Anyone want to be read?


im so glad it made sense i didnt want to suggest romance but someone definety "did you over"... i could just see that you'd been hurt emotionally in some way.... i actually thought it was possibly a break up but then in a way friends break up too...

be wary....


Phoenix Blu, thank you for offering a reading exchange! I’ll start with the crystals, then give you some Tarot.

First, your crystal layout is here:


Okay…wow…yep, I do see concerns here right away. First, your primary focus seems point blank to be right on your career. There is turbulence there, you are defending yourself, and your laughter stone is off.

What follows your SELF stone carries with you your training and knowledge that has created who you are professionally today, and your primary source of income is lying right against that. There are feelings of “dreams come true” related to this knowledge you’ve learned, and feelings of love. Know that your career and your job stones (yep, they can be two different things if we have 2 different passions or dreams of job fulfillment) are separated far apart. There does seem to be something with a recently closed deal with your job…and this is magnified by a “yes” stone. This is that contract stone I was discussing in the first reading you saw me do…(birth, marriage, death, job contract, mortgage, rent, -- typically anything you have to sign to make it happen).

But what lies just before you is conflict, criticism, change, a feeling of being trapped, and lack of passion. There may also be issues with your transportation at this time as well. Your family is right before you as well, but it’s a little unsteady.
There is a change in geography, and it is not far from your job stone….not sure if the two are related or not. The change is one you get to choose, not one that will be presented to you without choice. Your spirit is low…there seems to be a close friend who is near to you r home….is everything okay? Around the friend is the reversed laughter stone (not happy) and the sense of spirit (loving oneself) is also down. The bliss stone lies right next to the reduced spirit, suggesting a life dream of this friend is the concern.

Okay, your home and property….This does not appear far from your career physically in distance. The two seem close. In your home is health, wellness, and good things, a feeling of happiness.

Your sweetheart stone is reversed or in the “off” position, but you may be looking for love here and there.

You are a seeker when it comes to spirituality. It lise before you, with feelings of love, and it is constantly searching outward for you. This is magnified twice, suggesting you may be active in this role.

There is conflict and lack of forgiveness before you, but it doesn’t show from where.

Your general wellness in your body seem s good. Your health seems good, even if you don’t feel as optimistic as you’d like to feel right now.

There seems to be a change in situations in your life, and also (good news!) … while you are not using your creativity now, that is something that may also change with this shift. There is also a male energy related to this shift in situations…a change with him….organization may feel blocked right now, but that too will change.

Interestingly, when I threw your stones after meditating for you, your “void” stone (shows negative things beside where it lands) and your vacation stone both went flying off the table. Guess there is no vacation happening for you right now? Lol. Help me with that one. I usually don’t read stones that fall but would be interested in hearing your feedback on that one.

I did the Celtic Cross Spread for you, and came up with:

1) "You" -- 9 of Swords (ouch)
2) What crosses you: The Star
3) The foundation of your issue -- 7 of Swords, reversed
4) recent past/what lies before you:--King of Wands
5) What lies over you now -- The Fool
6) What lies before you (immediate future/possible outcome) - Page of Wands
7) Your hopes and fears - Queen of Wands
8) What your environment brings to this situation -- Wheel of Fortune
9) What you need to go through before the final outcome --9 of wands, reversed
10) Final outcome -- 7 of pentacles, reversed.

Okay...let's go!

1) You are having a lot of sleepness nights, my dear! Worries and more worries. Thoughts and logic spinning around in your head. The most difficult of all the swords, your mind is very active with worry right now.

2) what crosses you: The Star. You have hope and faith. You always have hope, a positive attitude, inspiration from within.

3) The foundation of your issue -- 7 of Swords, reversed
Something has come to light. Someone who had been keeping a secret or deception has revealed themself. You've found out what is really going on. Sometimes this card indicates an apology may be forthcoming or due (since your stone showed forgiveness in need, this may not have happened yet). In short, the truth has come out.

4) recent past/what lies before you:--King of Wands
This card has to do with leadership and ambition. This card can represent a father figure who is proud and eager to be of help. It can also mean that there is someone in your life, recent past, that is related to leadership and ambition who is a man of authority.

5) ) What lies over you now -- The Fool
Ah, a new journey for you! A powerful card! This card is about taking risks and jumping into the water, having some trust that things will turn out okay for yourself. what you do with this particular adventure is up to you! You're going to enter the journey with optimism, hope, and the freedom to expore it. A fresh start, a clean slate, a wonderful beginning. This card can also come up when you've completed one project and are about to embark on another.

6) What lies before you (immediate future/possible outcome) - Page of Wands
Oooh, good again! A message for you. Wands often related closely to our jobs and what we create, so this *may* have to do with something new for you related to your work.. The page of wands is an enthusiastic messenger. It could confirm a new job, something positive, and new adventures. Very nice!

7) Your hopes and fears - Queen of Wands
Hmmm...a Queen of Wands and a King of Wands in the same spread. Makes me wonder...could these be your parents?? It may also represent your energy and what you bring...
The Queen of Wands has strong features, action and movement, ambition, growth, and development of any idea or plan. She is honorable and respetable and can be a strong leader in business or at home. Dominant may also describe her presence, and you can sense her in a room. She tends to be kind to animals and children, and enjoys growing or developing anything into something greater. She has an outgoing personality and overall is agreeable and strong.

Weird question here...but looking between the stones and tarot...are you living at home with your parents right now and feeling rather trapped in that condition? I don't even know why I ask, it just popped into my head, but figured I'd ask in order to learn about connecting the two tools here. Or is there something to do with your parents and home and property and a feeling of being stuck, somehow? Trying to figure out if the Tarot and the stones have a relationship here or not.

8) What your environment brings to this situation -- Wheel of Fortune
Taking chances! You're actually entering a lucky period or cycle in your life, though it may be difficult to see because of the troubles you feel you're facing right now. This could be new conditions in your home or business, the possibility of financial improvement, or a change in environment for the better. The laws of chance are in your favor!

9) What you need to go through before the final outcome --9 of wands, reversed
You don't feel prepared to handle adversity. You still have the desire to be of help and protect others, but you can barely take care of yourself at this point. Often when I do readings, this is the point the querant is actually going through, as the outcome is around the bend. This can indicate lack of physical strength and stamina, and you worry you can't see things through. Sometimes health can be impacted with this card reversed. You feel you've been beaten down either mentally or physically, an dyou worry you can't follow through on the difficult tasks you see lying ahead. You need to rest to recouperate, rather than go out and fight the battles again. You could be vulnerable, too weak to fight, or just plain exhausted. Sometimes this card comes up when you feel let down by others or worried about something. Regroup and calm yourself before taking another step (can you say... "meditate"?)

10) Final outcome -- 7 of pentacles, reversed.
Oh, dear. Hard work with little or no profit gained. Ouch. This is a minor arcana card that can be reversed if you use the right energy, so follow-through and careful thought is very important for you. Low economic times can impact us with this card. This card comes up when people are gambling on what they mistakenly think is a sure thing (....reminding you of the FOOL card as what lies before you). Be cautious with your money when this card shows up; it could be a warning that an investment won't pay off as you had hoped. The reward does not seem to have materialized for you.

Perhaps that FOOL card should have more care and take fewer risks in these uneasy times so that you can end up having your time of reward ahead. Remember, nothing is written in stone.

3 more outcome cards: Unfortunately, they are not good cards, but also all minor arcana and they can be reversed if you use good planning.

3 of swords (heartbreak, disappointment)
5 of swords (shady dealings, open dishonor, people taking sides, legal complications, destructive behavior on someone's part)
And 2 of wands, reversed- lacking personal power, others not accepting your authority, someone is failing to take the initiative, you're no longer comfortable gambling or taking risks.

The advice here: Don't be hasty with decisions and gamble with your future. Prepare, research, and plan for a better future results. You CAN change this outcome as they are all minor arcanum cards with reversable energy. Just be nudged now that your decisions must be well planned out...don't be iimpulsive with decisions that may change your situation for the worse if you lose the gamble.

Final suggestions to you from the Oracle Cards:

From The Soul Lessons Deck:
Love your spirit - do you feel misunderstood in your relationship with another? Are you struggling too hard to understand someone? Have you bent over backward to be loving but feel that there's no return flow, which leaves you drained and resentful? Welcome to the world of relationships, the soul's most challenging arena -- and the greatest opportunity to grow. Enter this school with an open heart, knowing that your Higher Self is forever present and loves you completely.
YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE RIGHT NOT is to fully embrace and love your Divine Spirit with the same acceptance and appreciation that your Higher Self has for you.
YOUR SOUL'S LESSON: Practice self-love in ALL your relationships -- the more you love your spirit, the better things will flow for others. Ask yourself what you want from these people that you aren't getting. What are you denying or rejecting in yourself tha tyou want someone else to give you? Most important right now is to ease up on your self-judgement and make up your mind to adore your spirit completely, even iwth all your imperfections. No one can imporove upon self-love. When you cherish yourself, you begin to feel and experience the affection and acceptance of others, but not before.


And from THE ZEN CARD Deck:
THE WAY. Meditate. Love simply. Work with integrity. Become compassion. This is the way.


The Ascended Masters Cards (I love this deck)
This card signifies that it is a very fertile time fo ryou. This is an ideal time for the conception of a baby if you want one (hmmm) or new projects. All of the doors are open to you right now. Your mind is fertile with many wonderful new ideas, and abundance can easily flow to you. Since everything is in its infancy stage, have patience with the growth process. Just nurture yourself and have your projects so that you stay strong and fertile.

Additional meanings for this card: You have the Midas touch, and everything can turn to gold. Let go of worries or guilt and enjoy yourself. Now is a good time to start projects.

Pay attention to your body. Today, think about one thing that your body requires that it didn't need yesterday. Listen, observe, and pay attention to the physical, emotional, mental, and psychological stresses in your body and respond to one of them fully and consciously. Your goal: to pay attention to your body in every way.


and lastly, my favorite deck:

Way of the horse. These tend to show your current energies, as horses live in the now.

36 -- The Twins
The union of opposites, fluidity of consciousness, or mythic reality.
THE GIFT: Embracing the mythic dimension of life is like meeting a wiser, more adventurous twin. Your psyche has a supernatural element fond of improvising on timeless themes, and it can help you make sense of seemingly unexpected or challenging events
THE CHALLENGE: Consciouslness separated from its spiritual roots interprets daily existence as an empty progressoin of chance encournters and meaningless suffering. Learning to move fluidly between multiple states of being is difficult for the modern mind.

10 -- Lightening horse
Flash of Inspiratoin, glimpse of the next level, Unmanifested possibility.
THE GIFT: Inspiration surges like an electric current through your body, flashing hints of clarity to come
THE CHALLENGE: When the imagination stirs, new ideas burst into consiousness, carrying tremendous energy. Yet these brief glimpses of potential can be hard to hang onto, taking significant effort and dedication to manifest.

7 --Lionheart
Protecting without Sacrificing Sensitivity, assertiveness without aggression, and the courage to feel and the willingness to act.
THE GIFT: Humans carry the wisdom of both predator and prey. True empowerment depends on finding a balance between the two.
THE CHALLENGE: Cultivating the strength of your "inner lion" without letting it run amok is tricky. If you don't have enough lion, people will walk all over you, and you'll lack the conviction and focues to follow your dreams. If you have too much lion, you'll lose the sensitivity that nurtures relatoinship and creativity.


In summary, bigh changes lie ahead for you, and this seems to be really wrapped around your career, but resist the urge to act impulsively for the outcome you desire. Use energy, effort, dedication, your mind, and careful planning to reach the wish you dream. Look before you leap.

I wish you a happy future with this change, and the best to you in your new journey/s ahead!

Thank you for letting me do this reading, and I look forward to learning more through your feedback.



If you are still doing readings I was wondering if you could do one for me. Just let me know what you want back in exchange.
I usually do weekly readings for myself just to warm up my deck and the past few weeks it's been telling me I am going to find love soon. I've also been going to random tarot sites that generates the cards for you and they say the same.

However, I was hoping I could get someone other then randomly generated cards or myself to tell me. The thing is, I tend to read into the cards and read what I want. My predictions have been right before for others things. But I am also twenty-one and never been in a relationship, so basically I look for signs of a relationship every where. Last year I thought a guy liked me a lot when it turned out he didn't, he actually didn't like me at all. He was being overly nice because he is like that with people he doesn't like, because he doesn't want to be mean. So that's what I mean by how I keep seeing love everywhere and lately I've been seeing it a lot more! Especially with just for fun readings.
I read your readings and you give very in depth readings. Would you be able to help be out with this? I don't want to get my hopes up about love for no reason.


More feedback

birdsong123 said:
Oracle cards that are drawn to give wisdom to you are:

From Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose Oracle Cards:

"Don't Push the Envelope."
Do you feel pressured, impatient, and ready for the next step to get to the future you dream of? Are you eager for Higher Direction and wish that the Universe wuld get going on your schedule because it's too slow for you? Are you waiting expectantly for things to get better? If so, relax, because the future begins now.

Yes, something is most definately pushing me to make changes, to forge ahead and to seek out a 'higher' purpose in my life. I had to laugh when I read this, I am all too often guilty of being impatient at the universes time schedule. SO much has happened, so much is in flux and I do want to make the most of every day but sometimes its seems to be more about me stopping pulling against the leash! ;)

birdsong123 said:
Your SOUL'S PURPOSE right now is to fully embrace your creative power in the moment and stop your brain from making you crazy. Stop believing that today is less important, less exciting, or less attractive than the elusive future. The present lays the groundwork for the days to come, and only by completely grasping it can you set the stage to bright new opportunities.

Sage words and a message which has been repeatedly pushed under my nose - I agree this is important for me to learn.

birdsong123 said:
YOUR SOUL'S LESSON: Turn off your brain's "emergency valve" and focus on what is now. Listen to your Higher Self, not oyur fears, and know that lal lthings unfold in perfect harmony. Just let your inner teacher direct you today to your desired outcome tomorrow. Stop pushing the Universe to work faster for you -- you have all the time in the world to achieve what you want when you heed your inner voice. Time spent following your fears is time wasted, so enjoy the rewards and peace of this moment."

I will, I think the dog and I have a lot in common and when I stop straining at the leash so will he! It is difficult sometimes when a great deal of inner change takes place, I expect that insight or shift to occur the next day too and when it doesn't I wonder what I am doing wrong when it has nothing to do with right or wrong but all to do with peace, faith and acceptance.


dear birdsong123

dear birdsong 123,

you sound like you have been very busy giving very indepth readings, but i was wondering if you might consider to give me one. i would be happy to exchange a combination tarot reading/i-ching reading for one of your crystal readings.

i find i am very intuitive and water-based, so i find crystal energies very important when i am trying to heal a part of myself, because they provide a missing element... but i am not very knowlegable in that modality

last fall a good friend of mine betrayed me for a lover. then this past week my other best friend confessed that she had done the same thing last spring, and i think she might still be continuing in her betrayals of herself and others....

i am re-evaluating my friendships and thinking to let go of ALL these people but it feels both very devastating to my heart and very necessary...

their names are spencer, margaret and andie. spencer i was closest to-- so i feel most hurt by him. margaret i have great difficulty in forgiving for she was my confidante and very ruthless in her selfishness. andie i forgave initially because i did not know the extent of her betrayal. now i am re-evaluating all of this because i do not choose to live in a free-love commune that lacks both honesty and respect!

please let me know if you can help me...

many thanks. this situation has been very draining for me emotionally and spiritually and i have been very judgemental of myself for my inability to forgive. for it seems i am the only one who has a moral compass, and so compared to my so-called friends, i seem harsh.

i look forward to hearing back from you.




Hi birdsong,

I am very impressed with your reading! I like your combination of the crystals, runes and tarot. It is very in-depth and looks very accurate.

I realize you said only two readings; I just wanted to ask if I could get in line if you are going to be doing any more. :)

I am a beginner, so I can provide either detailed feedback or a reading which will not be as in-depth as yours, but which would be practice for me, so it would be up to you.

I understand if you were only doing two readings and if you have no time to do more.

Thank you!


birdsong123 said:
The ZEN CARD that comes up for you (this tends to come up when people feel they are being wronged):

WISDOM: Treat everyone and everything with loving compassion. When you see no difference between the sacred and the profane, the saint or the sinner, that is the ultimate wisdom.

Now this surprises me. Loving compassion, unconditional possitive regard and empathy are core principles of counselling which I try to develop in myself. I do have one issue of forgiveness/being wronged which pertains to my parents. This is being actively worked on on many levels and much progress has been made but perhaps the Zen card is right and I am still feeling wronged deep down. I never did get anything like an appology from my Father, this does seem to be a key point which perhaps needs more work on my part with loving compassion towards him.

birdsong123 said:

SALMON: Determination. You know where you are going and you will get there.

The DOLPHIN, reversed: Lack of playfullness. You are not taking time to play.

The WOLF: Guardian. You are safe and protected at all times.

This makes perfect sense and confirms another message which has been hammered home recently. I have Medicine cards which I refer to occasionally. Last week I accidentally pulled two together (usually I only pull one) which were porcupine and wolf then dolphin the next day. Play, finding the fun in life, whilst being determined and driven can be difficult but seems to be a theme which I need to address. I often feel that play is wrong somehow, that I need to get work done or out of the way first and of course, there is always a vast amount of work to be done. But all work and no play makes Jill a very dull girl so point taken.

birdsong123 said:
And from one of my favorite decks: WISDOM OF THE HORSE:

POINT OF VIEW, reversed - blocked feelings or upset in discernment, constructive comparison, or grounded ambition. THE CHALLENGE: Healthy cynicism questions the self before others. Uncovering your true motivatoins, false assumptions, and hollow ambitions requires courage and compassion. THE GIFT: Discernment is the champion of authenticity and fulfillment

Questioning the self before others is vital, not as a constant self critisism which undermines our self esteem but as a way to learn and grow and thereby help others. Blocked feelings may be relevant.

birdsong123 said:
Transcendence, dissociation, surviving or thriving?
The Challenge: Sometimes dissociating from sensation and emotion is more about surviving than thriving. Habitually "floating above" uncomfortable situations can lead to disempoerments. THE GIFT: The ability to transcend normal awareness allows you to integrate paradox and to access innovative states of mind.

This literally (as in transcending normal awareness, trance, journeying) is deeply important to me and what I have been working on for some time but lately with more committment. Yes, very pertinent.

birdsong123 said:
Sudden shift, clearing and releasing, fuel for transformation.
THE CHALLENGE: It's no small task to stay present during intense outbursts of power -- whether human or divintely inspired. Be ready to face areas of resistance that have grown into a volatile source of fuel for the fire. THE GIFT: Whether by choice or circumstance, tremendous energy is available to burn through an y blocks to a wider view.

It certainly is, the last few months have seen an incredible shift of both power and awareness which in some ways, stems from facing areas of resistance, outmoded concepts, old blockages etc. This work continues to amaze me.


birdsong123 said:
and finally, as I was shuffling the Ascended Masters oracle deck for you, two cards jumped out, so I used these.

1) Paravatti - Postiive Change: Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you. These are positive developments signaling your spiritual growth. Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, sa they're pushing you to make necessary and positive changes. You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone as multiple arease of your life shift and flux, yet the universe always stands ready to support you with whatever you ask for. Let go and enjoy this ride, because it truly is for the best.

Definately, all aspects of this resonate and feel right. I do feel out of my depth with some of the new things entering my life but supported too odd as that sounds. I have definately out-grown many situations, groups and activities that once held such sway in my life. I used to dedicate hours every day to making reproduction corsetry and clothing, going to Victorian fairs etc but I do think that was escapism for me. Now that I no longer need to escape from my life, I no longer require the trappings of that escapism. There are more groups and activities etc but you get the picture.

birdsong123 said:
2) White Tara - Purification. Something involved with the situation needs purifying. This could be a signal to purify your motives and intentions so they're purely about service and not about fear or competition. It could mean a purificatoin of your body and diet. Or it could simply mean adjusting your life so that all of your actoins are in integrity with your true beliefs. White Tara will support and assist this purification, ensuring that it's a harmonious process that brings great blessings to you and others.

Other meanings for this card: Put your whole focus into "How may I serve?" instead of "What might I get out of this?" and everything will go better. Affirm lovin gthoughts about yourself and others. Avoid chemicals and toxins. Avoid any behaviors that lead you into feelings of guilt or shame, as these lower your self-esteem. Leave situations that are out of integrity with your true beliefs.

Yes, purification of body and diet - this relates back to the crystal reading about the body issues. The odd glass of wine is ok but I can tend to overdo it now and again - not drunk but it dulls the senses, I can't journey and am not receptive to information. I sleep like a block of lead and remember no dreams (which are important to me). Discerning the reasons for drinking and when it is not appropriate are things that I need to work on. Rather than having a 'treat' of a glass of wine twice a week, I need to stop using the glass of wine as a reward and release it to be an enjoyable drink when the time is right which would be less rigid. What do I get out of this? I don't know, its an old remnant of dealing with stress. It is changing though.

birdsong123 said:
I asked a few brief Tarot cards to come up before "the big reading," and hoped it would clarify your sweetheart situation, as that is the hardest one for me to read without immediate feedback from you. I got:

8 of pentacles (working to build something)
The hanged man (Stagnancy; situation not changing)
and the Ace of swords(new ideas, new directions)
and Strength, reversed: a fear that is getting to you. You feel out of control/ be careful that discord and confusion don't result. Strength card reversed can also indicate fear of overwhelming passoins or intense emotions leading to uncontrolled action. You might be paying too much attention to the material r physcical side of life or you might lack the courage to face a problem.

Yes, I am definately working to build something for the future and the new ideas and directions is true too but the hanged man seems to refer to how I perceive things (pushing too hard) rather than working at the right pace. Strength rev again seems to deal with me not being in control, worrying that I am not doing enough etc Lacking courage is also part of trying new things - what if it doesn't work? What if they laugh at me? All these things I am working to get over and with success but the fear is sometimes still there in the background.


Last leg . . .

birdsong123 said:

I'll attach a rune reading here, too. Better for me to do it before I get any feedback from you.

I threw down the 13 witch's runes for you, and what came up was the


and off to the side, the scythe

and on top, romance

MOON/HARVEST combination are an excellent combination. You will feel many of the obstacles that have held you back being lifted, or you may find yourself turning your life around. Your best projects will continue to expand and bear fruit. This brings up the possibility of pregnancy, too! If that is not what you want, be careful!

Yes, and I have helped to lift many of those self inflicted obstacles too. My life bears little resemblance to how it was 5 years ago. I see others refected in myself and see the wholeness of everything more clearly now. Pregnancy is a non-option in the literal sense (had that sorted years ago!!!) but pregnancy of a different sort, giving birth to the new - that makes sense.

birdsong123 said:
MOON/STAR combinatoin: this represents speculation, the realizatoin of dreams, goals, and long-range plans. The moon and stars light up the night skies, symbolic of the dreams that are clearly visible, but also beyond our grasp. At the current time, you will be given a direction, a way in which to achieve your dreams. But you need to look at this as the beginning and not the ned. There is more work up ahead. To stay the course will not be easy, since you may experience many distractions and diversions along the way. You can look at it in this light: The sky is opening up fo ryou. It's important tha tyou not allow this time of positive growth to slip thorugh your fingers without taking advantage of the opportunities. You can expect to stumble upon a lucrative idea, a breakthorugh that leads you in the right direction. Others may experience unexpected blesssings. For some, there will be a parting of ways or a separation.

Yes, I do see this as a beginning, I know something deep is happening and it is a partnership on several levels. I grasp opportunities now instead of procrastinating. Life unfolds in strange ways sometimes but always its for the greater good.

birdsong123 said:
HARVEST/STAR combination: A good word is coming. Perhaps there will be a decision in your favor. This is an extremely fortunate rune selection threfore, you can expect to see many of your dreams and visions bear fruit at this time. Some will be awarded payment or compensation, while others will be able to recover favrorable opportunities or experieneces they may have missed in the past. The star up ahead is a dream coming into fruition. You can expect to be singled out in a most positive way.

Sounds good, I hope so, it will mean a lot to start working positively for the benefit of others. I thought I had been singled out for something special but what it really seems to have done/meant is to bring some aspect which were lacking into sharp focus and stir me to move forward in a positive way. Perhaps there is more on that score to come??

birdsong123 said:
ROMANCE: The Romance Rune brings on the smoky light and slow burn of attraction and erotic love. A stone of extremes, it represents magnetism on many levels. Something begins here, where there is a charge, a leap, a conception. Here, desire is a divine power not meant to be overcome. It should be embraced. In essence, this rune stands for sharing whatyou have,the ultimate give and take. The Romance Rune also symbolizes the leaping dance of creation, "to spark," meaning to initiate a relationshipo or to start a new phase. The ROMANCE stone can also have more practical applications. Some can expect becoming involved in atriangle, where you act as a go-between. There may even be sneaky, clandesting events surrounding friends and coworkers. The Romance Rune also turns up where there is a surge of power related to your question or issue at hand. "Your inquiry has deep and foreboding implicatoins, put away childish needs and demands. Things are serious now." Usually this rune indicates a good omen. It lends strength and passion to works-in-progress and projects just beginning. When drawing this stone, you can look forward to a sudden turn of events that sets you on a different path. Watch out for a sweeping away of the old, and perhaps even a crisis or a scare that brings new angles to old ways of doing things and perhaps a startling revelation.

Sometimes this rune presents itself in readings where there is a craving for power, or a craving to be "filled." Likewise, you may feel a need to merge or form some other greater alliance with another person or ideal. Now is the time to take that bold step and embrace a new direction that is somehow related to your innermost passions. All life-transforming events begin with a risk. Just make sure you step back in time, so you may be dazzled by the fireworks but not get burned. This rune can also indicate an extremely powerful bond between two people that is not necessarily sexual.

This sounds intriguing in many ways I can see several correlations here both in the material and the spiritual.

birdsong123 said:
SCYTHE: always a warning, this rune suggests you should use caution concerning the matter you are now concerned about. Once thought to be a bad omen implying danger, the SCYTHE simply represents a passage in your life when things will change dramatically and this is not always bad. The cutting away of something that frees you from bondage and eventual sorrow. Of course, this can represent painful life changes, such as the breakup of a marriage, moving out of a safe but dysfunctional relationship or environment. This rune suggests NOT taking unwarranted risks (an oppositional energy to the rune reading above, suggesting you're sitting on the fence about an issue: "should I stay or should I go?"

Jealousy or bad blood can be a factor with this rune, or the possibility of being cut off from something you feel is absolutely vital. Keep in mind, what is past has now passed away. There is no more room for regrets.

Thanks for helping me out my allowing me to do this reading. I look forward to your feedback.

This is interesting, I can't ever see a marriage breakup but sitting on the fence may fit. Not getting on with things etc. Perhaps a sweeping change is necessary to cut away all the old rubbish. When we move house, that often what we do, we keep the good and disguard the no longer useful or the outdated. This is something we will have to get started on soon if we want to make this change. Though it will be a big step for us, I do feel that it is necessary.

birdsong123 - your reading, as you can see, is spot on, in virtually all areas. The issue of forgiveness which you so kindly expounded upon is possibly one which is complex. It involves my husband and my father but could also mean the balanced way that hubby and I have of working with oneanother and forgiveness is part of that on both sides in any successful marriage I believe.

I don't think there is anything that you haven't covered, each area confirmed what I needed to know or had already been told but was being hammered home.

Thankyou for confirming that my path does indeed seem to fit well with my own take on matters. Sometimes we can't see the wood for the trees!

I'm very glad that I didn't ask a specific question - this open reading was exactly what was needed at exactly the right time.

I will PM you.

Kind regards and grateful thanks



Milfoil said:
Now this surprises me. Loving compassion, unconditional possitive regard and empathy are core principles of counselling which I try to develop in myself. I do have one issue of forgiveness/being wronged which pertains to my parents. This is being actively worked on on many levels and much progress has been made but perhaps the Zen card is right and I am still feeling wronged deep down. I never did get anything like an appology from my Father, this does seem to be a key point which perhaps needs more work on my part with loving compassion towards him.

This is so must be my cards. I only got these a week ago, and in 3 readings, this card has come up 3 times for fathers who have done their daughters wrong. (You know how things happen in 3's???).

I think yours may have just completed a three-cycle. Wow. Again, I stand in awe of the Universe. I hope you get the apology you deserve.
Thank you for all the wonderful feedback you are providing. i am learning much from it.

Gentle love,
