Apollo's Spread


Like all of the spreads I post, feel free to use them, comment and post feedback... I love feedback :) (and Kahlie no one is a pest).

Apollo’s Spread

Apollo is the god of light and truth. His daily task of harnessing his four horses and driving the sun across the sky “enlightened” the world. This spread is designed to help you find enlightenment on an issue using those things which are symbols for Apollo: Music, Archer, Crow, Dolphin and the Laurel tree.


1. The Laurel Tree: The history and roots that have lead to the issue. Knowing the historical aspect is important in handling the issue in a good way. Like the tree a solid background and deep roots.

2. The Crow: The knowledge of where the issue is currently and how the past plays into the current situation. Like the crow with its wise eyes, don’t look at the situation from one side only. Cock your head and see from another view.

3. The Dolphin: The grace and intellect to be able to handle the situation as it needs to be handled. You have all of the history and current knowledge, now take what you have learned and use insight and grace to come to a solution. You have become “enlightened” on where the situation is coming from, now use an “enlightened” approach to solving it.

4. Music: Deep within all there is a rhythm, a music of the soul. Look deep and find this rhythm, it will help you see the path you need to take. The chariot with the horses is there to lead you, follow its path.

5. Archer: The courage to do what is needed, where it will come from, who will be there to help you and with those silver arrows, the swiftest way to do what needs to be done. Take heart that the Archer himself will be with you and your way will be sure and swift as a silver arrow.


I used this Spread before the Demeter and Persephone Spread. It gave me lots of Strength, Encouragement, and Hope. Maybe i should write theses Spreads in my Book of Shadows.

I'm in such a mood to watch Disney's Hercules now. Heh, Heh.


Hercules... one of my favorites :D. I am glad this spread helped.