Aura by Computer


Computer Generated Aura

The unit is connected to your PC. There are two "probes" and you put one hand on each and you will see your aura on the monitor. However, you can have your wife put her hand on one and your daughter on the other probe and your aura will appear on the monitor. You can have your dog sit on one probe and have your other dog sit on the other probe and you can see your aura on the monitor. I blought the aura glasses and it is a great way to make money. In my opinion, the best way to view the aura is to practice with your own eyes.


Oh this is hilarious! (Says she who has several "aura" photos stuck to the fridge with magnets and suspects they are pure horsepucky...) I guess I should go get a couple of dogs eh to try it out next year at the psychic fair? Thanks for the ice-water bath David, and welcome to the forum!