Dream: Gold and Blue


I just had a dream, again, about tarot. That's what I get for studying Crystal Tarot before I drift off.

In the dream, I was reading for our local highschool principal. In the dream, the school was having a lot of problems, and many of the parents were very upset and demanding answers from the principal.

I turned over the first card, and it was the ten of pentacles, only it wasn't like any ten of pentacles I've seen. The pentacles were lined up in a single row vertically. The left half of the card was blue and the right half of the card was gold-colored. I was perplexed not only by the appearance of the card, but also by the fact that I knew it was "supposed to be" the ten of wands (the querant being overly burdened with responsibility). I kept looking at the card and willing it to change to the "right" card (I lucid dream and can often change things in the dream according to my will), but it wouldn't change. It was the ten of pentacles -- wealth, prosperity.

Interpretation: I think the dream was a positive note from my higher self! I'm dealing with some issues that have me feeling like the principal in my dream (ha! pun not intended, but there it is!!!).

The card meaning, as I understand it, from Jungian dream interpretation, would be not only about prosperity from a material aspect (ten pentacles), but also prosperity that comes as a result of divine cooperation. Gold is the color of the divine, of god, of the sun. Blue is the color of the sea touching the golden seashore, of Mary, of the meeting place of the divine and the human.

Pentacles, moreover, can be seen as the human (the five-pointed star) encompassed by the divine (the circle). The "vertical" lineup of pentacles could be the relationship between what is above and what is below (as in the saying "as above, so below").

I'm certainly glad I didn't get my way and have the card change to the ten of wands!