

Oh......... oh..... what to say..... I understand the need for shelter... I do... I have such comfort myself... but surely there was a way to end that beautiful beast's suffering without damaging their precious pelt... how sad....

That was a mighty powerful Journey, Mi-Shell.... very emotional.... I could smell the stench and feel the panic... sad... very sad...


One day I slipped into a Vision-Journey unintentionally.... This was many years ago, before I'd started intentional pracice.

I saw myself on the top of a mountain, in surroundings that looked/felt much like Machu Pichu, but more barren, drier, with fewer ruined buildings and stone work...

In first person narrative it went like this...

There is a throng of people gathered at the bottom of the mountain. I am alone at the summit of the mountain, next to an altar, and I am donning special ceremonial 'wings' made of many huge feathers. I am preparing to face a major challenge, and must gather faith in order to take a leap, both physically and emotionally/spiritually.

I am delaying, baulking, as I feel intense fear that my wings will not support me... It is a huge mountain. I am alone. I am very afraid. And yet, deep within my being, I am more afraid of disappointing the gathered throng, and even more so of letting myself down, of failing my Self....

I breathe very deeply and pray, in whatever manner that takes... I step up onto the altar, and raise my arms Heavenward in blessing, acknowledging the sacredness of all Life.

I dive forward, and open my arms so that my wings extend out as far as possible... A gentle updraft fills the empty space beneath me, and I see myself, and feel myself, glide down the mountain, like a huge bird... hovering far enough above the ground beneath me for safety, close enough to relish the joy of seeing smiling, supportive faces below me...

I swoop lower, and people run to various points along my flight path, lifting their arms up to touch my wing tips as I glide past them. Their joy is my joy, my achievement is their achievement. We are one, and all have come through this initiation together.

I do not see myself land in this vision... I simply hold on to the ecstasy of the moment... I exit that vision feeling empowered beyond measure, filled with the knowledge that, with faith in one's Self, everything is possible.

I don't know if this is the type of vision you were asking us to share, Mi-Shell, but it remains one of my most powerful visions yet, in terms of its effect on me.

* * * * * * * *

I had another vision which was less joy-bringing, and which didn't really go anywhere, but I always feel that it was related to the first one, somehow...

I was on a very similar altar, in a similar environment. There was no crowd this time, just myself and a handful of people hovering over me... I was laying on the altar, almost pinned down like a butterfly in someone's collection, all limbs spreadeagled. The people hovering about were very intent on performing some type of procedure on me... For a brief while, Ifelt myself to be in danger, and wondered if I was to be sacrificed...

This was not the case at all... it was more like a medical procedure, with my physical self being doctored, somehow... It looked to me (from my lying down vantage point) as though something was being either extracted or introduced into my body, but there was no pain... it felt as though all was being done on an energetic/vibrational level or through psychic surgery... I have no idea what that vision was about... It did not arise spontaneously, as the case above did, but came through whilst I was intentionally visioning. Hmmm...

It seems these visions are about me, whereas the ones you've mentioned were more about the creatures involved... In my more recent visions, creatures play a huge role, and I am secondary, but these two very likely related to me personally, I guess...


Back to Nepal....

Oh yes, this is an ooooold thread. I used to post some of my shamanic journeys here - before I set up my own blog (to which I can not link here)
So I think, I will post this one here.
for those of you, who remember, one of my shamanic clients invited me and also my husband peter to travel with her to England and then on to Nepal, to go on a Rhyno and Tiger sightseeing adventure on Elephant back, to fly around Mt Everest and to attend a 10 day workshop with Nepali and Tibetan shamans.
it was a very wonderful meaningful and spiritual trip.
I bloged about it extensively...describing also some of the shamanic journeys we undertook there, led by local shamans....
It is also the reason, why Nepal will forever be close to our hearts. We also made friends there and we already talked about returning there for another visit.
now, hearing the news about the devastating earthquake and seeing the images steeps us in sadness and fills our souls with worries about these friends.

So I felt the urge to go on a shamanic journey.
This is, what I "encountered":

I felt compelled to set up a little memorial Altar for all the People of Nepal,

The ones that passed

The ones that survived

The ones suffering The ones that are helping

Everyone involved.

I feel involved, because we have been there.

In this beautiful country with sooo many of its gentle people living in the simplest conditions – some in what WE call poverty.

Then I took my drum- urgently, because the trance was coming on fast.

A few beats and I was THERE!

Scenes drifted by with me as an observer…….

People in the streets – surprisingly mostly men – Where are the women? Where are the children?

Many men were holding cell phones – others were engaged in helping, digging away rubble – brick by brick…. Then a HUUUUUGE semi-transparent Snow Leopard – a Spirit Being jumping onto a huge pile of concrete and re-bar – a collapsed structure. Hissing and scratching with his see-through paws, then jumping of to grab a large brown mongrel dog with a black tipped tail and dragging it up onto the pile of debris – making it scratch – and bark – and so alerting the ever present men., who soon began clearing away smaller pieces of rubble – then trying to hand down a plastic water bottle – to no avail- the person below has his hands trapped ( and crushing injuries to his pelvis and abdomen) Not good for survival even if he makes it to one of the overcrowded hospitals. Someone opened the bottle and poured the continence over the man’s head and into his open mouth…….

Grey Spirit Beings, transparent, like the Snow leopard, walking away, up in the sky above…. Souls on their way towards re-incarnation.

Bhola! Where is Bhola?

I am looking through the window of my Mt. Kailash rock crystal.

From the fist size stone on my makeshift altar it has changed into a HUUUUGE mountain of ice, snow and clear crystal.

This one starts to tumble and roll, changes into an Earth sphere = where the whole world is seen like in an atlas. It lands with Europe on top –

Ah, I ge it, he is “over there! :) I then see him, somewhere, in the city centre, in amongst some green plants, white shirt – maybe his shaman outfit – with some smudges of fresh blood on his chest, where his heart is – his heat is bleeding for all his people….he seems exhausted, but OK.

Then I am in ?

…. Bhaktapur -? The city centre is in ruin! Soo sad! The shop, just off Druban square, where I bought my nice Owl…. in ruin and rubble…. but no lives lost, just dust, bricks, wooden planks and broken carvings, large and small. People sifting through it, saving what they can…..

A few streets on the “drum shop” …. Bricks and wood and the ever present tangle of electricity lines – dust and debris, but the shop still stands, with part of the upper story of the house having come down… Here too people clearing the narrow lane way, saving what they can and not knowing, where to put stuff they recovered. …..

The Pottery market – where my Rhino is from – all just rubble, all just pottery shards….

The cobble stone plaza right before me starts to buckle and heave and out of the cobblestones a life sized Rhino emerges, shakes itself, looks at me: “It has always been like this – only “THIS” was not always here!” The primordial Beast shakes it’s head and moves off, down the street…..

Shiva, blue as always he is depicted dances upon the chest of a “monster”

He has done that for ages of eternity. But sometimes, on rhythmic occasions (having to do with 80 sun cycles ) the monster moves. Sometimes Shiva just looses a step or so, regains his balance and dances on.

No big deal. Sometimes Shiva stumbles- steps off the monster, with 1 foot….. and then steps back on, in his dance. Sometimes he loses his step, because the monster rears up quite a bit and both feet come off, then Chungmolungma grows and his backbone becomes higher – and yes, She also shakes off some of the snow, and it comes crashing down.

This dance has taken place for aeons. Sometimes the Monster beneath Shiva – which by now is clearly to be seen as a Green, living female Elder, releases the Nagas from caves deeeep down in her womb and they come forth as Snakes of molten rock……

Sometimes, Aeons ago, Some Beings living upon this Earth Elder – regardless of the dancing Shiva, get hurt, when She moves. Then they get trapped beneath Shiva’s feet- or swept down by beads of his sweat……

It was always like this! Shiva is blue = for truth!

Usually the Animal Beings sense, where Shiva’s feet are, and when the Earth woman moves- and they get out of the way – fast….. Most make it – others become food for the survivors and then become part of the Earth Woman – until she sweats them out and up to live between Shiva’s feet again…..

Now maaany of the Earth Beings have started to erect dwellings out of stone and wood upon the Earth Woman – right between Shiva’s feet. Sometimes he stubs his toes on them, when they get toooo high!

But now, when the Earth Woman moves, these dwellings topple over, killing them = returning them to her womb.

It happened before – it will happen again…… it is always a tragedy, when it happens.

But Shiva dances on, regardless.

The scenery shifts

I see a giant Turtle, swimming in??? The sky!?? – no, in the water, carrying the world, as in Native American world view. She too is very much alive, of course! She moves, her back shakes, then, she lowers her head and dives beneath the waters, while a HUUUUUGE wave washes over her back, drenching all that live there, washing some of them off into the sea. The Turtle re-emerges and swims on….


Somewhere I realize, the tone of the drum changed!

It is wet!

Everything is wet!

My Altar,


I too got drenched, when she moved??

The beautiful sun in which I started drumming had turned into yet another icy April shower and I better get “with it” and get inside, save all my things, dry them out and put dry cloth on!

By the time I did that, the sun is back out again – and through it all I still see Shiva dancing……

I re-erect the little Altar in the living room, adding my hand carved Owl from that shop in Bhaktapur.

Then I go outside and distribute the Gift for the Spirits of the Land – this land, where I live and The Land, we all inhabit.

A Sunflower Seed for everyone who died.

A Sunflower Seed for everyone who survived

A Sunflower Seed for everyone who is helping

A Sunflower Seed for everyone who feels connected

We are all connected.

Please Shiva, dance gently on Earth Woman!


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Mi-shell. what a powerful journey.

the news of the earthquake was devastating to hear about on the news. I am keeping everyone there in my thoughts and prayers as well as their family and friends who are elsewhere in the world. What a terrible tragedy to have happened.


Thank you for telling us, Mi-Shell. My heart breaks with the news so it is good to remember that it is all a cycle :heart:


What powerful story telling. So sad that it is a truth. Thanks, Mi-Shell... :heart: and my heart goes out to all the dead, the wounded, and their families. :heart:


Mi-Shell that was an immensely powerful journey. My heart and prayers go out to those involved in this tragedy.


Wonderful Mi-Shell... in reading this journeying vision of yours a second time, I am again transported to Bhaktapur and the surrounding landscape. I remember placing my hand on the Giant Stupa and feeling something unknown but tangible thrill through me... and remember the beautiful prayer flags, and the children's impossibly deep eyes, pools of knowing, and the mighty Himalayas... and my heart aches at seeing the devastation and loss of life.

I pray that all I have been learning and honing will aid me now in my own journey to that place, for there is great need for many helping hands, and on so many levels.

Thank you for your sharing and inspiration, again.