4 of Wands as Freedom?


Can someone clarify why some people read the 4 of Wands as "freedom"? Is this a traditional interpretation? I always look at this card as "stability" or "happy home" or "happy and stable relationship". A traditional interpretation also as a "celebration". But, "freedom"? Your responses mucho appreciated.:)


I've never read this card as 'freedom' and am unsure as to how people get that interpretation (do they get that interpretation?).

To me the fours are related to The Emperor.
Fours are about structure, stability, consolidation and foundations.
There are four walls in a building, 4 points on the compass, 4 weeks in a lunar month.

Wands are representative of fire.
Fire warms, fire destroys and transforms, fire gives us that spark, the impetus to do something.

I see the Four of Wands as being a pause. You've taken the energy of the Ace, decided what to do with it in the Two, set out on a successful venture in the three and now in the four you have the first chance to pause and enjoy your success. You can rest a while and plan for the future whilst you enjoy the first small harvest.
Fire can't be contained for long though so there is a feeling in the four that we have to move on soon.

So I can see how folks get home and hearth, I can see how they get success and celebration but I can't see how they get freedom.


Might it be that some people find structure and stability rather confining? The reader's intuition could have set them in motion to think that this person's walls are closing in, they are in need of escape and there fore a feeling of freedom?

I'm stretching here, I guess, but I can sort of see it in the distance.



Happiness and Joy

I think perhaps the 4 of wands can be interpreted as freedom since that is the one of the components of true happiness and joy. I have also seen this card manifest in readings where the querent just got out of a troublesome, restrictive relationship and thus found freedom...Yet another perspective on this one are Holidays..this card can show up around the time of the holidays (christmas, newyears, etc) and those holidays can give people that feeling of freedom (not being at work, restrictive environments) letting your hair down.

Just my 2 cents..



I have seen this card as the end of a cycle, a situation or challenge which has been completed or gone full circle and you are now free or ready for what will come next or for the next cycle.


balenciaga said:
Can someone clarify why some people read the 4 of Wands as "freedom"?
It might help if you give an example and the source. I looked through my list of 20 classic (pre 1960s) interpretations of the card and I didn't find freedom in any of them. Rather it is social occasions, gaiety, pacts, harmony, perfected work and fruition. A few interps mention caution because of capriciousness. Even the reversals don't mention freedom or anything like it.

As can be seen from other responses here, individuals may personally associate a sense they call 'freedom' with the pleasurable experiences that the 4 of Wands suggests.

I'd love to know your source for the association of freedom with this card.




Teheuti said:
source for the association of freedom with this card.

I've read it numerous times all over AT. Every time I read it posted somewhere, I mean to ask the question.

Thanks to everyone for their responses!


maybe a sense of "liberation" as in being able to do what you want in the confines of your own home/space.
or on a grander scale, emerging victorious from a power struggle and establishing the foundation of a political dynasty.
security ensures freedom from external threats.


I think the 6 of wands better desrcibes freedom.It was tradionaly known for victory.The 6 of wands to me is the freedom to express card and that can lead to liberation.To me the four of wands means stabity.Its a very good card for relationships.In balanced congruent relationships there is an element of freedom but thats more a result of a happy trusting relationship.People in happy relationships aren't there to be free but rather like the 4 of wands theres a foundation in place to hold their relationship together...


Freedom in the sense of escaping from some kind of unhappy situation, so that one feels excited and happy because success has finally be achieved which leads to one feeling in a real good mood.

I suppose like being released from jail or moving out from some squalid apartment. Leaving something that was restrictive to find a new freedom of movement.

Just a few thoughts.