Wildest Fantasies Spread


I just came up with this a few minutes ago out of one of my own fantasies. We all do it, so don't think I'm crazy. It's in the shape of an "F" for obvious reasons. Let me know how it works out, I'm interested to see how this works out...


1.) How they fantasize about you/what they fantasize about.

2.) How far they would take this relationship in their wildest fantasies.

3.) What they don't want/vision in their wildest fantasies.

4.) What they would be able to say to you that they can't now in their wildest fantasies.

5.) How they want you to respond to what they have to say.

6.) What they would do physically that they can't now in their wildest fantasies.

7.) How they want you to respond physically.

8.) What action will they take in reality?


I thought this was cute and it looked like fun, so I tried it. I changed the last position to 'What action will they take in reality'. This spread is deeper than it appears on first glance, but I guess it depends on the relationship you are reading on.


Thank you. I'm waiting for someone to exchange with so I can try it out for myself...


If I could, I would exchange with you but I've two oracle readings I have to complete first. One is on the table as I type, with a possible third reading waiting in the wings. The last one might have changed her mind since she hasn't gotten back to me.


Oh, if you're interested take your time. Let me know when you're free...


Oh I love this! I have to erotica decks that this would pair well with! :D I think I am going to go try this for myself to see what I come up with })


tabi said:
Oh I love this! I have to erotica decks that this would pair well with! :D I think I am going to go try this for myself to see what I come up with })

Lol, that sounds like a blast. Let us know how it turns out!


Well I did do the reading with the Decameron which is a naughty midevil-ish deck. I also asked about a person that I haven't seen in almost a year and haven't had serious contact with in longer then that. But this person has always held my interest and then some.

The reading really point for point talks of the relationship that we have, good, bad, indifferent, and less then moral. The only thing that I run into a problem with is the 8 card: How will this relationship actually pan out...I pulled XX Judgement.

Which since we haven't spoken in over a year make this a little strange and can't say that I get it. Truthfully I'm not sure that I really want a relationship with this person. We mesh well when it comes to our bodies I'm not sure we mesh else where. :confused:

So I think I might be borrowing this spread to do some readings with both the Decameron and Manara for other people minus or with a modified outcome card. I'm thinking it just doesn't fit or at least it didn't for me. Overall though a great spread that makes me blush and smile (and also why I'm not sharing because it gets down right dirty when it comes to this person!:| :eek:)

Shot you would be the first person if you want to do this...;)


Hey Tabia,

That sounds great. We might have to do the reading in the "Reading Exchange" forum...I don't know what the rules are as far as doing readings in this thread. If you're still interested, send me a PM...


Looks very good!! I look forward to doing this spread when I have an appropriate "subject". I have added it to my collection. Thank you!