Naughty or Nice? (The Santa Spread)


Naughty or Nice? (The Santa Stocking Spread)

Okay, since it's Christmas Eve, I thought I'd make up a fun little spread, as I didn't see any Santa-related ones out there.

It's meant to be shaped like a stocking. The "present" is sticking out on top, while the "lump of coal" sinks to the bottom of the stocking.

(I personally face my stockings the other way, but a quick Google search showed the majority facing to appeal to the masses, I changed the layout for this post.)

I couldn't figure out how to type out the spread the way I have it set up here. Cards 1 & 3 are at more of an overlapping diagonal, rather than corners touching. Does that make sense?


1. Naughty: How have I been naughty?
2. Nice: How have I been nice?
3. Lump of Coal: What can I expect as payback for being naughty?
4. Present: What gift will I receive for being nice?

Also, for numbers 1 and 3 (Naughty/Lump of Coal), I pulled cards from the bottom of the deck, and for numbers 2 and 4 (Nice/Present), I pulled from the top.

My reading was pretty funny and accurate. If anyone tries this out, I'd love to hear how it goes!


Oh I love this spread- I pulled out my housewives tarot and gave it a go- it's the only deck I have here in the living room (besides the Victorian Romantic which I havent used at all)

The cards and the spread are quite accurate and def funny to me! Thaks for posting this. I think I'll try it on others tonight haha.

Merry Christmas



I'm so glad you like it Disa! I actually did one for each of my kids tonight, it was really fun. And the Housewives Tarot is perfect for this, great idea!! Merry Christmas to you too! :)


:) What a fun spread. I love it pippi thank you for sharing it

Merry Christmas


This is a spread I have to try later tonight :) Even if it's a little late... That is when little one has gone to bed and fallen aslepp, otherwise I will have "help" :)



Thanks Summersweet! :)

Ravenlady...oh, it's not too late! What's a few hours? ;)


Hee hee hee. Great spread!! Thanks for sharing!


Tis the season. Thought others would like to enjoy this spread so I posted to give it a "bump"


This bought a smile to my face, and in the spirit of the season I think I will give it a go;)



That's really cute Pippi! I will have to give it a go.