Beauty and Beast type dream


Hello! I had the most intense dream last night. I was in this castle, it seemed like an all girls school because I was surrounded by many female friends in a classroom setting. This person appeared in the dream, he had long ragged looking hair and was scary looking. He was chasing us girls around and I remember someone saying he was going to eat one of us. He seemed especially after me. Anyways, someone told me if I went into his room (which was behind the fireplace) and talked with him maybe he would leave us alone. I told them I was too scared and ran off. I hid in the locker room behind the door and one of my friends joined me there and hid with me. All of he sudden he came out from the showers and spotted me and asked me to follow him. I agreed to go and told my friend to warn the others. He had taken a shower and changed his clothes and now his hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail, as a matter of fact he was handsome. He brought me to the room behind the fireplace and was sitting up on a throne. I remember there was a floating chair in the room (about the size of a child's chair) and it was inscribed for "Psychics" only. It didn't scare me and when I looked in his eyes to ask him why he brought me there I fell in love with him. I kissed him and he told me he loved me too but he'd never be able to marry me because he was different. I told him it didn't matter to me and I was willing to have a family with him.
When I woke up, I immediately thought of the association with Beauty and the Beast. Can someone help me interpret this dream. It was soooo lifelike and very detailed, like I see inside the rooms of the castle, etc.


You've stumped me a little. May I have your permission to consult my Runes to clarify?



Permission Granted......hehehe!

isthmus nekoi

Hey Momof3girls! Thanks for sharing - I'm very into fairy tales so maybe I can be of help here.

First I find it interesting that the setting seems to be both at once a castle and an all girl's school. Is there some connection b/w the two? Also, I can't help but notice your handle is mother of 3 girls - it seems there's a navigation here through female/male, gender roles etc in the psyche.

The notion of being eaten suggests something animistic about this man which jives w/the beast idea. Also, your description of the 'beast' suggests that this is an element of the psyche which has been shunned from the mainstream and maybe has become very hungry in the process. Being *eaten*, being broken down and absorbed by this hungering element in the psyche, the threat of being overwhelmed also comes to my mind.

The other side, the throne suggests a king who has been hidden from view/consciousness. The psychic chair, a less developed throne, perhaps for beauty/the queen?

I'm going to be bad and all reductionist here and suggest that the beast is like the animus archetype - the unconscious male principal in the psyche. I suggest this b/c the fairy tale Beauty & the Beast is often read on the level of a female ego confronting her animus.

B&B has had many different versions but the earliest I can think of goes like this in Jungian terms: you have Beauty, this daddy's girl, a puella, someone who is self effacing (unlike her sisters), who is always willing to sacrifice her own autonomy for the sake of others. By unselfishly asking for a rose she unwittingly opens the gate to the dark animus, the beast, the underdeveloped male prinicple within herself that will teach her how to rise beyond the strictures of her society. I mean this is a very important tale in a society that still stresses that girls be 'nice', 'pleasant', 'caring' etc. This is a story of how a woman can learn to define herself beyond those terms.... If this really resonates w/you, may I suggest reading The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter which has 2 excellent rewrites of B&B as well as many other animus-y fairy tales?...

All in all, the dream suggests to me that you are working w/your animus right now, and that your psyche is priming the conscious grounds for his integration. Work w/the man, he is the psychopompus, the greater heirophant, but be careful b/c anything that isn't fully integrated into consciousness has the potential to cause a upheaval and confusion.


I am unable to post my interpretation in one piece. I have sent it to you by mail. Sorry. I guess what I wrote was too long, but I had to break it into smaller peices so it would accept it. *shrug*



Part 1

Most of this dream seemed pretty clear to me with the exception of the man. I wasn't exactly sure what he represented in your dream as I felt he didn’t just represent the masculine side of your self, so that is where I drew Runes for clarification. Also, this is pretty long, so I broke it up into sections. Here is my interpretation.

A castle generally signifies protection or your inner sanctuary. You were there with female friends which I believe represent different sides of you. That you were in a classroom shows to me that, you are learning more about yourself.


part 2

The man, who is at first scary, then clean cut, shows a transformation. This is the transformation of some issue that until now has seemed pretty scary, but is now beginning to look very good to you. That his room was behind the fireplace makes me think that this issue is very close to your heart or a very passionate issue for you. In your dream you thought he was trying to eat you. This makes me think that this issue is becoming an obsession for you.


Part 3

Someone told you that you had to confront him. This means that this is an issue you have to deal with, no one can do it for you. In your dream, you ran, and then hid from him, but he found you anyway, means no matter how much you ignore it, it will catch up with you anyway. Also, you ran because it was a frightening issue, but once you saw the beauty of it, you were no longer afraid.


part 4

He sat on a throne, again showing this issue is of importance to you. In the room was a floating chair, which read for "psychics" only. The floating chair makes me think that this is definitely linked with your psychic abilities. Flying usually symbolizes a freeing of yourself. Perhaps in order to fly free you must sit in the chair of your psychic abilities.


Part 5

You fell in love and kissed him, seeking a sacred union. You are embracing this issue and you are willing to become a part of it. He could not marry you because he was "different" - This is where I drew two cards to see why he was "different" and could not marry you. The first one I drew was Uruz (merkstave) which stands for a weakness, obsession or misdirected force. I then drew a second rune for clarification on this and drew Thurisaz which is a directed force of destruction and defense, or a tendency toward change.