Lost Gold Ring. Can you help?


Ok, this is an unusual request but i don't feel that it's too frivalous.
Before my birthday I lost a gold ring that holds a great deal of sentimental value to me. It's not worth much but it's quite unique. Its a gold ring with six equaly spaced thin bolts round the edge.

I've tried everything to help me find it, from my tarot cards, to dowsing and even scrying but I just can't find it. I'm pretty sure it's in my home or in the near vacinity.

So if anyone is up to the job of helping me find it plz do.

Thank you all. xXx


Maybe, I'm completely wrong but;

I get the impression that the ring is in your home, on the ground floor and to the south. is that where the sitting room is? Perhaps in or on a bookshelf.
It looks like you will get it back though, could be this week.


The sitting room is south from my room, but i live in a bungalow. Whereabouts do you see it in the sitting room? Im intrigued.


Do you remember what cards you pulled?

I pulled the 2 of swords

So I would look in a place where you like to sit, like a family room or living room, a couch or a favorite chair, it's between something like the cushions, obviously you can't see it, I'm guessing the couch, it may have literally 2 cushions. It looks like there is a scenery behind the area, either a large window or door looking outside or a big picture.

Good luck, hope you find it


The ring is sitting on a flat surface, in your home, where you took it off to do something, while being distracted to the point of frustration. Relive that moment and you will find your ring.

Fenestra-What happened to the ring-Queen of Swords
How do you find it-Justice


This what my Lenormand Tarot had to say:

XIX. The Sun

So, this seems to confirm the "South" angle.

This particular Sun card shows 4 children playing. So either it was moved by kids, or it could be in a "play related" area - where you keep things for your pastime.

Good luck finding it!

Edited to add:
With the Sun sometimes meaning to shine light on something - a dark space or hidden where you cannot see it without moving/lighting something.


Thanks Willofox and SMV.

I have a theory from your suggestions. I think it may be at my grans house between the cushions. She has an upstairs and a two seater like you mentioned with a picture behind in SMV. I'll need to investigate.
As for the cards i pulled they were the Emperor, 6 of Wands and Knight of Wands. (Thoth deck)

When i used to sit in the living room i used to take of my ring and sit it on a throphy from motorbike trialing which belonged to my brother. I figured the stance of the Thoth Knight was the statue and 6 of wands was achievements. But it wasn't there or in the vicinity. The Emeperor made me look at my dads football trophys and around just to be sure but it wasn't there either.

Im just actually going to my grans so i'll keep you posted.

Thank you muchly. xXx


Wow, how i missed all those posts i dont know, lol. Thanks everyone.
I checked the living room and my grans to no avail. I can't think of anywhere where i took it off Heathcricket apart from at work. However i don't like this idea as it makes me feel that someone has stolen it. And i wouldn't want to think that.
I don't have a bookcase but I have checked around all my tarot books. To yet again no avail.
And ive also checked around my PS2 and games. Nothing. Thanks everyone so far.

Aluruna, i just checked the shelves in the living room. My mum has Snowbabies ornaments that made me think of play. But its not on or under or around either. Hmmm. I really haven't a clue.


I feel water, something like a pool, lake or river, maybe in company, with family or friends...


I decided to pull out my trusty Madame Endora and see what she had to say.

The Wyvern-Your secrets are safe. The ring is misplaced, not stolen.

The Seer-Follow your intuition. Check Gran's house!

Water-Your emotions are at their peak. No kidding! Best to calm down a bit.

The Mystic Circle-Your abilities will be enhanced. I still stay relive situations and you will get more ideas of where it could be.

Winds of Change-Your surroundings will undergo transition. Either you will ransack your home (and Gran's) to find it, or in the process of moving things around you will suddenly and uexpectedly come across it.

The Chalice-Rejuvenation and fulfillment. Is there a bowl at work where lost and found items or change, or tips are kept? Check in there, or in a cash register. It might be being held for someone to come forward and claim.