the little book you get with the deck...

ana luisa

To me there are three books that really help and should be used. The VR (excellent fresh insights), the Druidcraft (although it´s not small...) and the LWB that comes with the Dream Cards (the definitions are VERY different from what the card may depict so, it´s quite useful).

Aunia Kahn

I do read it, because I like to know what the maker of the deck or
the writer of the book felt that "their" cards meant. I am sure they are similar to the general meanings we all know, but sometimes the twists and turns of each decks own personal appeal is fantastic.

6 Haunted Days

Aunia Kahn said:
I do read it, because I like to know what the maker of the deck or
the writer of the book felt that "their" cards meant. I am sure they are similar to the general meanings we all know, but sometimes the twists and turns of each decks own personal appeal is fantastic.

I very much agree, but sadly it seems the majority of decks don't have deck specific LWB's....I so wish all did!


The Deva tarot lwb is a must, but that's because there's an extra suite and nobody else deals with extra suites. The deck makes more sense now that I've learned that it's a Thoth based deck. There was some conflicts with RWS meanings that was confusing me.


If I can make a suggestion with the Deva, use it as a guide to learn th "book meanings" for the extra cards and then remember preceisely everything and nothing. Afer that, figure out what to do with it, weather it be on a shelf, in a box, as a coaster, the circular file...whatever.

It's a great deck. I love it. I just wish it's cardstock wasn't so thick.


The ones that are good tend to stick in the memory. The Tarot of Paris LWB was pretty good, and so was the Noblet TdM book from Flornoy. The Visconti Tarots came with a bigger book, and so did the Williams Minchiate set.

A lot of the ones in my decks aren't in English; my Grimaud Marseille, for example. French, I can read fairly well. Spanish, I can get some sense out of. Italian is tougher sledding for me.


I read them if there's a bit at the beginning from the artist talking about the idea behind the deck. I like the LWB for the Cat People tarot as it's a cut down version of the full book with a description of each card as well as a meaning.


I'll go through them once or twice, and note down a) stuff I like and/or b) stuff that is specific to the deck. After that, the LWB goes in the box on a shelf and I refer to my notes if I need to. I don't throw the LWBs away, but that's just because I'm a little obsessive. :)


I keep mine just in case I might need it. It's part of the deck, I think. Most of the time I find that the meanings aren't accurate. The Thoth LWB is interesting, but I won't be using it much when I receive the book by Gerd Ziegler.