Goddess Guidance - Eireen


Our next card:

EIREEN - Peace
"There is no need to worry, as everything is working out beautifully."

Goddess Eireen tells us that there is no need to worry. If your agenda is crazy then you are not to stress about everything you need to do. Now you have to trust in the universe that everything will be taken care of. Everything will fall into place and work out. If we stress, things will just get worse. Stop worrying and only think about one thing at a time.

The sea is behind the goddess with jumping and swimming dolphins. Dolphins are so beautiful and playful. Peace and calmness can easily take over the body just from watching and playing with dolphins.


Eireen is speaking to me

Maybe she needs to shout.

I have drawn her for the third day in a row in answer to "whose energy is with me today?"

Now, I will just quit worrying about my finances.


The third time in a row hey?! Yes she must be trying to tell you not to worry anymore about your finances.

I feel like getting out these cards now. I havent in a while. :)


Goddess Guidance-Eireen...

love the message this card gives........

of Peace..... knowing that no matter how we feel about a situation at this time.... we really are protected as a mother protects her child, cares and nutures her child with so much love, bliss, joy.......

then also how much we can create peace in our own lives with taking care of own needs such as yoga, sea-salt bath, massage etc.......

Blessed Be!
