How do you view psychic ablilitis, What do you think they are?


I love the John Edward quote, really says it all, I think!

I also relate to your saying "gentle awakening". I've felt that too for awhile now. However, not so for those around me......I wish.



"However, not so for those around me......I wish."

Keep hoping :D I always do ...

You never know what direction people's lives can yet take (including our own, which I find encouraging)!


I also believe that psychic 'powers' are innate in humans - a sense that we don't really develop or have ceased to use. The English medium, Derek Acorah, feels that we can all improve our psychic abilities by exercising them.

That doesn't mean we will all become mediums but simply that we can raise our psychic awareness. I have watched and talked to Derek long enough to know that he genuinely senses what other do not. Whether this is through the medium of spirit guides, whether it is some form of mind to mind contact which is not at a conscious level or some form of tuning into a mental network that joins us all, I don't really know in any scientific way.

I believe that there is an existence after 'death' and therefore I personally do believe that mediums such as Derek and John Edward do communicate with people who have 'crossed over'. I can't prove it, nor do I need to, because I have seen enough to convince me, if others doubt then that is there right and I'll defend that right.

