the empress


is the empress about communication?


Hi tryingtoreadtarot,

It wouldn't be my first thought but why do you ask? Do you think that the Empress is about communication?


It's not my first thought either. Are you asking about the Empress in general or about the Empress in a specific deck?

If I really stretch my tarot muscles, I could see how the depiction of a pregnant woman might suggest communication between mother and unborn child. Is that what you were referring to?



tryingtoreadtarot said:
is the empress about communication?
Agree with Sulis and RW. It's not the first thing that pops to mind regarding the Empress. She's a *doer* not a talker or a thinker, a card about actions, growth, creativity, not communication. And the Empress, being the Empress, is usually a card where someone thinks they knows what's best, so that also hampers communication.

I mean, having a conversation with the Empress is like telling your mother you want to do things differently. Her response? "Yes, dear, that's very interesting. Now do it the way I showed you." :D


She is a mother first and foremost I think, communication never even comes to my mind about her.....


i was just curious about her meaning in general.

i get this card a lot lately and i remember someone telling me it was about communication, but i didn't see anything verifying that.


The Empress is a ruler, she's the ultimate feminine being, to some she's a goddess or The Goddess. She can represent Mother nature or just mothers and mothering in general.
She's the partner of The Emperor so she's regal and a leader too but her method of rule is caring, loving and nurturing.

She's about joy, abundance, creativity, sensuality. She experiences life with all of her senses, she's no shrinking violet.

When she turns up in readings she could be telling you that you need to be creative, put your heart and soul into something or just that you need to look after and nurture yourself or what every you're reading about.
She may also be advising you to take charge of a situation but in a caring or loving way.

And as Thirteen has said, she can be a bit overbearing or think that she knows best. She can be a bit smothering but it's because she cares so much ;)

Her number is three so she's about growth, abundance, productivity and I suppose you could also get communication from that.
There are plenty of other cards that would make me think of communication but The Empress wouldn't really be one of them.

I'm sure others will come along with much more. Like all the Major cards, she's a complex lady.
Have you read Thirteen's page on The Empress?


thanks sulis, there are some things on the sight that are blocked by my IT department. (I can mainly get here at work because my internet at work is shaky.)


I wouldn't say that she's about communication either.
But I guess she could tell something about the quality of communication in relation to a card about communication.



She would react to a situation by reaching out to people so I can see some sort of communication. Threes are about reaching out and the result of one plus two so I can see communication in some contexts.

It depends an awful lot on what questions you're asking and also on how she fits into the story with the other cards in the spread.