PDR Reading -- The Full Moon Spread


I am behind on my readings for my PDR. It was a Full Moon tonight and I saw this spread and thought I would give it a try.

The Full Moon Spread

1.- What can be seen with clarity, so bright that can even blind you.
Knight of Wands – The Fire of Fire card, talk about your burning bright. I am in the midst of change that is revolutionary and finally I feel that I am growing into the confidence that I have long needed. It is a great time for me and I think that there are many in my life that are able to see what it happening and it is a good thing.

2.- What gets completed. What closes a cycle.
Queen of Cups -- Honestly this card has been practically stalking me and I am not sure why. Water of Water, I wonder if there is any contrast to the Fire of Fire in the Knight of Wands card? I have been moving away from a standing where my emotions have ruled and held a lot of sway over me and my life. Yet I have always connected with this card in a lot of way with the empathic and intuitive nature of the card.

3.- What begins to fade away, to darken, to abandon you... or what needs to be.

Six of Cups – the Lord of Pleasure. Again another water card and I like this card because it is gives us such a good time in a sense. I have found that I am working more and careful to watch how much I am just playing and not being productive. Maybe I need to watch may desire for pleasure for pleasure sake. I am not a hedonist by any stretch of the imagination but there is a hint that I do need to be more responsible.

0.- Yourself. Shadow card, from the base of the deck.
7 of Cups – The Lord of Illusory Success. I think that this may be one of my least favorite cards in the Thoth Tarot. It is just an emotional mess and shows that there is a slime and gunked up state. I draw this card on days when my team is going to lose. This shows when I am going to be in a foul and cranky mood. And I get it when I am just so wrapped up in my own little life.

So my shadow side? Sure but I guess it shows that I need to let the Pleasure and the quest for my own watery happiness fade away to maybe dry up and deal with some of my Shadow Side issues.



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I think you answered your own question on why the Queen of Cups may be 'stalking' you. I am more and more amazed at my own intuitive ....um... insights, and I think you're discovering the same thing. Knowing the role your emotions play in your daily life, having the ability to harness that energy and send it in the right direction(if that makes any sense).

Wouldn't fire/fire evaporate or reduce some of that water/water? The energy from the Knight(wands) is modifying some of the energy from the Queen(cups). 'course, I'm not that swift with the courts yet, so I may just be talking out the side of my head....:rolleyes:

Now, bring that Knight energy down to the shadow and let him take a shot at modification there....although, I think we all need some 'wasted time' of pleasure, just thrown in for balance for all the responsibility.

I really love this spread and its New Moon sister.