Sea Glass?

Anam Cara

A few months ago, I acquired a very beautiful pendant made of sea glass. Presumably, the piece of glass was a perfume bottle stopper, aged and smoothed by years in the ocean... A gorgeous aqua color and wrapped in silver wire, it is one of my favorite pieces to wear.

I've checked a book I have on the values of crystals and gems, but do not find sea glass listed (understandably!) but I wonder if there are any reputed benefits/healing powers associated with natural (not man made) sea glass... ???


This is only an educated guess, but perhaps the ability to flow with the tides of life? If I had to assign an arbitrary meaning, I'd say something to do with flowing and gentle shaping, to jive with how it was created.

I'm not sure if it has an actual metaphysical meaning...good question! I've always wondered this, myself.



That sounds like an awsome and beautiful thing you have there!

IMHO - in 'Crystal Astrology' it says for GLASS the associated
Sabian Symbol is Light breaking into a rainbow as it passes through a prism
(which even if your piece is not crystal clear it glass is a medium light passes through) the Key Word is Validation
Glass can be created by lightning strikes or meteor impacts - of course it can be man made from silica. Glass merges earth, air, fire and water; focuses light, and carries information.
Glass acts to clarify complex issues by verifying concisely and clearly the key elements involved.

AND I think glass has a BEAUTY factor to it that should never be underestimated




I have a few pieces of sea glass that my oldest picked up while looking for shells. I've never thought about this, but it is a good question.

Sea Glass is beautiful and comes in so many different colors. Thank goodness the sea sees fit to tumble glass about to create such uncutting beauty.


Sea glass comes from discarded bottles and is a man made relic, therefore it would have no natural healing abilities, only it is very pleasant to look at. No glass is natural, all glass has been artificially made one way or another, lightening, heat etc.


When I go to Wales and walk the beach by my van, I always look for sea glass and in 5 years I haven't found any yet. I've found other sea treasures like a wooden bracelet that floated up to me and I've found an expensive dog 'Kong' toy that my dog loves plus the seashells, driftwood and beautiful seastones but I'm waiting for the day when I find my first bit of sea glass. :)

Water Lady

I have found some sea glass over the years but I think the early walkers on beaches pick it up before we get there.

I think if you see beauty in it, there is some kind of value.
I loved the flow with the sea or
perhaps flow with life idea.


willowfox said:
Sea glass comes from discarded bottles and is a man made relic, therefore it would have no natural healing abilities, only it is very pleasant to look at. No glass is natural, all glass has been artificially made one way or another, lightening, heat etc.

Although it wouldn't have inherent healing or metaphysical qualities, you could program it and use it as a talisman for just about anything you wanted.


Could you post a picture Anam ? I would love to see it. Living far from the ocean I will probably never get to find one.

I did stained glass for quite a few years and have always had a passion for colored glass. They put colors together and roll it out. I found a piece of blue stained glass and in it is the shadow of the Madonna I think. Her robe and hand and child. I made it into a cross and hang it in my bedroom.

In those days I had not found Tarot but I know images and symbols appear in many things.


sharpchick said:
Although it wouldn't have inherent healing or metaphysical qualities, you could program it and use it as a talisman for just about anything you wanted.

Yes, thats true but the problem for a lot of people is the programming, it just ain't so easy as people say, in fact it can be darn difficult to get a result that works.