Hypnotic Divination


I didn't really know what to call this thread. I think Hypnotic Divination will do.
I am a hypnotist, as is my husband and both of my parents are master hypnotists..- so we have a lot of resources to try things out and reach out for interesting experiences. My dad got into Ultra-Height hypnosis and started taking me on journeys to contact my higher self and my spirit guides. This was really an amazing opening of a door in my life. I met my spirit guide in a very deep transe, and it was like coming in contact with someone I hadn't seen in many, many years. I knew him immediately, without question or hesitation. I could ask him questions and get answers on topics relating to my life and the lives of others, even people I hadn't met. But he isn't the only one I communicated with. Out there in the astral I came in contact with a sphere. Others have asked me, my dad included, if this was where the akashic record was kept. To there mild disappointment, I never experienced it like the akashic is described. ( But then, I did not have a preconceived idea that it would be that way- so it didn't appear to me as such.) There is no hall where I go, no written information, just knowledge without language that is outside of my mind. There are answers for everything that I ask and there are special spiritual elements sent from the sphere out to other souls when they need assistance. I have been amazed myself at the answers and the aid that I've gotten from this place, and from my guide as well. Now, without the help of a hypnotist, I put myself in transe and go where I need to to ask the questions that are being posed. (either to my guide or to Hynodia- the sphere.) I used to second guess myself a lot, but now I am very comfortable with this kind of reading.

Sometimes, when asked, we help other people with their connections to spirit guides, or whatever it is that they wish to connect with. It's amazing to see what readings and connections can do for people sometimes. It's such an interesting and great form of reading that came about really organicly and I wonder about others out there who do it as well.


I've been looking into hypnosis as of late. One reason is to treat an anxiety disorder I've had for almost 20 years, which includes phobias and panic attacks. I've also been wondering if hypnosis is something I could do in order to help people like me.

However, I don't know anyone that uses hypnosis nor can I find one in my area that doesn't charge $100 an hour, which seems completely unreasonable to me. :D I say this because standard talk therapy is the same range and requires a whole lot more schooling than hypnosis. Also, insurance helps to cover standard therapies but the medical community has not yet caught up to more unconventional treatments. And being on a fixed income, I simply cannot afford such a bill. :(

I've been very curious as to how it works and what it can be used for. I'm also very interested in how one can use hypnosis to explore past lives and spirit guides, as it seems you do.

Thank you for your post. It's nice to know that it does in fact work and you may have just cemented it for me that this is an area I should study more as a possible career for me. I think the timing of your post is quite serendipitous.

May I ask how you learned hypnosis, was it through your family? I've found a school by me, that I can't afford, but also some distance course teachings that are more affordable that allow you to take the certification test once you've completed the program, by the IHA. By law, one really needs no certification to practice but I'm thinking of doing the distance learning anyway. In the meantime, I've been to the library, slowly going through every book I can find on the matter.

I'd be very interested to hear more. :D


that sounds intresting, what else have you used hypnosis for? and been able to "fix" with it if you know what i mean, like theres all these claims hypnosis can make u quit smoking,make u lose weight, be more outgoing and so forth


I also appreciate your post and look forward to reading more.


Sinduction said:
I've been looking into hypnosis as of late. One reason is to treat an anxiety disorder I've had for almost 20 years, which includes phobias and panic attacks. I've also been wondering if hypnosis is something I could do in order to help people like me.
I think I can help you here.

Sinduction said:
However, I don't know anyone that uses hypnosis nor can I find one in my area that doesn't charge $100 an hour, which seems completely unreasonable to me.
It does to me too, but they are just trying to pay their bill if it's there only source of income, and most of them don't book appointments back to back because they aren't mainstream. Then again some of 'em are probably just plain old GREEDY. Tee hee. Not me. I'm just plain old cheap, and I like to help people.

Sinduction said:
May I ask how you learned hypnosis, was it through your family?
Yes, I did. I was a test/ party subject for my dad when I was 7 years old. It was always a part of my life. I followed from the times when he and my mom started doing training courses and ceritfications, master classes, and the like until they both got to be extremely knowledgeable on the subject. When they learned something, they taught it to me. Though, once you have the knowledge down, what KIND of hypnotist you are really depends a lot on your style.

Sinduction said:
By law, one really needs no certification to practice but I'm thinking of doing the distance learning anyway.
So true. Which is why I never bothered paying someone $800 to certify me. But I already had the education part and didn't need the piece of paper part. I think you could very sufficiently teach yourself. I'll get together some helpful materials to post for you and anyone else interested.

I have been able to quash my own phobia of snakes with hypnosis. My husband TODAY passed an ultra, mega hard test with flying colors by using self hypnosis.

There is a place where belief and hypnosis overlap that is a very powerful place to be. When you believe in yourself, your abilities, the world around you to bring you what you need and trancing can get you to that level of belief, I really think there is nothing you can't achieve.

I'll write more later, my husband is standing over my shoulder waiting for the computer. tee hee.

I like talking with you all about this.


Would you be able to say that your hypnotic state allows you to access different dimensions ?
I want you to know I ask the question from state of sheer ignorance about hypnosis. I would like to learn as well.


I've always been interested in Hypnosis too. I've tried contacting mine with meditation but I can't clear my mind, I get distracted. I start getting there but then I start to think about other things and then I get out of it. I could meditate when I was younger. My counselor taught me how after my dad died. It was easy then, but now with all the distractions and stress in my life it's harder.
It's interesting reading about your story though. There are a lot of people who think it doesn't work. My friend is one, she is a major skeptic about God too because she has a science mind. I'd love for her to try it sometime.


Yes, memries. For the spiritual/trance hypnosis I believe I am experiencing and working in the Astral, (I don't usually refer to it as a different dimensionm, but yes, it it is the whole of the world of the spirit and mind.)

Ashla86 said:
I've always been interested in Hypnosis too. I've tried contacting mine with meditation but I can't clear my mind, I get distracted. I start getting there but then I start to think about other things and then I get out of it. I could meditate when I was younger. My counselor taught me how after my dad died. It was easy then, but now with all the distractions and stress in my life it's harder.
It's interesting reading about your story though. There are a lot of people who think it doesn't work. My friend is one, she is a major skeptic about God too because she has a science mind. I'd love for her to try it sometime.
It can be difficult the first time, It may take a few tries and it helps to have a guide.
My dad, with all of his knowledge on hypnosis, had this problem for a while, though it seems funny, because of all of the other people he helped with the very same thing. He just couldn't sill his mind and connect. But my husband served as his guide through the process and helped him get there. Now he's off and running. Reaching new heights all the time. My huband also consulted his own spirit guides as to how he could help my dad get there and it worked.
:) Now we're All floating around the Astral. And you will be too. :) teehee

If your friend believes it won't work, then it won't work for her (unless she changes her mind.) The scientific mind is very analytical and won't allow suggestion to pass through the gate into the subconscious. If she can't open the gate of her mind, nothing will be able to get in and effect positive change. All hypnosis must be allowed, because it is YOUR mind, after all, and nobody else has any power over your mind. Receptivity is key. (But I hope she can change her mind, too.)



I would LOVE to be trained on this. Are there any pointers to get started?
Thanks in advance!

Ww :)


Yes, please tell us more!

This would take you deeper into the subliminal state than, say, crystal gazing? It sounds very effective. I know that hypnosis is effective for other things. An old friend of mine smoked for 35 years, and quit with no stress or withdrawals through hypnosis.

I'm one of these people who lives hand-to-mouth and never got to explore being hypnotised by someone else due to lack of funds/insurance. But I'd love to learn as much as possible. :D