: What is an obstacle keeping us apart? TEMPERANCE
-They are very different people
4: How does he/she feel about me? QUEEN OF WANDS
-He sees her as vibrant etc
5: What would we be like as a couple? PAGE OF CUPS
- Happy, loving, perhaps a little childish or innocent.
6: What does the near future hold for us? THE TOWER
-This relates to the fact that its been a week and she still hasn't heard from him. Thats pretty tough on her!
7: What does the distant future hold for us? 9 OF CUPS
-This possibly means that there is hope for the distant future, but from my experience the 9 of cups can simply mean she will be wishing for him to call, but he won't.
8: Advice for best possible outcome PAGE OF WANDS
- Be bold and confident.
9: Advice for best possible outcome 4 OF WANDS
-open yourself to new possibilities
10:Ultimate outcome of situation DEATH
-It could mean that this will be an important relationship which will transform her completely, but I take it to mean that nothing will happen and she will leave him behind her and move on.


the death card can also mean that he may change her social status. as for the rest i think you got every thing i would have had. plus a few thing i would of missed. its a great spread i can't wait to try it out for my self and friends.