RWS Birth Chart


Interpretation of the RWS Tarot Chart for December 1, 1909 (date based on letter from PCS to Alfred Stieglitz, Nov. 19, 1909 stating that the deck would be published on that date)

Sun - 9° Sagittarius
Moon - 6° Leo (could be way different)
Mercury - 8° Sagittarius
Venus - 26° Capricorn
Mars - 4° Aries
Jupiter - 10° Libra
Saturn - 17° Aires
Uranus - 19° Capricorn
Neptune - 19° Cancer
Pluto - 26° Gemini

This is an initial outline for interpretation. Much more can be made from the chart and I encourage others to add their insights. Because of the "mundane" significance, I chose to work from the outer planets inward.

Pluto - 26 Gemini. Near the end of a 24-26 year period in Gemini. It was in the final stages of transforming and releasing old forms of communication, transportation, and deep questioning of ideas and everyday beliefs.
Pluto trine Chiron: An unusual sense of destiny. Can indicate a teacher or spokesperson for an entire generation.
Pluto quincunx Venus: Adjustment necessary between the forces of dissolution and the forces of attraction. Discomfort arising from power struggles involving relationships. Stress regarding what was considered comfortable and beautiful but no longer serves.
Pluto is not linked to the other planetary groupings.

The most significant formation in the chart is:
A Cardinal Grand Cross (around 18°) involving:
Uranus opposite Neptune - square - Jupiter opposite Saturn.

A cardinal grand cross involves planets in every quadrant of the chart, in the four active, dynamic, initiatory signs of the four elements. In this case, the four outermost energies (not counting Pluto) are each trying to initiate something simultaneously in four different directions. Uranus in Earth/Capricorn, Neptune in Water/Cancer, Jupiter in Air/Libra, and Saturn in Fire/Aires. The dual oppositions put the energies at their greatest distance from each other. This creates tremendous stress but, if harnessed, represents immense power and force.

Furthermore, both Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius and both Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces suggesting that we can use imagery based on conflicting qualities between Aquarius and Pisces (and, to a lesser extent, Sagittarius and Capricorn). In essence, we have a double-wammy involving themes of scientific/factual restriction and mystical expansion.

Ideas suggested (mostly) by Richard Tarnas in _Cosmos and Psyche_ include:
•Transformation of a culture’s underlying vision . . . changes in psychological understanding.
•A change in cultural imagination dissolving prior established beliefs through a transcendental vision.
•The charismatic influence of a spiritual teacher inspired and informed by a mystical awakening.
•The subversion of established reality structures associated with Saturn.
•Collective ideals - shaken and disturbed - in order to allow new modes of thought and collective expression to emerge.

Most specifically: “Dissolution of established perspectives and structures of reality, often in a manner that is confusing and disorienting, that introduces a plurality of simultaneous or overlapping realities and perspectives and that brings into question fundamental assumptions about subjectivity and objectivity, the relative and the absolute, time and space, substance and process.” p. 360. [This can be seen in the resistance by GD contemporaries to the deck and the antagonism felt by those who prefer the Marseille deck.]

During this period Steiner was formulating Anthroposophy. He wrote: “There slumber in every human being faculties by means of which one can acquire for oneself a knowledge of higher worlds. Mystics, Gnostics, Theosophists—all speak of a world of soul and spirit which for them is just as real as the world we see with our physical eyes and touch with our physical hands," p. 363. The RWS deck was intended by both Waite and Smith (according to their own statements regarding their work) to be a means of acquiring knowledge for oneself through direct perception.

Tolstoy and Gandhi were engaged in what would become a famous correspondence regarding religion and nonviolent resistance to evil.

Einstein was articulating his General Theory of Relativity (E=mc2 was 1907) and creating havoc in the scientific community. Jung was writing _Symbols of Transformation_ - creating the divide with Freudian psychology. Martin Buber was switching from a Zionist to a Hasidic perspective. Picasso (etc) were overturning the art world. [Jupiter/Uranus cycles show the urge for independence and the love of freedom, and are associated with ‘Eureka’ moments and great technological and scientific advances.]

During this Grand Cross, Alan Leo’s Astrological Society had a meeting at which eight papers were read showing what astrology meant to: the recluse, the philsopher, the student, the scientist, the palmist (fortuneteller), the wayfarer, the practical man, and the onlooker. This foreshadows the varieties of modern tarot practice that were opened up by a tarot deck that integrated meanings from a great many different sources and encouraged new explorations of “meaning” in radically different ways.

The Uranus-Neptune opposition (technology & idealism; capitalism & communism; science & mysticism; renewal & spirituality) was the midpoint (full moon) of a 172-year cycle that began with their conjunction in 1821 and ended with another conjunction in 1993. Stages within this cycle have fewer outer events associated with them than other outer planet cycles because they seem to mark the unseen psychological and philosophical shifts that set the stage for outer events. There are new achievements in the arts and religion: beliefs are challenged and reformed. (Uranus opposed Neptune during the supposed period of Christ’s activity. Mary Baker Eddy was born during the 1821 conjunction, founding the Christian (Neptune) Science (Uranus) movement.

The RWS chart also features a possible Grand Trine in Fire: Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars in Aries, and Moon in Leo (or, at least, a trine between the first two). This suggests a powerful driving force toward creative expression and visionary intuition. The Mars/Venus sextile (wide) and possible Sun/Moon trine could indicate the felicitous co-creativeness of Waite and Smith (who had amazing similarities in their backgrounds).

Both a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine are “closed systems” that are self-fulfilled: complete within themselves. They don’t need anything else to “finish” them. So, while the RWS might influence other decks, it itself does not change (which makes it very unlike the Etteilla, Wirth or even Marseille decks which were modified several times).