The bottom card, how do you read it


For those who use to look at the bottom card and incorporate it into the reading, how do you apply this card in a reading, how you view this card within the contest of a reading. For example i did a reading for a friend she wanted to know if her boyfriend was the man she will marry. form my thoth deck the knight of cups came up and the bottom card was the death. When I saw the knight of cups i got the impression that she will marry this guy, but how do you apply the bottom card to this reading on this case the death card.




What I've noticed about the bottom card is that it usually refers to essential issues being overlooked/ignored by the person getting the reading. In most cases, the person is aware of these issues and purposefully setting them aside.

However, how to specifically apply the bottom card depends on the overall reading.


Sometimes it confirms the reading.. you are on the right track.

Sometimes it is so totally different you have to look again and see where it could fit in and why.

I guess I take it as hint to look beyond the surface a bit.


I call it the shadow card, and I see it as the card that can give insight into what is either hidden, or some sort of hang-up, or the dark mirror of a situation, or something that is present but its energy is not fully expressed, or in some way is related to the reading in an oblique way.

Quite often I see it as a message to me as reader. What else should I be saying to the querent? What have I missed?

edited: missed the bit about Death. In that case I would read it as "decision". Something final and absolute. Like a marriage proposal. Or a dumping. But either way, she'll be fixed.


I always draw the bottom card as a special message from the spirit / guardian angel. My son calls it the message from the next hair to fall off your head, but at 13 what do you expect.

The card almost always relates to my readings as extra advice or aspect not previously thought about.

Maybe death signified a transformation of the relationship or going down a new path.


lifeisdifficult said:
My son calls it the message from the next hair to fall off your head, but at 13 what do you expect
OMG! This is the funniest thing I've read :D (OK, I must have a 13-year old boy locked inside me, waiting to get out).


Hi Tara,

I specially agree with Apocalipstick, for me the bottom card gives a clue about the deep motivation of the person asking for tarot reading.
Maybe the nameless card (that's her name in le Tarot of Marseille) reflects your friend's worries about her relationship, for instance does she fear a failure ?