Psycards Study Group - reading confusion


So I had a question which I guess could go for any deck but it happened that i did a reading with the psycards and wondered.

I had pulled The Message/Now in response to if an old friend might contact me. by the cards i assumed she would and soon. I still have not heard from her but the cards now got me thinking.

Did these cards mean she would contact me and I would know and actually GET the message, email, phone call, etc.? OR does it mean the person will contact you but you might never know. For example I tend to turn my phone off at work, if she would call me during those times and not leave a message I would never know she tried calling BUT the reading was indeed accurate.

I'm confused and overthinking i think lol. how does it work? i assumed it meant that she'd email and I would get it but since I havent heard from her yet i started pondering.....



I would think that contact would imply a successful connection, rather than an attempt at one.
Did you specify a time period when you asked the question?


I dont believe so...or I might've been thinking soon which to me can mean a few months. but I wondered on if it meant actual contact between the people. hm. i dont know :confused: