FSC - Group 3 - MDR ~ franniee ~ Ellirhyn


Hi Guys,

Here we are:
ModerndayRuth read for Franniee
Franniee read for Ellirhyn
Ellirhyn read for Moderndayruth

our spread is: Tree Spread


1.) This card will show you how to lift yourself spiritually.

2.) This card will show you what is the star in YOUR life that is guiding you towards something great.

3.) This card is representative of the light in your life.

4.) The gifts beneath the tree are representative of God's gift to us. So this card will show you a special gift in your life that you need to be thankful for.

5.) This card will show what you need to give of yourself to others.

Looks good to me! :D



Hi Franniee and Ellirhyn!!! I am so absolutely happy and excited to be partnered with you, guys! :D :love:
Franniee, dear, if its ok with you, i would do my reading for you this weekend. :)


I am cool MDR! Whatever you want! :heart:


Hi guys,

I am sorry I haven't gotten to this. I will do it on monday. :)

Have a great weekend!


Hey dear! I am late too - life happened, (but you know that already ;)) i had to for submit stuff for the magazine and Faeries don't like to be rushed...
Nothing burning here either, no worries! :heart:


For Ellirhyn

Tree Spread


1.) This card will show you how to lift yourself spiritually. Laiste, Moon's Daughter

2.) This card will show you what is the star in YOUR life that is guiding you towards something great. Nelys the Alchemyst

3.) This card is representative of the light in your life. Geeeoooo the Sloooow

4.) The gifts beneath the tree are representative of God's gift to us. So this card will show you a special gift in your life that you need to be thankful for. Death

5.) This card will show what you need to give of yourself to others. Taitin the Sylph

OH look at these lovely faeries!

The gift for you beneath the tree this year will be an end and a liberation. What is it that you have been trying to be rid of? What is it that has popped up lately that you realize has bringing you down? I feel that you have been down for a while now. You try and buoy yourself up with this or that but the underlying mood is low.... You are also quite set in your ways and this is adding to your anxiety and ultimately your unhappiness.

These fae are coming out to remind you of who you are. What your inherent gifts are. You have been running around here and there burning the candle at both ends and waiting for this or that rather impatiently. It is really time for you to take stock in who you are. You aren't that same person you think you are. You are more!!

The message I see from Laiste is "Don't take yourself or life too seriously!" - she is also telling you to lighten up. She is full of whimsy and spirit and deep down so are you. The light that you seek is within you. Reminds me of that mary poppins scene where they laugh and laugh and fly higher and higher and don't come down until they begin to think of sad thoughts..... laugh!!! It will bring you up! Use your creativity - what brings a smile to your face - treat yourself and live in the moment. Enjoy! Use your senses. :) The star in your life clearly is your mind and intuition.... Your power to create and to change what it is that needs to be changed. You have a strength and power within you. You possess the magic! Use it! I do feel that you take it for granted or better yet forget what you have but Nelys is here - saying HELLO! :laugh: Take the wand in your hand and exact the change that you need to.

You have gotten lost in the chase and the hustle and bustle but it's time to stop and rest and ground yourself. You need to rethink your plan - you aren't getting where you want to on the path you are on.... make a new plan - stop and see what it is that you are doing inefficiently and modify. I know this is goofy but you should take a mud bath! He looks so cozy in his surroundings! Or at least do a mud facial. ;) At the very least stop and live in the moment for a day or so. Regroup. Have patience - all will come to you in time. You are the one with the wand! ;)

It's really time for you to be flexible and agile and roll with the punches. Taitin is telling you to flutter a bit, smile and shine and be more flexible. Go with the flow - swimming upstream is only good for salmon....it is better to work with the energy rather than against it. This is what will end with you - this is what you will be liberated from. You will succeed in your goals if you use your intuitive powers to work with the energy.

I hope this reading resonates. Happy Holidays E! :heart: Thanks for letting me read for you!


ModerndayRuth read for Franniee

Hi dear! Here is my Faery reading for you. :)
franniee said:
our spread is: Tree Spread


1.) This card will show you how to lift yourself spiritually.

2 Ekstasis

This Singer is about joy, pure and simple. You are a positive, proactive and spiritually fulfilled person and being who you are is an example to others. You do what you love, you are great at it and you are respected and admired - your work, i mean reading Tarot and Oracles and teaching others to read - is your main spiritual 'endeavor' so to say and that is the way, as i see it, in which you lift your own 'frequency' and those of others.

2.) This card will show you what is the star in YOUR life that is guiding you towards something great.

63 Indi

I have somewhat personal interpretation of Indi - to me the two planets she holds in her hands are representing the natural gravitation and attraction that things and beings that belong together - feel for each other.
I had it often coming out for my work and i think that here too, the honest and open Indi is referring to your vocation - you know astrology, you are great in plenty of other Spiritual and Occult disciplines and i am sure that your very interest are your own, personal way to greatness.

3.) This card is representative of the light in your life.

36 Spirit Dancer

Again, one of the Faeries i have very personal connection to - Spirit Dancer to me is all about freedom, personal freedom and freedom of expression; she looks to me as if she is dancing, she is moving to the right, to the future not so much by logic of steel and business plans - but by following her own inner voice and by dancing to the music that maybe not everyone hears as per yet...
As they say, altruist by chance gets where opportunist doesn't arrive nevertheless all the calculation and manipulation. (That's a very freely interpreted saying from my language. ;)
Of course - this is not to dismiss the importance of strategy in business, but my point was that you don't go primary motivated by profit - you do what you love and you are also blessed to have the possibility to make a living out of your vocation.

4.) The gifts beneath the tree are representative of God's gift to us. So this card will show you a special gift in your life that you need to be thankful for.

32 Iris of the Rainbows

"And God said to Noah: I will make a covenant with you. Never again will all men die because of a flood. This is my token to remind you of my promise. I will set a rainbow in the sky." Genesis 9:11-17
Iris holds a rainbow in her hand, to me this is one of the most powerful symbols in existence; among its many meanings are the purity of soul - which you are blessed with, angelic influences that are present in your life, and the rainbow is also the symbol of peace, the inner peace that you achieved and that is manifesting as the peace with all that surrounds you.

5.) This card will show what you need to give of yourself to others.

17 Himslef

I feel honored to have Himself in this reading, in my experience, he doesn't choose that often to come out personally in the readings...
Fran, i believe that you are a channel for the Light of the Creator - what is of yourself is the effort and good will, but what you give to others exceeds your self and ascends high up the source of all love and wisdom.

I enjoyed reading for you, hope there is something for you in this reading :heart:


WOW MDR That was beautiful! You are far too kind! Seriously!

moderndayruth said:
1.) This card will show you how to lift yourself spiritually.
2 Ekstasis

This Singer is about joy, pure and simple. You are a positive, proactive and spiritually fulfilled person and being who you are is an example to others. You do what you love, you are great at it and you are respected and admired - your work, i mean reading Tarot and Oracles and teaching others to read - is your main spiritual 'endeavor' so to say and that is the way, as i see it, in which you lift your own 'frequency' and those of others.

I do enjoy reading and helping others. I do try to be positive - I do not always succeed and when I go dark it isn't pretty }) but my natural tendency is to see the light in the darkness.

moderndayruth said:
2.) This card will show you what is the star in YOUR life that is guiding you towards something great.
63 Indi

I have somewhat personal interpretation of Indi - to me the two planets she holds in her hands are representing the natural gravitation and attraction that things and beings that belong together - feel for each other.
I had it often coming out for my work and i think that here too, the honest and open Indi is referring to your vocation - you know astrology, you are great in plenty of other Spiritual and Occult disciplines and i am sure that your very interest are your own, personal way to greatness.

3.) This card is representative of the light in your life.

36 Spirit Dancer

Again, one of the Faeries i have very personal connection to - Spirit Dancer to me is all about freedom, personal freedom and freedom of expression; she looks to me as if she is dancing, she is moving to the right, to the future not so much by logic of steel and business plans - but by following her own inner voice and by dancing to the music that maybe not everyone hears as per yet...
As they say, altruist by chance gets where opportunist doesn't arrive nevertheless all the calculation and manipulation. (That's a very freely interpreted saying from my language. ;)
Of course - this is not to dismiss the importance of strategy in business, but my point was that you don't go primary motivated by profit - you do what you love and you are also blessed to have the possibility to make a living out of your vocation.

I am not making a living. :( I am doing what I enjoy and I definitely follow the beat of a different drummer. ;) I wish I could make a proper living - you are right that profit is not a motivation but it would be nice! :love: Or at least to hold my own! Money seems to be a sore spot. A mainstream job would be the answer to a lot of my woes but it wouldn't make my heart sing. Alas!

moderndayruth said:
4.) The gifts beneath the tree are representative of God's gift to us. So this card will show you a special gift in your life that you need to be thankful for.

32 Iris of the Rainbows

"And God said to Noah: I will make a covenant with you. Never again will all men die because of a flood. This is my token to remind you of my promise. I will set a rainbow in the sky." Genesis 9:11-17
Iris holds a rainbow in her hand, to me this is one of the most powerful symbols in existence; among its many meanings are the purity of soul - which you are blessed with, angelic influences that are present in your life, and the rainbow is also the symbol of peace, the inner peace that you achieved and that is manifesting as the peace with all that surrounds you.

That is beautiful MDR! :heart: I love that passage about the rainbow! I try and see rainbows! I am still working on inner peace. :) I know there are forces around me - angels and guides and all sorts of positive forces. I know they are around all of us.

moderndayruth said:
5.) This card will show what you need to give of yourself to others.

17 Himslef

I feel honored to have Himself in this reading, in my experience, he doesn't choose that often to come out personally in the readings...
Fran, i believe that you are a channel for the Light of the Creator - what is of yourself is the effort and good will, but what you give to others exceeds your self and ascends high up the source of all love and wisdom.

I hope I can achieve all that you see of me. That was most kind! Thank you MDR! :love:


Thanks for the reading, franniee,
I have a question though, were any of those cards reversed by chance? I always read reversals so I can see if energy is blocked in a certain area or not. I have to sit and think about this before I give feedback.

To Moderndayruth: I will get your reading done ASAP, thanks for being patient with me! I have not forgotten you!


ellirhyn said:
To Moderndayruth: I will get your reading done ASAP, thanks for being patient with me! I have not forgotten you!
Oh ots ok ellirhyn - no problem at all - just something i'd ask you, i don't read reversals with this oracle, so i'd ask you in your reading for me not to do them. Thank you.