Psycards Study Group - 32. The Fool


This Fool isn't headed off the edge of a cliff, although a cliff is visible in this card. It looks like he's headed past a tree. He's also not carrying a bag, nor accompanied by a dog. He IS playing a pipe. He makes me think of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Do I follow the Fool? Am I the Fool? To me this card evokes all the messages of the tarot Fool, but there's a different feel to this card.

What do you think?

:heart: M_M~


Whoops! Somehow the Fool evaded me... until now.

I think of blind luck when I see this card. If he walks into the tree or trips on the roots, he may see the house to his left.

Ahh, I've now made a connection to the Home and Tree cards :D :D :D

This Fool does look to be a drifter, is he ready to put down roots and call someplace home?

Actually, having a bit of a shaggy mane of hair myself, you CAN see through that much hair but you miss alot of details. To other people, you look blind because they can't see your eyes (why do I sense another Hitchhiker's Guide comparison coming on?). So who is really the Fool here? I wonder about misreading events based upon erroneous assumptions.

This card is deeper than I first thought.