Intégrisme II: Meeting the Empress's gaze (Essay)


Some time ago, I posted some critical reflections on Jodorowsky and Costa's La Voie du Tarot. At that time, I was still using a variety of decks, including the RWS, regularly.

I no longer use those illustrated decks nearly as often. I'm exploring why. And while I'm doing that, I'm also putting together some reflections on Flornoy's wonderful reconstruction of the Jean Noblet Tarot.

Decks you don't have to argue with

The use of any oracle raises obvious questions of authority. For me, this is key. To deal a handful of cards and hope to find insight and advice in what, to any external and objective opinion, is a merely random collection of symbols to which an entirely arbitrary set of meanings are attached, begs the question of why we expect insights from a game of chance. Anyone who uses the Tarot half seriously needs to answer this question for themselves.

Now, throughout my fairly long career of using the Tarot, and using esoteric decks, I have found myself arguing with the cards and their creators. Every esoteric deck raises this kind of issue. And perhaps non-esoteric decks do also; for every esoteric author on Tarot from Court de Gébelin forwards has chosen to amend and correct the Tarot and its history. Court de Gébelin decided that ignorant printers had put Le Pendu upside down. In his illustrations, he "fixed" it.

What this means in practice is that esoteric authors on Tarot - and esoteric users of Tarot - tend to argue with the cards.

Arguing with the cards: if I were not a Gemini, I might never have noticed. But I'm an air sign, which in the Golden Dawn tradition makes the suit of Swords my representative. And the RWS and Crowley traditions uniformly treat the Swords negatively. This seemed to jive with neither their numerological or elemental attributions too well. It seemed almost a personal affront. I'm a Swords person. Hooray for Swords!

(Their approach may, however, be following genuine traditions of inherited cartomancy. As such, we should tread cautiously before discarding it!)

Arguing with the cards: it offends modern sensibilities to hear that officials of several churches sought to suppress the Popess and the Pope from the Tarot, for sectarian or pious reasons. So what do most esoteric decks do? All English language esoteric decks I know of seem to suppress the Popess and the Pope, giving them names that strip away some of their lovely ambiguity.

Arguing with the cards: if you are Wiccan or neo-Pagan, you might take issue with some of the Christianizing imagery of the RWS deck, its Ace of Cups with a dove descending from heaven bearing a sacramental wafer marked with a cross. So instead you have paganizing decks like the Robin Wood tarot, a RWS tradition deck by a more recent fantasy illustrator, that removes all that. Somewhat oddly to me, the role of the male Wiccan cleric is given to the Magician rather than the Hierophant, who in the Robin Wood deck remains a Pope of sorts, though drawn unflatteringly. But Robin Wood remakes Judgment, with its traditional image of obviously Christian origin, into a new symbol of symbolic rebirth out of a cauldron.

The awesomeness of ambiguity

And the problem with this sort of remaking, the sort of thing that provokes argument, is that it also strips away ambiguities. And room for multiple interpretations is something that all oracles from Delphi forward have needed.

Compare Robin Wood's Judgment with the traditional image of the angel sounding the trumpet and the earth yielding forth the resurrected dead. This is an unambiguously Christian image, showing that the card is a product of an unambiguously Christian culture. Spiritual rebirth is one meaning it easily encompasses: "The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (I Cor. xv:52)

That's one way of looking at it, informed by background and history. And there's another:

Tuba, mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulchra regionum
Coget omnes ante thronum.

"The trumpet, casting its awesome sound through the tombs of the nations, summons all before the throne" where the dead will face the judgment of God. This is why the card is called Judgment. And in at least some traditional decks, at least one of the resurrected figures meets the prospect of this judgment with terror and panic. You can't get this out of a cauldron of rebirth.

This is why traditional Tarot is better than esoteric Tarot. All esoteric tarot decks begin with an interpretation of traditional images. As such, traditional tarot decks contain all the potential interpretations the esoteric decks make more explicit. And they also contain others that the esoteric decks exclude.

Meeting the Empress's gaze

The Popess remains one of the most enigmatic and intriguing images in the inherited cards. Almost all esoteric decks, following Court de Gébelin's lead, make her the high priestess of the mysteries. Historical speculations link her to the legendary Pope Joan, or a Visconti abbess who was executed for heresy.

The game players who assigned a value to the Popess were apparently not too impressed with her. They assigned her the rank of II, one above the Mountebank. And, though it is politically incorrect to say so in a post-feminist age, the idea of a woman wearing a papal tiara would have raised questions of legitimacy, of the sources of authority, to the people who created the cards. You are reminded of the story of the fisherman and his wife, and the magic fish who raised her to the position of Pope, until she reached too far and wanted to become the equal of God.

All of that gets stripped away when she turns into a High Priestess. Who would question the legitimacy of the priestess of the Mysteries? She wears a crown that is supposed to link her with Isis. The book she holds is changed: in the original, it might just be a symbol of native intelligence in the service of ambition, but here it becomes the scroll of sacred law.

Now meet the gaze of the Empress in Flornoy's Noblet tarot. This woman is no Venus. She does not suggest sexual receptiveness or fertility. This woman is very much an earthly monarch who is not amused. We can use her either as a token for the meanings assigned to this card by an esoteric tradition. But we don't have to.

Using traditional decks is not a matter of being snobs or fundamentalists. It's a matter of being open to multiple possibilities, of not being spoon fed the interpretations of a specific school. It is not austerity; it is liberation.


Interesting. However, I must question you about Faith, aka Popess. What evidence do you have for your assertions on this card? Female allegorical figures are not uncommon in Western European art history.

"It is an undeniable fact that the High Priestess of the Tarots represents Faith."


frelkins said:
"It is an undeniable fact that the High Priestess of the Tarots represents Faith."

I strongly suspect that in the beginning, this was indeed the intent. At some point in the process of transmission, the original depiction of the virtue was misunderstood, and the label "La Papessa" was applied.

The early sermon that gives an order of the cards has her in the expected place, accompanying the Pope. The standard numbering moves her down several ranks.

At some time, back when it was customary to include no titles on the cards, the image was reinterpreted and then demoted.


Thanks for that essay.

I liked your comment about needing to answer the question of authority. That's forefront in my mind now. What I think so far is that ambiguity does foster multiple answers and then it's a question of letting all the possibilities duke it out until I settle upon one. I hadn't thought of it as liberating in quite that way, but maybe that element and inclination to freedom to interpret may be why the Marseille deck appealed to me.

As for your comparison of the Empress and High Priestess, I'm a bit confused. Are you speaking of cards II and III? Or components of the progression of the evolution of the two cards contained in card II? I think my lack of knowledge about the numbering in various decks is showing.

(I finally have gotten motivated to search around for these other Marseille decks online. Very interesting differences in the Empress in the Noblet...she really does look underwhelmed. And the like that trionfi link.)


MaureenH said:
As for your comparison of the Empress and High Priestess, I'm a bit confused. Are you speaking of cards II and III? Or components of the progression of the evolution of the two cards contained in card II? I think my lack of knowledge about the numbering in various decks is showing.

I may need to make that clearer. It isn't so much about comparing those two cards specifically. Rather, it's about showing how the esoteric decks' interpretations of them cut off possibilities.

The Wheel of Fortune might be a better example. At least the Robin Wood deck seems to "get" the central point of the Wheel of Fortune; but the RWS deck, with its images of spiritual progress and cosmic law, seems to turn the card backwards. The wheel of fortune is of course an old allegory that reminds us that whether we are rich and powerful or poor and weak is entirely a matter of blind chance; and reminds us that the mighty can fall. Waite's imagery would have it that good is always on the rise and evil always in decline. Probably the worst card in that deck: the images reverse the meaning.

(Added) Here is the tarot-history page for the Empress, showing the Flornoy reconstruction and the original:

If anything, the reconstructed version seems to have been softened up a bit from the original.

In my mind's ear, I can hear the laughter of Pamela Colman Smith's Empress. And despite her apparent mood, I can hear the laughter of Jean Noblet's Empress. They are not the same laugh at all.


You might not be able to remember what it felt like when you were first learning the cards, but I find myself wanting to place at least some kind of 'meaning' value upon them with the expectation that will shift over time.

It almost looks like the Flornoy reconstruction superimposed a bit of an upward stroke of a smile on the the left side of the mouth, unless my eyes are worse than I think.

I'll have to look for an an online view of the RWS as I'm not familiar with it. What comes to mind, though, is how differently people probably interpret/hear/read emoticons online. Oo. It would be strange to hear Tarot cards with voices! :eek:


When looking at all the RWS cards I think it's important to remember that Pixie was a devout Catholic. This says a lot about the Empress card and all the rest of her deck. For example, notice her crown of 12 stars.

This probably references the Catholic prayer of the same name. It comes from St. John's vision of "A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." Notice that Pixie's Empress is wearing a bright yellow gown and there is a silver/white moon disc underneath her feet. And of course she wears a crown of 12 stars.

This prayer expresses various aspects of the Virgin Mary -- excellence, power & virtue. And the Empress is supposed to bring to mind these feminine aspects of the Mother of God, I think, in Pixie's rendering.

While of course the TdM also comes from a Catholic Europe, it's not so heavy -handed I think in its essence. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Catholicism, but I think Pixie sometimes laid her own beliefs too thickly on her deck. Which of course only reinforces the point of this thread.


My learning process was slightly different. I learned to read a pip card deck (1JJ Swiss) with a RWS based book (Eden Gray's A Complete Guide to the Tarot). As such, I learned to memorize the RWS images, call them to mind when the pip cards appeared, and interpret them that way. I was motivated early on to abstract out a meaning for each number that could apply to each suit: that made the images and meanings easier to recall.

I suspect that other learners' experience may be widely different from mine. Many books seem to suggest that entering into an internal narrative and dialogue with not only the majors and courts, but also with the figures depicted on the illustrated pip cards, is a good way to deepen your appreciation of the Tarot. This may well be; but on the other hand, it binds you even more firmly to a specific deck and the approach its images encode. It also seems to me to equate the majors and minors.

On the other hand, I could probably read a deck with just numbers, suits, and names of trumps printed on them. I have a solid idea of what the corresponding card looks like, in a Marseille deck, in the RWS, and in the 1JJ Swiss as well. This kind of reading would be aesthetically unsatisfying, but would get the job done.

There is a lot of symbolism put into Smith's Empress. I am never sure exactly how much of the symbolism was Smith's idea, and how much is Waite's; when it seems off to me, I blame Waite. These trowelled on symbols, as you note, tend to nail it down to some very specific ideas. Even so, it is a solid depiction of motherhood and female power. So is Noblet's Empress, but that card puts a very different personality and "spin" on it. Both Smith's and Noblet's Empresses are solid depictions of female/maternal power. Both bear the print of strong personalities. But Noblet's, though cruder in artistry, is the more universal of the two, I think, largely because of its relative simplicity.


ihcoyc said:
There is a lot of symbolism put into Smith's Empress. I am never sure exactly how much of the symbolism was Smith's idea, and how much is Waite's; when it seems off to me, I blame Waite..

Well the reports of those who knew him are that he was a cranky dude. He also was a lapsed Catholic before he got into his GD stuff apparently. Pixie being the artist, of course, I grant her the majority of the ideas and symbolism, since Waite seemed to, um, borrow most of his ideas from other people like Levi and Papus, etc. Forgive me, but I just don't think of him as Mr. Original Thinking.

The TdM empress just seems more like a wordly ruler with her eagle and her scepter; she's not the Virgin Mary, that's for sure. :)


Every time I log in here I'm met with things I don't know anything about. :) I like that.

I still want to find examples of Robin Wood deck. What is 1JJ Swiss?
Want to see what the difference is between Flornoy and Fournier decks, if there is one. Want to make an effort to get my spelling correct, too.

ihcoyc, are you using minors with the majors while you explore the TdM? I'm not, but feel like I'm neglecting them as a result even as I try to study one a day. I'm hoping something is being retained in there somewhere. Still, I have enough to work with using just the trumps!

frelkins, that almost-taken-for-granted image is described in a lovely book I have on creating ritual by Gertrud Mueller Nelson To Dance With God. It's from Revelation 12:1-6.

"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Because she was with child, she wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth."

Nelson goes on to describe the dragon that awaited the birth to swallow her son, etc. She asks who this woman is?

"She is the woman of both heaven and earth. She is that powerful, poetic dream-woman who has evolved out of the elemental darkness of the night, out of the earth's fruitfulfness, evolved from Great Mother, to Aphrodite, to Eve."

I can't say I ever personally felt comfortable assigning Mary with the label of virgin, and all the associated implications that carries that are dwarfed by the baby she carried in her womb, but I love Nelson's full description of her that seems to include rather than exclude us from spiritual union with God. Whatever one's notion of that might be. That may be a nod to my own mother's lapsed Catholicism, though. You know what they can take the girl out of the mother, but you can't take the mother out of the girl.

Wondering if the dragon is evident in the Empress card somewhere.