Advice spread


Just a three-card draw


1- Advice from my head - logic
2- Advice from my heart - emotional
3- Advice from fate, destined path


anne_soulangel said:
Just a three-card draw


1- Advice from my head - logic
2- Advice from my heart - emotional
3- Advice from fate, destined path

Interesting! I could also see re-naming #3 as
3- Advice from my most trusted mentor

This could represent the person in your life to whom you usually go for advice. If you know them very well, you probably have a sense or intuition what they might say, as filtered through YOUR own mind. It could give you a different spin on the "outside" view without it being such a fixed or "destined" path.

Ann Yu

Thanks. IT's nice. But sometimes I get difficult in decide which card I should follow. Heart or reason...T__T