Nine Cards Meditation Mandala


I found this meditation spread on the Cosmic Tribe Tarot Book.
Lay 9 cards out in the shape of an EYE with the ninth card as the iris.
Look at the outside cards and see how they influence the center of the eye. Are they protecting the iris? Are they challenging your ability to see clearly?
This is the spread:
You can read them in combinations of three positions (3,9,7) (1,9,5) (1,2,3) (8,9,4) (7,6,5) (7,8,1) (6,9,2) (5,4,3)...and could also look for the square (2,4,6,8).
The trick here is to open your mind to see forces in your life that you may not often think about.
Very insightful...hugs


This is a cool spread, it's one of these things you have to try out for yourself. Thanks for posting it!


I really enjoyed this spread thanks for posting. It was really interesting how it was spread, but also the cards I got. Help put a few things in perspective.

Glastonbury Ed

This is a stunning spread, I did it last night. It takes a little while to look at it all properly, but once it "clicks" it is amazing. Thank you very much for sharing.


Excellent spread! The cards reinforced a current theme running through my life, yet presented it in a fresh way. It did take awhile for it to "click" for me as well, but once it did, incredible!



Loved this spread! It is really very revealing. Thanks!


Apocalixe, thank you for sharing this. I don't have Cosmic Tribe so wouldn't have found it on my own. It looks great--think I'll try it tonight :D


This looks ace! I am going to copy it down and try it soon. I've been looking for ways to use tarot in meditation. thanks!


thank you Apocalixe, this looks like a very interesting spread.
thanks for sharing.