Psycards Study Group - 26. The Wheel


The Wheel seems to be another card about timing. This is a big wheel that keeps on turning, propelled it would seem by the water that flows beneath it.

The website says that it
symbolises the rhythm of life, and how sometimes we need to be patient and pick the right psychological time to speak or act.

What do you think?

:heart: M_M~


everytime I see this card I think of "one year" or next year. I dont know why and i dont know if its true but it comes to mind. You would think I would think of the wheel of fortune but I dont....


I see this card in conjunction with the work card, this being the outer manifestation of the work.
The water wheel is quite passive, as is the flow of time as others have noted, the water is the active element here.

The Wheel moves counter-clockwise, I wonder what significance could be had from this?

I see the water in this card being the symbol of time and the Wheel more as a timepiece.