Dream about a cut throat


This rings a bell, vaguely....I'm thinking I had this dream before someone in my family betrayed me. (turned on me)- things were going on just beneath the surface that I was blowing off (not paying attention to).


I'll try and reply to the questions and comments:

Both Milfoil and memries asked how I felt when I woke up: surprised, taken aback, wondering: my immediate reactions where muffled a bit by the woman looking at me. (this is not uncommon for me to be wide awake after a 'strong' dream and having a presence in to the room that I can really see with awake eyes... just for seconds).

During the dream: I was rather passive and there was a 'fated' feel to the action.

I thought of the 'bad sore throat coming on' idea too, and if that proves correct, I'll post.

moderndayruth: yes, your idea of equating it with Death seems good, as apparently it killed me. But still cannot relate this to outside life.

Except one thing: I am an Intercessor in my church, which means I lead the prayers every few weeks. Last Sunday I was leading the prayers (we get to make them ourselves) and I was saying how difficult it was it choose a place in the world to pray for as everywhere just seemed to have reached a crescendo of pain. As the congregation prayed silently with me I was overwhelmed with sadness, to the point of tears as it seemed to me that there were not enough prayers in the world to overcome all of the grief and loss and separation going on. Dunno if its related, but moderndayruth's comments gave me that association.

Milfoil said:
Has there been a situation recently where you have knowingly remained silent?
Yes, here ... it did occur to me that there was a relation to the throat chakra, and speaking.

memries said:
Or you are on some medication that does not suit you ?
My asthma medication, which is inhaled, does bother my throat.

BrightEye said:
I'm intrigued by the apparition of the woman. Was she there by your bed side? And she was African or just dressed in black?
Not sure, in the way that dreams are odd. She was moreorless 'floating' to my left side. I had the impression she was black, but....


lark said:
Maybe cutting something out of your life....(expressed by how you voluntarily let your throat be cut.)..with no intention of returning to that "something' again...(expressed by how blood once released in that way can never be returned.)
The woman by the bed maybe an actual representation of the person or persons who caused you to make the decision to leave.

But the dream has you in a vulnerable position...because now that that "something" is out of your life you must fill it up with "something new" or feel empty.
The dream might stem from a fear that you won't be able to do that in a way that makes you feel fulfilled.
True, and an interesting thought lark. I have cut two largish things out of my life, though in my opinion it is an improvement. But, of course it silences my voice in those areas.

I'll have to consider this lark, I will throw some cards about it later this afternoon.

DoctorArcanus said:
The razor makes me think of something that kills silently.
Feelings are cut out from thought when they are not expressed. And with your throat cut you cannot speak. So I think there is something you feel that you must say in order to be fully aware of it.
You are hurting yourself by being passive (not speaking your feelings): this is how I see your lack of resistance to the aggression.

I am especially struck by your second sentence, and now several of you have mentioned unexpressed words, leading to a severance of mind and body. Since the dream was so 'impressive', I think this is important.

For a fairly QoW person, I can indeed become very passive if I cannot deal with something, or feel it would wring me too much to wade into it.

afrosaxon said:
Is someone trying to shut you up?
I would say, no. Though I sometimes 'shut myself up'.
afrosaxon said:
As others have stated, the throat is the center of verbal communication...a man cutting your throat speaks to me of trying to keep you from saying something...and perhaps you know intuitively that he's trying to do so (although consciously he could come off as being supportive or doing just the opposite). You didn't fight him...did you think you couldn't win? Why you allowed your throat to be cut in your dream is perhaps just as important as why your throat was cut.

As for the woman...you're doing from male to female, light (I'm assuming the male was Caucasian) to dark (if the woman was black as in, of African descent). Dark female = Moon qualities? Deception, not seeing the whole picture. But also...fertility, feminine power (perhaps which you are not expressing or utilizing properly?). I also think of the yin/yang symbol: the black part is yin, which is the feminine, passive, dark aspect of duality.
oooh, good one. I had 'forgotten' that, in way of dreams, until you remembered it, the man was indeed Caucasian. So, there is a contrast between the man, being aggressive and the woman with the Mona Lisa smile. I think that adds to the other responses.
afrosaxon said:
Hmm...are you considered to have a lot of masculine energy? Perhaps the masculine side is trying to suppress the feminine side? Are you currently having a dilemma where you are used to finding a solution via "masculine" means (logic, facts, direct action) when perhaps "feminine" means (intuition, emotive, indirect action) may be more beneficial?
Yes, I would say that my energy is more masculine than feminine. It may be a part of that long painful switch (is it ever complete!) of going from an active, in-charge life to a much more reduced, more passive life. Maybe I have finally started to accept this.


ana luisa said:
Please, I mean no offense but I thought about possibly a tradition in Judaism and Islamism to bleed animals (by cutting their throat) as religious rituals or before they can be "accepted" and/or "kosher". It may be equivalent to a purification and it is the quickest possible as far as killing is concerned.
What made me wonder was the fact that you willingly let him do it, so it is something you're looking for and letting in in your life.
Interesting thought, and deserves more consideration, but unsure how to specifically place it into my life.
YDM42 said:
This rings a bell, vaguely....I'm thinking I had this dream before someone in my family betrayed me. (turned on me)- things were going on just beneath the surface that I was blowing off (not paying attention to).
Not disputing it, but my dreams are rarely predictive, more they illuminate current happenings. Knowing my family, I thank you for sharing but at this point, doubtful that would happen.

Okay, well, these ideas do seem to flow together. I cannot exactly, scientifically say, well 'this means that', but the flow of it makes sense.

Thank you all! and as I consider these ideas, if I come up with more, I'll post.

Love, Marion