just another dream or what?


During my dreams last night, I experienced what I can only describe as a Presence during the course of the dream/s. The dreams themselves were unremarkable but I felt there was someone with me the entire time... only I never saw them. I just felt a strong presence to my left, just out of sight of my periphial (sp?) vision. Do you think that this was just part of the dream or something else? The presence was of someone I know but whom I have not seen in a long time.


That happened to me too, several times. I don't remember what the dreams were about, but I would wake up because I was talking loud to someone, who, in my dream, was standing next to me. I would wake up and find myself sitting on my bed. And even once, that "presence" made me laugh!

I think that if you think it's someone you know, it is like that, not a stranger. We can sense the people we know.

Perhaps that person came in your dream, or perhaps he was there while you were sleeping. It could be either way.


sounds to me like your spirit guide. they are with you always, and may make themselves known to you in your dream, but you just don't recall when you wake up.


I've done that quite a few times and I always wake up feeling comforted, whether I was having a nightmare or not. There were times when I couldn't tell who it was and others when I knew it was my great-grandmother. I have noticed that if I stop "trying" to look at them in my dream, they sometimes come clear, but only in my really detailed ones.


Thank you :)
It was just a strange thing. I have had something similar happen when I have been awake. I've tried reading the cards on the phenomena but the results were inconclusive.